"Professor Snape," Harry said.

But I haven't had time to say anything yet.

Snape immediately interrupted: "Shut up, Potter."

"Twenty points will be deducted from Gryffindor for contradicting the professor!"

"Don't promote your Gryffindor shortcomings here and jump out to be heroes? But apart from the Imperius Curse, what else do you know?"

"You know how to cast a spell?"

"Do you know how to control people's hearts?"

"Do you know the rules for casting the Imperius Curse?"

"Know nothing, Potter. You don't need to tell me, I know that your mind is empty and you know nothing."

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Dumbledore: "Including Albus, you too, don't laugh. I admit that you know a lot about dark magic, but you know nothing about the Imperius Curse."

"In this world, the person who mastered the Imperius Curse best is Voldemort, and the best group of people are the Death Eaters."

"As far as I know, Grindelwald doesn't seem to have used the Imperius Curse?"

"Professional matters should be left to professionals."

Snape took out his wand, his own.

Harry looked over.

Birch, snake's nerve, thirteen and one-half inches.

This is a wand that is completely different from Snape's temperament, and can even be said to be the opposite.

Ollivander rarely uses birch wood for his wands.

In his self-published book, he also mentioned the reasons.

Of course, birch and white birch are two completely different materials.

Umbridge used birch, a material that Ollivander evaluated as mediocre, with little talent, and difficult to adapt to a normal young wizard.

However, white birch has received a completely different and quite lofty evaluation from birch.

The reason why Ollivander did not choose this material is not because it is not easy to use, but because it is too special - unlike elder, which symbolizes death, and English oak, which symbolizes rebirth, birch is a kind of wood that simultaneously symbolizes life and life. Dead wood, divine beauty.

It is rare for a wizard to possess both of these qualities.

And Professor Snape holds a birch wand.

Neither sacred nor beautiful.

"Out of body." Before Harry could say anything else, Snape raised his wand and almost couldn't wait to recite the spell.

On the ground, Caranthir's body trembled, and his eyes became confused.

Snape's wand exuded an unusually evil aura.

Even the shadow he cast on the wall was slightly skewed, with an irregular and prickly blur.

Spell after spell was cast.

Snape completed the final touches on the Imperius Curse.

"From now on, you will obey Harry Potter's orders completely." He spoke and ordered.

Caranthil's voice was dazed: "Yes."

Geralt couldn't help but shuddered: "What a terrible magic."

Snape glanced at him and put away his wand.

"Are you and Yennefer going back with me?" Harry invited him.

Geralt was silent for a while, then shook his head: "I think Ye should be more willing to stay here."

"Even if you don't look for traces of Ciri, that thing on your head is still a very troublesome thing."

He paused briefly: "Harry, you are now a very reliable witcher."

"We still have a lot to deal with with the Wild Hunt, and that Voldemort."

"Go find Xiri and bring her here. With her here, we can go back at any time, and we can go back to the right time, right?"

Harry waved his wand and stuffed Caranthir into his pocket.

"Potter, I have to remind you." After Harry and Geralt finished speaking, Snape added, "No magic lasts forever."

"I don't understand the difference between the Wild Hunt and wizards, or hemp, or ordinary people."

"I'm not sure when the Imperius Curse will take effect, but with your skills in brain defense and Legilimency, it shouldn't be difficult to tell whether he has tried to break through the control of the Imperius Curse."

"If you find it, don't take any chances and come back to me to consolidate the magic."

Harry looked at him.

Snape glared back unceremoniously.

"Thank you, Professor Snape." Harry said softly.

Snape frowned and tilted his head back: "Don't say such slimy, slug-like disgusting things, Potter. Ten points from Gryffindor because you disgust me."

Harry smiled at them.

After talking some more with Geralt, he left the principal's office.

Even if there is no confirmation that Voldemort's Horcrux is in the hands of the Wild Hunt. Now that Caranthir is captured, Harry has to go back no matter what, find Ciri, and then protect her in Hogwarts, which is much safer than Ciri running away alone.

Gryffindor common room.

As lively as ever.

Neville is no longer the Neville he was before. Although he is not handsome enough, he has a strong figure. Since killing Bellatrix with his own hands, his personality has become much more cheerful. The number of girls who favor her has not changed, but in Neville is very popular among the younger students.

Who can resist a good senior who is as gentle and secure as a big bear, and can ask questions anytime, anywhere, and even copy homework?

Harry walked in and waved to Hermione, Ron, and Neville.

They were stunned and walked out of the lounge.

The little lions did not dare to stop Neville. A group of people held parchments and watched Neville go away with regret.

Tower rooftop.

Harry persuaded several young couples on a date to leave, waved his wand, checked to make sure there was no one else or animagus on the rooftop, and cast a spell to seal the entrance to the rooftop.

"So cautious?" Ron looked back and saw the gold thread on the ground.

It is exactly the same spell that Dumbledore cast on the Goblet of Fire during the Triwizard Tournament.

"I might have to take a long vacation." Harry said softly, looking at Hermione.

Hermione's heart skipped a beat: "Long vacation?"

"Where are you going again?"

Harry simply explained: "The Wild Hunt went out tonight and attacked Mr. Scamander. He is fine. But we are very lucky and captured a Wild Hunt navigator. I may go to that world next."

"Looking for the ancient blood?" Hermione asked.

Harry nodded.

Hermione took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and hesitated again and again, but still did not make a request to go together.

"I'm going alone this time," Harry said, waving his wand.

The Sword of Gryffindor came out of the Sorting Hat and fell into Neville's hand.

Neville was a little confused and looked at him doubtfully.

"Neville, Crouch, and Barty Crouch Jr. are at Hogwarts." Harry looked into his eyes.

Neville exerted his strength and tightened his grip on the sword hilt: "When can I kill him?"

"Be patient for a while longer." Harry said in a gentle tone, "While I am away, I will leave the Sword of Gryffindor to you. If something unexpected happens and Crouch escapes from the shackles, he will be handed over to you."

Neville nodded and replied calmly: "Of course, I will."

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