Scrimgeour becomes the new Minister for Magic.

The Daily Prophet advertised it with great fanfare.

This is a minister who almost completely fits the imagination of wizards - young, capable, good at duels, and has a good relationship with Mr. Potter and Mr. Dumbledore.

The magical world of Great Britain seems to be ushering in another glorious era.

Godric's Hollow, Potter's Old House.

The whole family was reunited, gathered together, sitting on the sofa, staring at each other.

Geralt had planned to leave earlier.

But... the Minister of Magic has just changed, and in the world of ordinary people, the Prime Minister has also just changed.

The Ministry of Magic is negotiating with the new prime minister, and it will take some time to process the identities of the two of them.

July is almost at the end, and Harry's birthday is coming up.

Simply stay, celebrate Harry's birthday first, and then deal with those things.

"Geralt and Yennefer." After listening to Harry's explanation, Sirius hesitated to conclude, "Harry's godfather and godmother in another world?"

Sitting next to Sirius, Lupine couldn't help being surprised.

Yennefer nodded, looking critically at Sirius.

She had learned about Sirius from Harry, and it was a little difficult for her to understand this young boy.

Geralt leaned over and whispered to Lupine, he was curious about the werewolves in this world.

another world.

It was difficult for Sirius and Lupine to accept this. After all, they had never heard of the phenomenon of "celestial sphere convergence". If Harry hadn't always been very serious, and Dumbledore would only make some innocuous jokes, they were very happy. Hard to believe this could be true.

Get along for a few days.

They were all sure of one thing, Geralt looked indifferent, but he was warm-hearted and easy to get along with, while Yennefer was different, just like her cold appearance, she was extremely difficult to get along with.

Sirius was glad he had brought Kreacher, since only a house-elf could serve this troublesome woman.


Sirius thought that he would repel Geralt, such a "Harry's father" who seemed to pop out of a rock, but in fact, they got along very well.

Drink and dance together.

Even train and study together.

Working together—that's how Yennefer described them.

But several of them, including Harry, are very proud of this evaluation.

Until my birthday.

July 31st.

The Weasleys, Hermione, the Longbottoms, Neville and his grandmother all came to Potter's house together.

This room became extremely lively.

Yennefer walked up to Hermione and looked at her critically: "Are you Hermione Granger?"

Hermione nodded obediently.

"You don't care about your body." Ye Naifa circled around her, "You can't learn from those stinky men and become so sloppy."

Hermione looked down, staring at her toes.

Don't take care of your body?

Oh. Why do you say that?

Obviously I have been dressing up since the morning, taking a bath, washing my hair, and putting on the best clothes. I also learned a little bit of makeup, so I won’t be so exaggerated like last year. Even my mother said that I dressed up very well today. Beautiful, what's the matter with this woman, she's picky about herself from the very beginning.

"Ma'am, are you?" She took a deep breath and raised her head.

"Harry has to call me mom, though he's never called me that before," Yennefer replied.

Harry looked back helplessly: "Yennefer, you look too young, and it's not like I haven't used honorific titles before, but you don't like it."

Yennefer's eyes became dangerous.

When Harry was a child, he was called Sister Yennefer at first. Later, when he learned Yennefer’s real age, he stubbornly wanted to call grandma. He was shocked several times before he realized his mistake and corrected it. From then on, he only called Yennefer "Fa", anyway, that "sister" can never be called out again.

Harry looked away.

"Mom?" Hermione was surprised, her voice stammering and cramped. "Oh, godmother? But you look too young."

"Age is not a pleasant topic." Yennefer waved his hand and grabbed Hermione's hand, "How is your Transfiguration spell?"

"Not bad, this year's owls exam has a high probability of O." Hermione answered honestly.

Ye Naifa nodded: "Very well, come upstairs with me, I have to teach you how to highlight your charm as a woman."

Hermione twitched.

"Don't think that Harry doesn't care." Yennefer sneered, and his eyes fell on Geralt. "These demon hunters are all the same. They look serious, but in fact... they are not good things."

She dragged Hermione, kicking up the stairs.

Neville and Sirius greeted each other, and walked over quickly: "Harry, I really didn't expect that you would invite me to celebrate your birthday with you."

"I got you a birthday present." Harry smiled.

Neville was taken aback, then nodded: "Thank you, I have prepared one for you too."

"Now?" Harry asked him.

Neville was taken aback again.

