Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 496 The shape of war

"Yes, I understand--"

Amosta's merciless words did not embarrass Remus, he said calmly.

It was not that Remus had not considered these issues. With Albus and Amosta at Hogwarts, it would be difficult for him to have any conspiracy to get close to Harry. However, this did not mean that he would be willing to do so. Just sit back and watch.

James and Lily, Peter, Sirius and himself, a few friends from Hogwarts back then, the only ones who are still alive now are himself and Sirius, and Harry, the child of James and Lily, is their The only descendant these men had, Remus still wanted to do something for him.

"The Ministry of Magic issued a statement that the group that attacked the World Cup was just a group of foreign dark wizards, and you and Albus also remained silent on this. However, Sirius and I both know that Amosta, Harry's The dream has explained many problems."

Facing Amosta's gaze, Remus said calmly,

"He is planning to murder Harry and has already taken action. Although this action was foiled by you, maybe the next action will be tomorrow. In short, he will try his best to kill Harry and then continue his cruel behavior. Rule, I can't know all this and do nothing. I stay in Hogsmeade, so I can at least pay attention to some movements."

Remus has his own ideas, and he can act according to his own will, but Amosta still hopes that his actions will be more valuable.

"You plan to open a business in Hogsmeade using the joke products developed by those two naughty little guys. While paying attention to the movements around Hogwarts, you can respond at any time and take care of your life. There is no problem at all. Remus, I I can help you say hello to some people in the Ministry of Magic and get this store on the right track as soon as possible. However, this kind of passive waiting can really have a limited effect. I have some ideas that need someone to implement. I have thought about it seriously. , you are a suitable candidate."

Amosta said calmly,

"Of course, you can refuse, Remus. I have no right to give orders to anyone except Filch."

"If you want me to join some department of the Ministry of Magic, I don't think it's very likely-"

Similar to Amosta or Albus, their wisdom and power are incomprehensible to ordinary people. Remus could see that what Amosta was going to say might be very important and could play a decisive role in the future. , after hesitating for a moment, Remus said softly.

"Of course it's not this—"

Amosta pursed her lips slightly.

"This matter is relatively complicated and needs to be divided into many stages. This is the first step. I hope you can spend some time to help me conduct market research."

"Market research?"

Remus immediately raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, while Sirius, who was contemplating whether to enter the Ministry of Magic on the other side, raised his head in time and looked at Amosta with wide eyes.

"You heard it right, it's market research -" Amosta nodded. He didn't try to be pretentious anymore and said directly,

"I hope you can spend some time to conduct a more careful market research on some supplies that all residents of the magical world cannot live without in their daily lives. After this step is completed, you still need to find out which companies and workshops The people behind the production of these things and the companies and workshops.”

Sirius and Remus looked at each other, wondering what Amosta was planning.

"But what does this have to do with dealing with Voldemort?"

Remus was still thinking about the deep meaning behind Amosta's proposal, and Sirius, who had an eager personality, asked directly. However, this time Amosta did not give a clear answer, and just said lightly,

"You have experienced the war years, Sirius. I think you must understand that war and duel are completely different. A duel is just the victory or defeat of two people, while war is a comprehensive confrontation. It exists in many forms, and military confrontation is just one of them. one."

Not only was Sirius confused, but even Remus couldn't understand what Amosta wanted to express.

The social system of the magical world is relatively primitive, and Amosta does not expect that Remus and Sirius, who have lived in the magical world since childhood and are indifferent to Muggle society, can understand his intentions, but this step must be done, if Remus Mus was unwilling to do it, so he had no choice but to go into battle himself.

"Investigating the actual controllers behind the companies and workshops that produce daily necessities for people in the magical world is not very dangerous, but it requires being well-informed and flexible. Remus, I think you have this ability."

Remus opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Indeed, as a werewolf, in order to survive, he has been struggling in the magical world for more than ten years, and has come into contact with everyone from all walks of life. He is indeed more suitable for this job than Sirius, who has been in Azkaban for ten years. ,only.

"You think this is important, Amosta?"

Remus frowned.

"Dumbledore has his own plan to deal with Voldemort, and I also have my own ideas. What I just told you is a very important part of my plan."

Amosta said calmly.

As mentioned before, his plan needs to be implemented in many stages. At present, Remus is expected to implement only the most basic part, and things will become more complicated after that, and it can even be said to shake the stability and foundation of the magic world. It is not an exaggeration, and this is why Amosta clearly knew from Cacus Foley that on the night of the Quidditch final, the chaos caused by the masked wizard brought by Lucius Malfoy, Part of the reason why he still chose to forgive him was that he needed help from the Malfoy family for this plan.

The dull raindrops made a crackling sound as they hit the glass window sash, and a chill gradually seeped up from the rain-soaked mud floor.

While deep in thought, Remus, who was in the weak stage after his transformation, felt a little uncomfortable. He stopped thinking, wrapped himself in his robe tightly, and poured himself a cup of hot water from the teapot on the table.


Amosta stood up and snapped his fingers, and a strong flame suddenly ignited in the extinguished fireplace. The flame quickly dried the moisture in the air, making people feel warm.

"You two can think about it carefully, you don't have to reply to me right away--"

Amosta did not sit down again. He rushed straight to the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder from an open pocket on the shelf above, and looked at it in the palm of his hand.

In the magical world, wizards who can apparate only account for a small group. Most wizard families travel together and there are not many ways to choose from. Using floo powder is undoubtedly an important way for wizards to travel.

Amosta threw the floo powder into the fireplace, waited until the flames turned green, then turned around and said,

"I won't have lunch here. I need to rush to London and then take the bus back to Hogwarts. There are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with there. If you have made a decision, send an owl to deliver a letter to me. Come, I will arrange the next thing."

As he spoke, Amosta stepped into the fireplace and disappeared in a burst of rapidly rotating flames.

"It feels like working for the Order of the Phoenix again—"

Sirius muttered as he watched the flames quickly return to normal.

"Amosta is probably planning to do this -" Remus rubbed his hair and said slowly, "He is probably planning to form a new organization."

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