Death Eaters weren't as sharp.

They looked at Dumbledore and Harry especially nervously.

The former, with great reputation, is the greatest White Wizard.

The latter had gained fame. Compared with Dumbledore, they were more afraid of this young wizard who had not yet graduated. I don't know how many Death Eaters died under his hands.

Harry looked up, looking up the stairs.

Rodolphus stepped down slowly.

"Tom." But he called out his name accurately.

Voldemort drew his tone: "Potter, do you still recognize me?"

"Of course, the smell of old women on your body is really too strong." Harry said sarcastically.

Yennefer's eyes became dangerous.

"Mrs. Malfoy." Voldemort looked at the most vulnerable woman, with a regretful tone: "I really didn't expect that the person who betrayed me would be you."

"Where did you get the courage?"

Narcissa clenched her fists and did not speak.

"Master! Master!" Lucius crawled over and crawled in front of Voldemort. "Leave that damned stinky woman to me. She dared to betray Master and tarnish the honor of my Malfoy family. I will."

Voldemort waved his hand, interrupting him: "Lucius."

"My once dear friend."

"I gave you a chance, but time and time again, you always let me down."

"Dear little Mr. Malfoy, a fifth-year wizard who managed to escape from Death Eaters again and again. Is he Potter? When will there be such an outstanding child in the Malfoy family?"

He has a little wand.

Avada Kedavra!

The green light invaded, thrilling, and fell on Lucius in an instant.

Death comes without warning.

Lucius, who was still about to speak, froze, and fell back on his back. His arms were still open, stretched long, and fell at Voldemort's feet and in front of Narcissa.

There was no panic on his face, but a bit of relief.

Narcissa covered her mouth, trying not to let herself sob out.

"It seems that you are still very strong." Harry waved his wand, and the Transfiguration Charm sprang up.

Dumbledore raised his wand, and the magic surged, covering the entire manor.

Geralt drew the Sword of the Lake and rushed forward to fight alongside Harry.

Yennefer and Dumbledore deal with the remaining Death Eaters.


A green light came from the second floor.

Geralt and Harry rolled over as the spell hit the couch and exploded.

"I'll deal with that woman." Geralt glanced up. In the corridor on the second floor, Bellatrix with a messy hair on top, said a word, and under the protection of Yennefer, passed through the Death Eaters. The crowd ran upstairs.

"Catch alive," Harry said, reminding him.

Voldemort's face remained unchanged.

Dealing with Harry.

The battle started and soon came to an end.

With a puff——

Harry's long sword pierced the heart of Voldemort's new body, even though blood was sprayed all over his face, his expression remained calm.

"Potter, you have won again." Voldemort was also calm.

Harry disarmed the spell and knocked his wand away. Dumbledore waved and grabbed it into his palm.

"Thank you." Harry nodded to him, "but it's not an honor for me to beat you."

Voldemort grinned, "Really?"

"Then I hope you can keep winning."

He raised his hand.

The Death Eaters bound by Dumbledore's transfiguration all exuded an extremely evil aura, including Bellatrix who was still fighting with Geralt-Geralt's first When facing a wizard back, be cautious and steady, don't seek a one-hit kill, and seek stability more.

She smiled at Geralt, dropped her wand, closed her eyes, and turned to her Master, arms outstretched.

"Albus!" Harry turned his head to look at Dumbledore.

He immediately raised his wand and pointed it at Voldemort.

"No, it's Bellatrix." Harry shook his head, then looked up again, "Geralt, take this crazy woman away."

Ye Naifer raised his hand and teleported to the second floor, grabbed Geralt, and magically bound the unsuspecting woman, and raised his hand again, leading them to the outside of the courtyard.

"She is really decisive." Dumbledore's wand hadn't even landed on the position where Bellatrix was standing just now.

Harry kicked Voldemort more decisively, drew his sword, turned around, grabbed Narcissa's hair, pulled her, and retreated quickly.

Dumbledore was the last one.

"Hurry up, the magic on this person is very special, and I can't control it." Ye Naifa said to Dumbledore in a very rude tone.

Dumbledore waved his wand.

An aura like the Patronus Charm gushed out and landed on Bellatrix, and that evil and ferocious aura was slowly suppressed.

And in the house.

That aura became more and more ferocious, hot as fire, Li Huo gushing out, burning violently.

Narcissa fell to her knees.

Her heart, like Malfoy Manor, was scorched under Fiendfire.

Dumbledore turned, raised his wand, took a deep breath, and said the spell.

"All curses end!"

His magic power was suppressed, and the fire gradually became weaker.

Yennefer watched him cast a spell, thoughtfully.