Harry waved his wand, and the Daily Prophet flew over and landed in his hands: "All very special gifts, do you want them now?"

Neville lowered his head and looked at the newspaper. The date on it was not the current day, but the issue that published the news of the destruction of Malfoy Manor and the killing of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

He thought of something and looked at Harry in disbelief.

Harry nodded at him.

"Of course." Neville agreed through gritted teeth.

Harry, Sirius and the others greeted each other and took Neville out. With the permission of the two of them, Ron followed him, walked through the narrow path, and walked to a remote and open wilderness.

"Just here." Neville didn't want to leave, he couldn't wait any longer.

Harry waved his wand.

Expulsion spells, shadow-locking spells, and transformation spells were used to change the terrain. High platforms were raised around, and iron fences surrounded every inch of land.

When he was ready, he waved his wand, and a box flew out of the sorting hat. With two crisp clicks, the box opened, and Bellatrix was stuffed inside in a strange posture.

Neville stared at her viciously, his heart pounding violently, and he couldn't hear the wind, or the summer insects whispering.

In both ears, there is only tinnitus like electric current.

Harry raised his wand.

The person came out of the box, Harry fed her the potion, threw it aside, and the potion still took effect to wake her up.

"Neville, Neville." Harry yelled several times before he came back to his senses before he could hear others, "When Dumbledore and I rushed to Malfoy Manor, only Bellatrix was there, I don't know where Barty Crouch Jr. is, but I'll let you know if I find him."

Neville took a deep breath. "She's already a wonderful birthday present."

"Are you ready?" Harry said softly, "Next, use your own method to kill her."

"Unless she wants to kill you, I won't do it."

Neville said nothing, just nodded.

Harry took Ron and walked up the transformed stairs to the high platform. He took out his hat again, took out a wand, and threw it at Bellatrix's feet.

ten minutes later.

Bellatrix woke up in pain. The time in Harry's hands was much more painful than in Azkaban. He would always try some weird methods to restore his memory, sometimes They will even be blindfolded, taken to an unknown place, and subjected to black magic transformation and research.

When she woke up, she was treated as experimental material.

After the experimental research was over, she was knocked unconscious immediately.

Is it a new round of experiments now?

She lay resigned to her fate, but the expected pain did not come. She could feel the breeze on her numb cheeks, and she could hear the rustling of leaves and the chirping of insects in her ears.

Bellatrix slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was the sky blood-red by the setting sun.

There is no bondage on the body.

She struggled to get up, and when she turned over, she noticed the magic wand in her hand, and immediately held it in her hand without hesitation.

When she stood up completely, she noticed the high walls and fences all around, like a Colosseum. Like the audience, Harry watching from the high platform, the kid from the Weasley family, and the little wizard locked in the Colosseum just like himself.

Some familiar, as if seen somewhere.

"Remember me? Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville said, his voice trembling slightly.

Bellatrix looked at him, trying to remember, "Are you Longbottom?"

"It seems you still remember." Neville became more excited, "Yes, I am Longbottom, the son of Alice Longbottom who was tortured by you with the Cruciatus Curse sixteen years ago."

Bellatrix laughed wildly. "Alice? And Frank? Their son?"

"You really look like your father."

"Are they still alive now? We didn't use the Killing Curse, just the Cruciatus Curse"

Neville interrupted her and growled like a lion: "Lestrange, you have no right to call them by their names!"

"I'm here to avenge you!"

He gripped the steel sword he had drawn earlier, and raised the hand that held the wand.

"You?" Bellatrix was very contemptuous, she raised her head, "Potter, are you underestimating me, are you just a little wizard, or are you actually happy to see the Longbottom family being tortured by me?" once?"

Harry didn't speak.

Ron was a little worried: "Harry, my mother said that Lestrange is a crazy woman, she is very..."

Bellatrix, the notorious Death Eater, was known for being powerful and vicious.

Harry shook his head, looked at Neville who was yelling at Bellatrix, and said softly, "This is Neville's choice."

"I think he's been looking forward to this day."

"And he's been preparing, hasn't he?"

"Trust him, he's a very good Gryffindor."

Neville waved his wand: "Lestrange, stop talking nonsense!"

Anger filled every part of his body, but his mind was still awake. He put the armor spell on himself and recited the spell.

Disarm you!

A red light shot out, running towards Bellatrix.

At this moment, the setting sun became more scarlet as if lit by a spell.

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