"Sorry." Vivienne lowered her head, her tone was low, and she was very ashamed.

What happened decades ago has produced another bitter fruit today.

"But he violated the oath, and he cannot escape the retribution of the oath." She immediately added, looking at the corpse lying in the frost, "He will die in the ice."

"He's not dead yet." Harry shook his head.

Vivian said softly: "No one can escape the oath."

"He will die in the frost."

"Even if he thought he was resurrected with a horcrux and felt that he had escaped the oath, the oath would not miss the backlash against everyone who violated the oath."

"He'll be like mean Haibo."

Speaking of this, she paused, and looked at Harry: "Now I'll send you out, to go to soup. Where Riddle goes?"

"I know where it's going to go." Harry shook his head and reached into the Sorting Hat. "But before that, help me purify the Sword in the Lake, I want it."

Vivian shook her head in embarrassment: "Young little wizard, I am very grateful to you for saving us."

"But Avalon has the rules of Avalon, it's part of the oath, and so do we"

Harry took out a golden apple and handed it to her.

Vivian was startled, stunned, and looked at the golden apple in disbelief.

I had clearly used one just now to wake up Avalon who had been silent for many years, so why is there another one now.

"I got three." Harry stuffed them into her arms forcefully, "Hurry up, we have no time to lose."

Vivienne nodded, picked up the apple with one hand, groped into the jar with the other hand, and pulled out the rusty sword in the lake.

She lifted the apple up high, and put the holy sword under the apple.


The apple squeezed out a drop of milky white juice, which fell on the holy sword.

The golden apple withered in an instant and turned ashen. It was thrown aside by Vivian, and fell into the water with a plop.

And the sword in the lake burst into a bright light.

It became brand new, the sharp sword light shone, and a mysterious aura surged on the sword.

The withered golden apple that was thrown into the water quietly took root and sprouted under the water, and jumped out of the water as it grew, forming a sword sheath woven from apple wood.

"This is the sword in the lake you want." Vivienne filled it into the scabbard and handed it to Harry.

Harry didn't answer, motioned to Geralt.

"This is your trophy." Geralt didn't raise his hand.

"Lend it to you." Harry said concisely, "The scabbard of the sword in the lake will protect you. This world is not much safer than that world. You have also seen the magic just now. It is much weirder than that of warlocks."

Geralt raised his hand to take it.

"Send us to the entrance." Harry then said to Vivienne, "Where did Tom leave just now?"

Vivienne and several other ladies raised their hands and pulled out a smooth mirror-like magic on the water. On the other end of the mirror, Dumbledore could be seen sitting on the boat: "The end of the exit is in the Scottish Highlands."

"Thanks." Harry pulled Geralt and Yennefer into the water.

outside the fog.

Dumbledore sat in the boat, he conjured a fishing rod for himself, and waited as equals.

The boat sank suddenly.

It smells like a stranger.

Almost at the same time, Dumbledore waved his hand, and the majestic magic power rushed towards the three of them.

Almost at the same time, all three responded.

Harry waved his wand and put on the Quinn shield.

Ye Naifa opened the magic barrier.

Geralt had only Quinn, who was instantly blown to pieces and rolled into the sea.

"Albus, it's me, don't be so excited," Harry said, and with a wave of his wand, he lifted Geralt up.

He shook his head and spit out a mouthful of water: "Thank God, I'm sober."

"They are?" Dumbledore was a little surprised.

Take a trip to Avalon and bring out two strangers.

Both are powerful.

One of them even hides a quite powerful magical power, which may be used by him, only slightly better than the squib, but even so, this handsome white-haired man still gave him a kind of harmony Harry felt almost the same, powerful, fierce, and most importantly, he had exactly the same eyes as Harry, a pair of amber vertical pupils.

"Old friends, the kind that are reliable and trustworthy." Harry replied succinctly, "I can entrust my life to them."

"It's not the point now, we have to go to Malfoy Manor."

"Once again Voldemort tricked the old woman into another exit from Avalon."

"He is a remnant now, just like before, we can't let him keep his memory."

Dumbledore nodded, grabbed Harry's wrist, then Yennefer's, and Harry grabbed Geralt.

snap --

They disappear.

The next second appeared outside a forest.

Geralt landed, nose arched, brow furrowed: "Damn teleportation, I miss carrots."

Yennefer was also a little uncomfortable.

This teleportation spell is even more manic than the one she used.

Dumbledore also frowned: "The apparition has been disturbed, and the landing point is a bit off."

