August passed without incident.

Snape would occasionally come to Godric's Hollow to meet Harry, but he wouldn't set foot in Potter's old house, it made him uncomfortable.

The research and development of the medicine to relieve wolf disease has completely fallen into a trough.

The researched potion finally showed the same effect as wolf poison potion. It can keep werewolves rational on a full moon night, shorten the time to become a werewolf, and even make werewolves who take the potion bite others. It will spread the wolf disease, but the essential problem still hasn't been solved.

A werewolf is still a werewolf.

Undaunted, Lupine marveled at how good Harry, and by the way, Snape was.

As expected of a genius, to be able to research a potion of this level.

But Snape was uncomfortable, and even after Lupine awkwardly thanked him, he felt that the hairy guy was trying to make fun of him.

The youngest master of potions, this time is very uncomfortable.

Voldemort is dead.

But he didn't completely relax. Barty Crouch Jr. contacted him more and more, but he was always careful, hiding his position, and refused to reveal to Snape what he was going to do, but unfortunately, He was keen to instruct Snape to do some things, let him prepare Wolfsbane Potion, let him prepare some Galleons.

Even, in the latest letter, Snape was asked to take the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

Snape had always wanted to be in this teaching position.

But. He couldn't figure out why Crouch would think so.

end of august.

Harry and the others went to Diagon Alley to buy things needed for the new semester, new robes, new textbooks, and new school supplies.

The famous Mr. Porter was treated most cordially.

Almost every store gave a discount that could be said to be free, and it was so generous that even Lihen Bookstore asked with concern, is it enough to buy only one set of textbooks? Do you want three sets? One set for class, one set for note taking, and one set for collection?

Some wizards approached Harry, hoping to reach a cooperation with him.

In front of the ice cream shop.

A wizard, with a sincere look, held a stack of beautiful leaflets in his hand: "Mr. Potter, do you really think about it?"

"Our Quick Smith Curse Training Course is a cram school for those wizards who are squibs and did not study hard in school. It takes half a month, only half a month, to be able to master the house cleaning spell proficiently. Can reach Auror level!"

"There are really a lot of squibs and wizards who came to sign up!"

Speaking of this, he lowered his voice: "We pay 10 galleons for every half a month, and there are more than 100 people who have signed up now!"

"Mr. Potter, you only need to put your name on it, and we can give you 80% of the proceeds."

"You don't have to do anything."

"As long as you allow us to print your photo on our leaflets and allow us to use your name, we can get more than 800 Galleons every half a month, more than 800!"

Ron's eyes were straightened, ready to move.

There is no need to do anything, and half a month will take more than 800 Galleons for nothing, which is golden and can kill people.

Harry shook his head: "No, I refuse, and I don't want to say it a third time."

He took out his wand, tapped it, and placed it lightly on the table.

The sorcerer shrank his neck and left unwillingly, stepping back and forth.

"Harry, that's eight hundred Galleons." Ron snapped his fingers, "That's more than our family can spend in a lifetime."

"Don't underestimate the Weasleys," Hermione retorted. "At least George and Fred have spent thousands of Galleons."

Ron pursed his lips.

"And that's obviously a liar," Hermione continued, picking up the leaflet that the wizard had left on the table.

Ron tilted his head, a little puzzled: "Liar?"

"But this kind of training class for adult wizards is very common, and even many officials of the Ministry of Magic will sign up for the training."

Hermione and Harry were taken aback.

They looked at Ron in disbelief.

"It's true." Ron nodded, "Every year."

"As expected of the Ministry of Magic, it can always break the lower limit again and again." Harry sighed with emotion.

Hermione held the leaflet and was silent for a while: "Maybe, there are indeed formal cram schools, but obviously this one is not."

"A person who can make Squibs perform magic should not have any cram school, and he doesn't need to borrow Harry's reputation at all. He can definitely get the first-class badge of the Order of Merlin and gain a reputation no less than that of Professor Dumbledore."

Squibs are called squibs because they can't perform magic.

With a wave of Harry's wand, the flyer in Hermione's hand flew out and fell into the trash can aside: "Don't worry about this, just tell Tonks, she should need performance."

September 1st.

They boarded the Hogwarts Express.

As a prefect, Ron held a lengthy meeting in the prefect's box. After noon, the setting sun was almost born, so he came back late.

As soon as he opened the door, he said excitedly: "Harry, Hermione, guess what happened just now?"

Neither of them raised their heads.

"Please, give me some feedback." Ron sighed, and while sitting down opposite them, he picked up a pack of strange beans, "It's really a big deal."

"Related to Malfoy?" Harry reluctantly responded.

Ron was startled: "How do you know?"

"It does have something to do with Malfoy."

As he said, he took a breath and ate the strange flavored beans with Indian chili flavor, which made him look like a Gryffindor: "I can't imagine what he went through during the summer vacation, and there were so many injuries on his body." , and blind in one eye.”

"He was hunted down by Death Eaters for half a month." Harry said softly.

"Hunting?" Ron was taken aback. "Why was he being hunted down? Isn't his father a Death Eater?"

Harry shook his head: "His dad is, but he isn't."

"Voldemort sent him an invitation, probably hoping to have more eyeliner at Hogwarts, but he declined."

"After the holidays, the Death Eaters have been hunting him down."

Ron was surprised: "He, refused to become a Death Eater?"

"I thought every Slytherin would consider it an honor to be a Death Eater."

Hermione and Harry were silent and made no comment.

Ron took a sip of the pumpkin juice and continued: "In the prefect's box, Malfoy said that he plans to eliminate Slytherin this year, so that Slytherin can become a real Slytherin instead of someone's subordinate."

"But Parkinson was very unhappy, and they fought on the spot."

"Malfoy is not a gentleman at all. She didn't hold back the lady. Before we could react, Parkinson was knocked down by a stun spell."

"He wants us to stay out of Slytherin."

"Harry, do you think we should listen to him?"

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