Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 473 Dumbledore, come here

Toussaint is a wealthy country.

Not only in terms of material conditions, but also spiritually.

If I had to pick a country that would satisfy all witchers, it would be here.

The people here would hardly speak dirty words to the witchers, and would even treat them kindly and politely.

Nothing is more fitting for a witcher.

But Vesemir almost never set foot in this country, until today.

Just like many demon hunters, and even many men, if you have a strong, handsome body and an agile mind, you will naturally become a suave person.

He also had many stories with many women.

Among them was the Countess of Toussaint.

They fell in love at first sight and then fell in love.

But the ending was not that good. Even in a country like Toussaint, the love between a demon hunter and a noble was not an acceptable thing.

Vesemir was having a tryst with the Countess that day.

His brother suddenly came to catch someone. Vesemir is a demon hunter, so of course he will not be caught so easily.

This became a knot, and Vesemir never had a lasting relationship in the decades since.

Time always heals everything.

Vesemir has been living in the countess's house since he came to the Principality of Toussaint. Not only did he miss him, the countess also missed him, and she always kept the clothes he was in a panic and didn't wear.

With the help of the countess, Geralt and Yennefer's wedding went more smoothly.

They prepared the venue and the costumes.

Ciri was the maid of honor and Harry was the best man.

The wedding was very simple, not a big scene, just a group of the most intimate friends, the witchers, the sorceresses, Dandelion and the others, and of course there were always some demi-human creatures.

Under the flower gate intertwined with white roses and pink hydrangeas.

Vesemir looked solemn.

"Geralt of Rivia, are you willing to marry the lady in front of you? For poorer, richer, in sickness and in health."

Geralt nodded and said softly: "Yes, I do."

"Yennefer of Vengerberg, will you marry the man before you? For poorer, for richer, in sickness and in health."

Yennefer also nodded: "Yes, I do."

"Actually, we've always been like this, haven't we?"

Most of the people present had no wedding experience. They regarded this as a grand party, and started making noise after the bride and groom took their oaths.

Harry lit fireworks and brought the atmosphere to a climax.

Hermione held the wine glass and watched this scene longingly.

The future should be more lively than this.

In another world, Hogwarts.

The time has come to September 1st unconsciously.

Professor McGonagall's face turned dark. She sat on a chair and stared at Dumbledore in front of her: "Albus, Harry is not back yet!"

Dumbledore whispered: "Minerva, don't worry so much."

Mag gritted his teeth: "I'm not worried about him, but the Sorting Hat is in his hands!"

"How should we be sorted tonight?"

Dumbledore was startled and pursed his lips: "That's just a hat. Isn't the real Sorting Hat still in this world?"

Mag calmed down and said expressionlessly: "You mean that motorcycle?"

Dumbledore said nothing.

Mag continued: "That motorcycle that just came out of Antarctica, crossed the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, and caused unrest in several countries?"

"Of course it is." Dumbledore nodded with some difficulty.

Mag laughed, with a bright smile: "So tonight at the school dinner, I'm going to push a motorcycle and let the little wizards wear that kind of thing on their heads?"

"Why not ride on the bike?" Dumbledore asked cautiously.

Mag's face suddenly turned cold: "What do you think?"

Dumbledore spread his hands: "But we have no other choice."

"Tonight, please ask Principal Dumbledore to hold the sorting ceremony in person." McGonagall stood up and spoke calmly, with an unusual determination that could not be refuted.

Dumbledore was helpless: "But I haven't done this for a long time."

Mag smiled coldly, stood up and left.

Wait until evening.

The Hogwarts Express arrived and students entered the castle one after another.

At the Gryffindor table, Neville, who had recovered his health, looked over his head: "Where are Harry and Hermione?"

"I didn't see them on the train just now. I sent them a lot of letters this summer, but they didn't reply to me."

He was eager.

During this summer vacation, grandma urged her to invite Harry and Hermione many times. They not only changed their grandson, but also the Longbottom family.

Revenge with your own hands, what a beautiful word.

It's a pity that I have never been able to contact him.

Ron shook his head: "I heard them say that they seemed to be attending Geralt's wedding."

"Maybe he hasn't come back yet."

Neville sighed: "Okay, then wait until they come back."

His eyes turned to the teacher's chair.

Professor McGonagall's position is empty - this is normal, the annual sorting ceremony is organized by Professor McGonagall.

But Professor Dumbledore's seat is also vacant.

Some students were already discussing in whispers why they couldn't see Dumbledore.

Fortunately, the expressions of several professors were very relaxed, and they were even looking forward to something, so the little wizards did not think about bad things.


Professor McGonagall led the little wizards in.

But everyone felt a little strange, always felt a little inconsistent, like something was missing.

Sorting Hat!

Soon the little wizard discovered that the tall triangular stool was missing, as was the old but amiable hat.

Just when they were still wondering, there was a bang, and the door of the deputy hall opened. Dumbledore flew in from the outside on a motorcycle and stopped in front of the teacher's desk.

A few fresh leaves fell together.

Dumbledore got out of the car: "Ah ha, what a novel experience."

The little wizards looked at each other.

They finally knew what the look of anticipation on the professors' faces was about.

This way of appearing

"For some reason, our Sorting Hat's body cannot come over." Dumbledore said softly, "Although this is a motorcycle, it is also a Sorting Hat."

The headlights flashed.

The Sorting Hat said hello loudly: "Hello new semester, little wizards of Hogwarts. It makes me so happy to see you again."

It took a deep breath, shook its headlight, and sang happily.

This summer vacation, I had a lot of fun going out with Sirius, but he never forgot about singing.

The students at Hogwarts were relieved.

Although a motorcycle is somewhat unacceptable.

But the soul of the Sorting Hat is still the hat.

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