Harry raised his wand and aimed it at Bellatrix's head: "Let me see."

The tip of the stick rested on her temple, pulled gently, took out a long silver thread, and carefully put it into the bottle.

The flame goes out.

Dumbledore turned back: "Harry, are we going back to Hogwarts now?"

"Wait." Harry put the bottle away, "I'll go check it out."

Holding his sword, he walked into the ruins of Malfoy Manor.

Passing by one after another charred corpses, carefully inspecting them, confirming that each corpse has lost the breath of life, and also confirming that there is no soul breath left in the body that Voldemort occupied, waved the wand, and carefully suspended a corpse, Walk out of the ruins and walk up to Narcissa.

With a flick of the wrist, the charred corpse fell.

"This is Mr. Lucius Malfoy." Harry said softly.

Narcissa sobbed, but didn't make a sound.

"I'm pretty sure it's him, and I won't admit my mistake," Harry emphasized.

Narcissa remained silent.

Harry sighed.

Go to Dumbledore.

He reached out, about to grab Harry's wrist.

Harry dodged swiftly: "Forgive me, Albus, I've Apparated many times today."

Dumbledore shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"A horse?" Geralt asked.

Harry shook his head, raised his hand and patted the Sorting Hat lightly: "No, something more exciting, I think you will like it very much."

The Sorting Hat snorted, "Harry, why are you calling me?"

"It really worried me to death. I couldn't get in touch with my body today. I thought something happened to you. Thank God, everything looks fine."

Geralt and Yennefer looked at the hat in surprise.

Talking magic props?

"Bring that body of yours, and an extra motorcycle by the way." Harry said to it, "We have to go to Hogwarts."

"You let a motorcycle drive a motorcycle?" The Sorting Hat sneered.

Harry patted it. "Hurry up."

It muttered, "Okay, okay, I'll be there as fast as I can."

On the hat, the flexible aura dissipated and became ordinary again.

"Harry, why don't you introduce your two friends to me now?" Dumbledore led them away, away from the ruins of Malfoy Manor, away from that sad woman Narcissa.

"Yennefer of Van Gerberg, an old woman." Yennefer spoke, introduced herself calmly, and emphasized the pronunciation when speaking of the word "old woman".

Harry froze.

"Geralt of Rivia, a demon hunter." Geralt was a little helpless, and introduced himself.

Dumbledore nodded: "Vangelberg and Livia are both place names?"

"Then I'm supposed to be Dumbledore from Hogwarts?"

Harry introduced him: "Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts - a school of wizardry, similar to Ben Ard and Arethusa, but peaceful."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes.

Ben Ard, Arethusa, two names he had never heard of.

Some conjectures in my heart are gradually being realized.

"The situation is a bit complicated now." Harry took a deep breath and explained, "Albus, thank you for always trusting me and not asking me about the origin of my knowledge and abilities."

Dumbledore nodded.

Harry continued: "This incident happened before my eleventh birthday. A phenomenon similar to the convergence of the celestial spheres occurred in me. The so-called celestial sphere convergence is the convergence of two worlds. Species, creatures, and environments have invaded. , but I was the only one traveling to Geralt's world at the time."

"I chose to become a demon hunter there and met many reliable elders."

Ye Naifa nodded: "For example, an old woman like me."

Harry had a bitter face: "Yennefer, I didn't mean to tease you."

"Really?" Yennefer said blankly.

Harry sighed: "I'll talk to you about Tom later."

He paused for a moment: "Just before the final battle with the Wild Hunt, maybe it was the rendezvous of the celestial spheres, maybe it was Ciri, anyway, I returned to my own world, and my age returned to eleven years old. Everything was like a dream, but what happened The mutations in my body and the knowledge I have mastered are also brought back intact."

"Wait, what are you talking about, a decisive battle with the Wild Hunt?" Geralt's expression didn't change much, but surprise overflowed.

Harry was taken aback, and nodded: "Yes, the decisive battle with the Wild Hunt, you proposed it."

Geralt frowned: "Ciri has dealt with them before, but... a decisive battle with them?"

"What's your timeline?" Harry asked him.

Geralt also spoke together: "I'm afraid we have experienced different times."

Both of them were taken aback.

Geralt went on: "I didn't have a decisive battle with the wild hunting. I was with Dandelion, Zoltan, and Yarpen at the Versin Tavern. There was a riot in Rivia. I was a little unlucky and was killed by the grass I thought I was going to die, but Ciri sent me and Yennefer to that place called Avalon, and then I was rescued by you."

"Livia Massacre?" Harry was a little surprised.

This was what happened four years ago when he returned to his own world.

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