Yorkshire is the brightest pearl in Great Britain.

The people of Great Britain are still not used to this pearl being divided into five parts. The name of North Yorkshire is still the swamp and wasteland decades ago.

The light of civilization once bloomed here.

Wizards, magical creatures, and demi-human races have all lived here, but without exception, except for those magical animals that prefer swampy terrain, they all abandoned this place, and ordinary people eroded here, turning the land of Great Britain. Habitable land is occupied.

This is probably one of the most habitable patches of soil in Great Britain.

The scenery is beautiful and the climate is peaceful.

Tonks is a restless little girl, dragging Lupine around and wandering around - of course, according to her, this is of course not carrying out the fine traditions of the Ministry of Magic, fishing with pay, but investigating the environment in advance to prevent what is the problem.

She swears by it.

But the places I go to every day are York Minster, Castle Howard, and even the Railway Museum.

Lupine didn't think werewolves would appear in these locations.

The twenty-fifth is coming soon.

Early in the morning, Lupine took the potion with breakfast - these are the advantages of Snape and Harry's research on this potion, it doesn't need to be taken a week in advance like Wolfsbane Potion, as long as it is taken on the first day of the full moon Take it for one day, and the potion will take effect in the body until the full moon period passes.

"Tonks." When the last drop of potion fell down his throat and into his stomach, Lupine looked serious, "I have to remind you again."

Tonks nodded and snapped his fingers: "I know, they are werewolves."

"Maybe they're not as smart or powerful as you, but they're werewolves, so you can't be touched by them, and you have to avoid getting hurt."

Lupine said nothing.

Tonks worked hard to suppress his hair color back to the most ordinary brown-blonde, and his facial features became ordinary, he didn't look like Tonks at all.

She conjures up a mirror and mutters, "That doesn't look cool at all."

"But it's safe." Lupine nodded with satisfaction.

With a wave of the magic wand, he took out some cosmetics from his pocket and applied them skillfully on his face.

Thicken the eyebrows, raise the nose, and deepen the nasolabial folds

Tonks couldn't help laughing: "Remus, you look so funny."

"It's like one of those...well, salesmen chasing after me to sell Comet flying brooms."

Lupine was serious: "So ma'am, would you like a hand?"

"It's the lady, not the lady." Tonks emphasized seriously with a straight face. I am far from the age of a lady, or the family environment that should be called a lady.

They leave the hotel.

The werewolves chose the meeting place deep in the swamp, in a small, almost abandoned village that had existed since the Middle Ages.

Lead by hand.

They don't verify their identities either - the Ministry of Magic is in a state of distress, and there aren't any serious wizards willing to hang out with werewolves on a day like this.

Transformed when the moon was full, the werewolf relatives did not recognize him.

In case of being bitten, this life will be over.

Lupine and Tonks were the first group of people. From noon to evening, more than 200 people came one after another.

"There are so many werewolves in Great Britain?" Tonks huddled beside Lupin and lowered his voice, but her little surprise made her end sound a little sharp.

Lupine sullenly said, "It's not just the werewolves of Great Britain."

Tonks nodded.

"But not all werewolves from Great Britain came." Lupine paused for a moment, with a complicated tone, "In fact, the country with the most werewolves in Europe is Great Britain, and there are a total of 284 werewolves registered."


Tonks was naive, but after all, he had worked in the Ministry of Magic for several years and knew exactly what Lupine meant.

"Werewolf" is a kind of identity that is not very visible. As an outstanding graduate of Lupine Hogwarts, with this word, you will have to spend the first half of your life in a rough and difficult way—if you don't meet a few good friends , a good principal, a good dean, and a good nephew, his situation and life will only be more difficult.

Not every werewolf wants to be registered with the Ministry of Magic.

There are more than 200 werewolves registered, which means that there are more than 200 or even more werewolves that have not been registered.

This number is huge, so huge that Tonks' heart trembled when he learned about this number for the first time.

"Most of this must be due to Fenrir Greyback." Lupine smiled softly. "Harry is very good and solved a big problem for us."

Tonks didn't speak, but grabbed Lupine's sleeve nervously.

The werewolves talked a lot.

Some people stared nervously at the sky. It was evening, and it would be dark soon, and the moon was about to rise.

A man in a tattered robe came out of the crowd, holding an old wand with the core almost exposed in his hand, he waved it awkwardly and muttered something.