"It's close, though."

"Let's go."

They walked forward, and Geralt recovered quickly, and the few steps were normal.

Before a wilderness, Harry and Dumbledore stopped together.

"Harry, is this it?" Dumbledore hesitated, a little unsure.

Harry nodded: "Yes, I've been here."

"I hope it's not the Fidelity Curse." Dumbledore muttered, he raised his wand, and a golden light shot out, falling onto the wilderness ahead.

In Malfoy Manor.

Bellatrix frowned, raised her wand, and looked at the man kneeling in front of her: "Lucius, I have good news for you, your son escaped our capture once again."


"But why?"

"He is obviously only in the fifth grade, just a little wizard who graduated from the fifth grade. Does he think he is Potter?"

"Under the siege of several of our Death Eaters, they can all escape!"

"Lucius, tell the truth, have you betrayed the master?"

The Cruciatus Curse made this man miserable. He lowered his head to prevent his hideous, ugly and distorted facial features from being exposed: "No, no, I'm just a lowly servant, how dare I reveal my master's thoughts."

"Magic, magic is monitoring the manor, I, have I contacted Draco, you all know."

Bellatrix twirled her wand nonchalantly, "Really?"

"Help us contact your child and find him."

"Potter has been away for several days, and the master may come back at any time. I don't want the master to come back, but I found that we haven't even done this little thing."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Lucius gritted his teeth and didn't speak.


She held the wand, pointed forward, and said the spell: "Lucius, why don't you speak, don't you want to?"

"For the master, even your son is reluctant to sacrifice?"

"He turned his back on his master, and he didn't want to be his master's servant."

"Why not study like our master's dear godson?"

Lucius gritted his teeth and let out a painful sound.

Barty Crouch Jr.?

That inhuman guy regarded killing his mother and father for his master as an honor, and he often talked about showing off.

There was hatred in his eyes.

And hatred intensifies the pain in the body.

In the small room on the first floor, the door was slightly opened, and a pair of eyes of horror, worry, and hatred were exposed, staring at this place.

"Lucius! Answer me!" Bellatrix waved his wand, his tone becoming irritable, "Are you willing to do it for the master?"

She couldn't finish her sentence.

A man walks in: "Bad news."

Bellatrix looked at him. "Rabastan, can there be worse news than a traitor among us?"

"My dear sister, Lucius is not a traitor." The man sneered and waved his hand, "What Mr. Crouch and the master ordered happened, and Dumbledore and Potter came to the door."

Bellatrix took a deep breath and stood up abruptly: "Master!"

She went straight to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Voldemort had already ordered that if Dumbledore and Potter showed up outside Malfoy Manor and he wasn't there, to go straight to his room.

Bellatrix shuddered and pushed the door open.

An ugly baby is lying on the bed.

"Master, you." Bellatrix walked over and knelt down beside the bed.

"Bella," the baby said hoarsely, "call Rodolphus up, I need his body."

Bellatrix waved her wand, and a note flew to the fourth floor.

"My dear Bella." The baby continued, "You are as worthy of my trust as Crouch, and now I give you a task."

Bellatrix enthused: "Great master, the servant will do anything for you."

"Pay attention to Severus." The baby whispered, fully exposing his weakness, "Now is the best chance to catch me, and neither Dumbledore nor Potter will miss it, especially now, I know some of Potter Secretly, they would be too eager to kill me."

Bellatrix's face darkened: "Severus is a traitor?"

"I'm not sure." The baby vetoed Bellatrix's statement. "He was very loyal, and he was very open to show me his brain."

"But Severus."

"He's so much like me, more like me than Crouch."

"Who knows what kind of man he is?"

Speaking of this, the baby paused, took a few breaths, recovered his strength, and then continued: "If he is a betrayer, after sending my memory, I will try my best to kill him."

"If he's not, let Crouch try to believe him."

"Only two chances."

"No, only one chance."

He paused to rest for a while, and his voice became weaker: "Potter is the biggest obstacle."

"Dumbledore is getting old."

"The Horcrux still has an influence on me after all. He made me above death, but he also took away some of my things."

"Tell the younger me, with the clearest, brightest mind."

"Potter is the biggest obstacle."

"Even if I am resurrected again, I am not Potter, let alone Dumbledore, and now I still have the opponents of Yennefer and Geralt, according to my memory, to master those more powerful Act after strength."

"No matter how much I punish you, these words must be said, understand, Bellatrix."

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