
The word was spat out, startling Geralt who was trying to hide the weapon.

He looked down in disbelief.

This feel, this weight

This is food?

Even the hardest black bread I have ever seen is not as good as this piece, and the saw is not very easy to cut it off.

"Sorry, it's a matter of custom. I haven't seen this kind of food." Geralt apologized earnestly, put the pancake into his mouth, crunched it, and with a click, broke off a piece with his back molars. "It tastes very delicious." Not bad! Really good."

Hagrid was simple and honest, with a flustered expression on his face: "Sorry, I didn't take care of you."

Harry coughed twice: "Hagrid, let's talk about my previous incident first."

Hagrid nodded again and again, looking at Geralt: "This gentleman wants a child. Is that normal?"

He asked in a subtle way, and his face became even redder.

Although more than a year has passed, he has not confirmed his relationship with Ms. Maxim.

It is impossible, he is almost more innocent than any little wizard above the fourth grade in Hogwarts.

"It's normal and pleasant." Geralt glanced at Yennefer with a smile in his eyes.

Hagrid nodded.

Geralt patted his chest: "Sir, don't worry, I am a very good man, excellent in every aspect, so naturally in that aspect."

"Sometimes not so," Yennefer said.

Geralt gritted his teeth: "Sometimes I'm too tired."

Yennefer turned her head and laughed.

"The main reason is that the body has undergone some mutations, and it is different from ordinary people." Harry continued softly, "Just like unicorns and thestrals."

"Reproductive isolation?" Hagrid spat out a very professional word that didn't fit his appearance.

Harry nodded: "It's almost the same, but the specifics may be different."

Hagrid was thoughtful, staring at Geralt and Yennefer: "You are human, this is not easy."


Geralt and Yennefer narrowed their eyes.

"What I mean is, I can't watch you mate like I do with magical beasts." Hagrid stammered and explained, "Well, I'm going to see Mr. Scamander next week, and we'll give you the genetic information I have one?"

Harry said softly, "Yennefer was injured, I'm afraid I can't provide it for the time being."

"Only Geralt's?"

Hagrid looked at Yennefer in a daze. He didn't quite understand what the relationship between being injured and providing that thing was.

But Harry said no, then no.

"Are there only male samples? That's fine, Mr. Scamander and I will study first." Hagrid nodded, looking straight at Geralt.

Harry and the others also cast their gazes over.

They stared straight at Geralt together.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Geralt lowered his head and looked at his waistband. "I can't just take it out now."

Harry chuckled and said, "Geralt, we're all men, the only lady is Yennefer."

Geralt looked towards the bed, as if looking through the bed, and saw Fang trembling under the bed.

"That's public too." Before he could speak, Harry stepped forward.

Geralt sighed: "I don't think this is a good idea, how about I collect some tonight and give them to you tomorrow?"

"It will lose its activity," Harry said.

Hagrid was very honest, didn't understand what Harry meant, and said honestly: "No, as long as it is properly preserved, it can usually be preserved for one to three days."

"I'll write you how to save it."

"It just so happens that this can also be verified. If there is no problem with the preservation method, but the activity is quickly lost, the cause of the problem can be directly found."

With a wave of his wand, a large parchment and a peacock quill came flying, and a few lines of text were written on it.

Geralt narrowed his eyes and looked at his dear son: "Harry."

"Don't you think it's interesting?" Harry asked calmly.

Geralt waved his hand: "I would find it very interesting if you did it."

Hagrid finished writing quickly, and thoughtfully shrunk the parchment to a size suitable for normal people, pinched it carefully, and handed it to Geralt: "Just follow the above, it's not complicated."

"Thank you." Geralt accepted.

Harry said again: "Hagrid, are thestrals still in the Forbidden Forest now? Prepare four for us."

"Thestrals?" Hagrid tilted his head. "If you want to go out, isn't a motorcycle better?"

"We're going deep in the Forbidden Forest." Harry explained his doubts.

Hagrid nodded: "Then I'll help you find them."

He raised his hand and patted the bed lightly: "Yaya, we have to go out."

Under the bed, the massive hound didn't move or even make a sound.

"Footh?" Hagrid called again.

There was no response from under the bed.

He muttered, "Where did Ya Ya go? Harry? I thought he ran under the bed just now."

"Yangya shouldn't dare to come out now." Harry looked under the bed with a blank expression, "Let it take a while."

In the house, two witchers.

Special attack on animals, Yaya is very keen to notice that the danger is doubled.

