It is difficult for this group of werewolves to end well.

Not to mention how to characterize this gathering, the death toll of nearly fifty made the Ministry of Magic tremble with fear.

Scrimgeour had the Aurors examine them carefully to determine the cause of the werewolves' deaths.

The result made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Not a single werewolf died from a spell.

He was not worried that the Ministry of Magic would judge Harry, not to mention that he was the Minister of Magic now, even if he was not, no one would dare to raise such an issue.

The only problem is that if Harry did something, he, the Minister of Magic, would have a headache, how should he explain to the Ministry of Magic and the wizards.

Fortunately not.

It's easy to explain myself.

Scrimgeour invited Rita Skeeter, a female reporter who used to be famous for gossip news, and now she has transformed into a "righteous person" who speaks out for ordinary wizards. Most wizards naturally accept this. This change, Scrimgeour is a minority, he is not very able to adapt to this change of identity of Rita.

Not to mention, she was dressed as always, looking like "I'm a gossip paparazzi" written all over her body.

Reporters from the Daily Prophet were also invited.

Scrimgeour allowed them to photograph the dead, the wounded, and every werewolf, and did not limit their reporting, so long as Mr Potter was not mentioned.

Wait until Monday.

The wizarding world was rocked by two pieces of news.

One of them was the Werewolf Gathering, which killed more than 50 people and injured more than 200 people. The wizards didn't feel anything about it. Those who died were werewolves, and those who were injured were also werewolves.

It's just that there are so many of them.

It made many wizards worry.

They always thought that there were very few werewolves around them, maybe ten or twenty in the whole of Great Britain, and some people even naively thought that there were only two werewolves, one was Fenrir Greyback and the other was Remus Lupine .

But today's newspaper told them that there are at least two hundred werewolves in Great Britain.

Hogwarts does not necessarily have two hundred people in a year.

Such a huge number shocked them.

But soon, the panic was dispelled by the second news.

Potions isn't a mass magazine that nobody subscribes to except Potionists—it doesn't run funny stories like Transfiguration Today, or tips on how to use Transfiguration spells at home, or "Spell Innovation" will involve a lot of daily spells.

Potions is a very magical, but also very boring subject.

There are only complex potion formulas, introductions to medicinal properties, and some obscure communications from professionals in the magazine.

Most wizards have almost zero need for potions. They only need to know that they can use fresh water for injuries, and go to St. Mungo's for injuries that they can't heal.

Even many young potionists who have just graduated from Hogwarts do not know that there is such a magazine-Snape is not a qualified professor, he has an extracurricular club like other professors, but his requirements are very high. Gao, very few students can join his club.

It's a club, and it's different from the relaxed and cheerful atmosphere of other professors. Snape's club is after-school tutoring, students hand in their homework, and he comes to criticize and find fault.

He will not act as a life mentor like other professors.

Just today, such a magazine that almost no one cares about suddenly broke into the public's field of vision.

Mr. Potter has developed a potion that can cure wolf disease!

Because of the first news, the wizards, who were panicked, bought this magazine and studied the potion treatises whose titles they might not even be able to understand.

What if we figured it out?

If you are bitten, you'd better make preparations earlier.

Those werewolves who did not attend the rally and were not captured by the Ministry of Magic also bought magazines.

Most of them couldn't understand it, so a bunch of people raised money and invited the potion master from Diagon Alley to help them.

Potion ingredients are not too complicated.

There are also no prohibited, restricted materials.

The cooking process is not complicated.

The only thing that surprised the werewolves was an ingredient in the potion formula - "tears that a lover sheds for herself".

This makes it difficult for many werewolves, who themselves are not accepted by society.

Not to mention lovers, there are very few friends.

Not to mention the kind of lover who will cry for himself.

Of course, although such werewolves are rare, they are not without.

Just as November was about to pass, apart from the cases published in the magazine, after Remus Lupine successfully cured "lupine disease", there was another new case of being cured.

It was a werewolf who worked in the Weasley Brothers joke shop.

His daily job is to be in charge of sanitation and cleaning.

Those who are familiar with him know his identity. Every full moon will disappear, and when the full moon is over, he will come back pale and weak.

But on November 25th, another full moon.

He can still be seen at the Weasley Brothers joke shop.

Someone panicked and asked George and Fred for news. Did they forget the time? Today is the full moon. Would it be too dangerous to let a werewolf stay here?

until evening.

This werewolf appeared in the Leaky Cauldron. With this month's salary, he treated everyone in the bar to a glass of butterbeer to celebrate his life finally returning to normal. From today onwards, he is not a werewolf, but a Normal normal human being.

That night, he was very drunk.

Lying on the body of Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, crying about his grievances over the past few decades.

People have the greatest sympathy for their kind.

29th, Hogwarts.

In the principal's office.

Dumbledore flipped through the Daily Prophet, and said with emotion, "Harry, love is indeed the greatest magic in the world."

Harry nodded perfunctorily: "Albus, you have said it many times, tonight, this is the fifth time."

"Did you call me here just to watch you read the newspaper?"

Dumbledore shook his head, put down the newspaper, and said softly, "Of course not, it's something else. Have you heard of Sir Merlin?"

Harry nodded.

He has never seen it with his own eyes, but he has seen it many times in books.

Legend has it that "Sir Merlin" was formed by the legendary wizard Merlin. Of course, this is just a legend.

As the most legendary wizard and also known as the most powerful wizard ever, everyone wanted to have something to do with Merlin—when the most hated headmaster of the Black family was in office, it was even rumored that Merlin Rumors of having studied at Hogwarts Slytherin House.

But this is impossible, Merlin is older than Hogwarts, he existed in 500 AD, and Hogwarts was founded in 900 AD.

However, it cannot be ruled out that Merlin, who is rumored to have mastered the time and is suspected of being a disguised Magus, disguised himself as a child to enter the school.

A little Calvin, I'll find the status

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