The clod in front of him vibrated slightly, trying to change shape.

But the magic power was too weak, the spells were not proficient enough, and even the wand was not a good wand. He was so anxious, but nothing happened.

Until he opened his mouth to ask the people around him for help.

Several people pulled out their wands together, with difficulty and reluctance, and transformed into a flat and raised platform.

Tonks suppressed a smile: "Their level of spellcasting is so low."

"I'm a different kind." Lupine said softly, "I'm the only one who has studied in such an excellent school as Hogwarts."

"Most werewolves haven't even attended the magic spell cram school, not to mention the formal magic school."

They're no different than Squibs, neither of which can properly cast a proper spell.

The man walked up, cleared his throat, raised his wand, pointed it at his throat, hesitated again and again, but still did not dare to cast the spell with a loud voice: "Friends, I am very glad that you can come, um, accept our invitation, today we are here A gathering of people abandoned by wizards."

He was working very hard to learn the appearance of Cornelius Fudge, the Dark Lord, and Scrimgeour in his memory, and wanted to be as impassioned as they were, and give an inspiring speech.

But dry and dry, without any emotion that can be said to be moving.

"Why did you call us here?" a man interrupted impatiently.

"If this continues, the moon will come out later!"

When the moon comes out, they will become werewolves.

Werewolves and werewolves don't attack each other, but the problem is that after transformation, they lose their minds and can't talk about communication.

They came here not to listen to such nonsense.

Werewolves travel, very troublesome.

They don't have advanced magic, they don't know how to apparate, and they don't have a respectable status in the wizarding world. Even most of them, in the world of ordinary people, don't have a relatively decent status. They are very poor.

A trip to a long distance requires a lot of energy and economic costs.

They didn't pay so much and work so hard to listen to this kind of nonsense that fools people and has no level of quality.

The man's expression froze, and he coughed dryly: "Then I'll try to keep it simple."

"My master, the great Dark Lord, has researched a potion that will turn us back into normal humans."

The chaotic noise of the crowd stopped abruptly.

Lupine and Tonks looked at the man on stage in disbelief.

What did they hear?

A potion to cure wolves?

How can it be

Tonks couldn't believe it, Lupine thought of Snape's face—although in some ways, he was indeed grateful to Snape, but at this moment, his first reaction was that Snape stole him and Harry's achievement, obsequiously dedicated to his master.

"The You-Know-Who has fallen and was killed by Potter!" a man shouted loudly, and he didn't believe this man's nonsense even more than Lupine and Tonks.

The man was ashamed and raised his wand: "The master is not dead yet!"

He wanted to recite the Cruciatus Curse handsomely like Barty Crouch Jr., but after thinking about it in his head and making the movements, he realized that he didn't even know what the Cruciatus spell was.

"Master will come back sooner or later!"

The werewolves were chattering, and few of them believed his words, and those who did didn't take it seriously.

So what if you can come back?

It was nothing more than being killed by Mr. Potter again.

"Has the potion really been developed?" Still without Lupine asking, another person asked.

The man nodded: "Of course."

"Is there a sample? Or, has anyone been cured by that potion?" The man continued to doubt, "Mr. Potter doesn't seem to have any research results."

The man took out a bottle of potion from his arms, squatted down, and placed it carefully in front of him.

"Of course, this is the sample."

"The potion that can cure wolf disease was researched by my great master, the most supreme Dark Lord."

"As for the cure."

"This potion will only take effect when the moon is full, which is why I called everyone together today."

He reached out and unscrewed the cork.

"This is a bottle of potion that does not need to be taken. Before the full moon rises, ignite the potion, and we will completely get rid of the troubles caused by wolf disease in a ceremony."

As he spoke, he glanced at the sky, only a small wisp of the setting sun remained, and the moon was about to rise.

He took out the match, struck it, and threw it into the potion bottle - he didn't know the Fire Charm, which was only learned in the upper grades at Hogwarts.

With a groaning sound, the scarlet flames blazed up, shining on the man's face, like an oil painting eroded by time, illusory and worn out.

Tonks sniffed and his expression changed: "Remus, is it my illusion?"

"I seem to smell nepeta and dragon's blood."

Lupine frowned: "I'm afraid it's not your illusion."

"There are skydiving, leech juice"

"These ingredients have never been used in the formula Harry researched."

"That's probably not a potion for werewolves."

Several materials they can smell have the effect of excitement or hallucinations.

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