Hagrid stood up on his knees: "Okay, then I'll find thestrals for you."

They went out with Hagrid, watching his figure disappear into the dense woods, and after a while, he reappeared, holding four emaciated, black horses, and came out of the woods - it could be seen that The four thestrals resisted somewhat, but they were no match for Professor Hagrid, and they were dragged out abruptly.

"Can you see it?" Dumbledore asked kindly.

Geralt and Yennefer were a little puzzled.

"Dumbledore, let me introduce again, Geralt, like me, has the nickname of a butcher, the butcher of Bravikan." Harry said softly.

Dumbledore was surprised.

Geralt was also surprised: "Harry, are you like me?"

"The Butcher of Bravikan" was not a very flattering title, he had always disliked it, but for some reason, he had never refuted it.

Harry nodded: "More than a year ago, the Death Eaters, that is, the group of Voldemort's minions, set up traps, but I killed a group of them, and the Ministry of Magic has always had some problems in its mind, and refused to admit that there is something wrong with the identity of the Death Eaters. Question, just give me the title of Butcher of Little Hangleton."

"Because more Death Eaters are ministers of the Ministry of Magic?" Geralt followed them, walking towards the Thestrals.

Demon hunters don't participate in politics, but it doesn't mean they don't understand, especially Geralt.

He was always more or less, active or passive, involved in those court struggles.

Harry made no comment.

As they approached, the four thestrals gradually settled down, blinking and staring at Harry curiously.

They know this person, who once made a mess of the Forbidden Forest.


Long time no see, this person has changed.

There is a good smell, familiar breath.

A thestral approached boldly, sniffing, and came up to caress his arm affectionately.

"Harry, when did you become so familiar with the Thestrals?" Hagrid was a little envious. Thestrals were not very friendly creatures, and their natural attributes determined this. Even if Hagrid, who is a master of magical beasts, can be trusted by unicorns, it is difficult for him to be so close to the Thestrals.

Except when feeding, thestrals would occasionally act like a spoiled child to him, but most of the time they were unwilling to pay attention to him.

"It should be because of the breath of death." Harry touched the Thestral's head with his backhand, and his movements gradually went too far.

After returning from Avalon, the message from behind the curtain has not faded.

"How about taking us to the center of the Forbidden Forest?" Harry asked a Thestral, asking.

Thestral snorted and nodded in response.

One by one, they straddled up.

This kind of horse is not comfortable to ride, it is too thin, the bones stick to the hips, there are no stirrups, and the feet are empty. You have to hug your neck to make yourself feel that you will not fall.

Thestrals flapped their wings and took off.

Harry pointed in its ear.

Their flying speed is not slow, and they quickly arrived at the point Harry pointed out, and landed smoothly from the high school, stepping on a series of horseshoes.

"Wait for us here for a while." Harry patted it on the head, took out a large piece of raw meat from the Sorting Hat, and threw it on the ground.

Dumbledore watched his movements: "Fortunately, the Sorting Hat made an appointment to hang out with Hedway today, otherwise it would have to say how you put weird things in it."

Geralt was a little envious: "This is really a good thing. It's so small, but it can hold so many things."

"Don't worry, I will prepare everything for you." Harry comforted him, leading the way forward.

A dilapidated garden soon appeared before their eyes.

The scale is not large, and after more than two years, some walls collapsed in the wind and rain, and the scene in the garden can be seen more intuitively.

Harry had been here once and knew there were no traps.

Take them straight to the pavilion.

The moss climbed up again and covered the traces again. With a wave of Harry's wand, the moss grew faster and quickly withered. It peeled off from the stone pillar and fell to the ground, revealing a scrawled trace—a swallow flying with its arms outstretched.

Ciri's mark, it has always been here.

In this garden, there is only this one.

"Is this trace related to Ciri?" Geralt asked.

Harry nodded: "The elf's name for Ciri, Javier, means swallow in the elf language."

"Is there only this trace?" Yennefer tried to use magic to resonate with the traces - but there was no magic like she imagined, and the badge did not respond.

Harry's tone was somewhat helpless: "A thousand years is too long, and all traces have been erased, except for this symbolic badge."

"However, during the trial in Gryffindor, I also learned that Ciri's news was related to a knight named Galahad. She is here and left me clues about Avalon."

"But that's all there is to it."

"Avalon has something to do with you, not Ciri."

Geralt thought deeply, "Then we're going to find Ciri."

"The wild hunt in the Germanic region, as well as the knight named Galahad, are key clues."

Harry nodded, "That's right."

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