Thursday's Defense Against the Dark Arts exam.

This course, which had a rough fate at Hogwarts, is actually the most confident exam for this year's young wizards.

Regardless of the written test or the practice, the little wizards who were referenced came out of the auditorium, the atmosphere was very relaxed, and even Gryffindor laughed and laughed.

Scrimgeour was not an examiner, but as the head of the Auror office, he would come over every year to examine and inspect every student.

Not many students qualify to become Aurors each year.

This year is an exception.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, these students he has seen and confirmed that they are excellent students, although the other students are still far behind Hermione, Ron, Neville and the others . But how much can students like Hermione and Neville pay in a year?

This group of students is much better than last year's class.

He grabbed a seat and asked.

The result also made him very gratified. Most Gryffindors were willing to become an Auror, and many Hufflepuffs also had this idea, although the ones he liked the most, such as Ravenclaw None of the prefects of Hufflepuff and Hufflepuff wanted to be Aurors.

Excellent students don't want to be Aurors!

Scrimgeour screamed at the Black Lake, and was sprayed by the murloc's clear water.

Exams for some electives begin on Friday.

This day was the ancient runes. Except for those students who took this course or chose this course to take an exam, the other young wizards finally ushered in a short break, including weekends, a total of three days.

Hufflepuff was instigated by Gryffindor and drank darkly at the Three Broomsticks.

After all, next Monday, they will face Potions class.

The theory in Potions is as difficult as the written exam in Herbalism.

Before the exam, the little wizards were in despair.

Kezhen picked up the quill, sat at the table, and looked at the exam questions. They were surprised to find that many of the questions were still fresh in their memory.

As soon as they saw these topics, Professor Snape's amiable voice rang in their ears.

"Mr. Longbottom, your brain has been picked up by the troll again? Why didn't you wait until it was fully heated before adding porcupine quills, and then prepared to blow up a cauldron. The Longbottom family is still so rich now?"

"Why don't you raise your noble forelimbs and write down what Mr. Potter said? Also, Mr. Potter deducted five points from Gryffindor."

"Mr. Potter, five points will be deducted! Why stop Mr. Longbottom from adding the bezoar to it, wouldn't it be good to watch him fry the pot again and send himself to the school infirmary? And Mr. Longbottom, five points will be deducted, I remember I said very clearly, wait for the mandrake juice to completely dye the potion before adding the bezoar!"

"Mr. Potter, deduct five points!"


No, the last sentence has nothing to do with the exam.

After the exam, the little wizards walked out of the auditorium with complicated expressions.

His mind was full of Professor Snape whispering softly, "Mr. Potter, Mr. Longbottom", followed by the voice of "Five points from Gryffindor".

"I think Professor Snape deducted a thousand points from us." Outside the auditorium, Ron scratched his fingers, "Oh my God, when I took the exam, my whole head was full of points deducted by Professor Snape, deducted points , points deducted"

Hermione winked at him hintingly.

Ron was still bowing his head, concentrating on complaining: "And Neville."

"He is so pitiful. He is better now. Neville was really bullied before."

Snape's whisper interrupted him: "Really? It seems that Mr. Weasley has a problem with his Potions professor?"

Ron froze.

He turned his head stiffly like a robot, saw the marble sculpture-like cold face with a greasy head, and forced a smile: "Professor Snape, I don't."

"Owls can think about these fancy things during the exam. I don't have any expectations for your grades." Snape sneered, raised his right hand, pressed Ron's head, and shook it with his hand. The big one turned out to be empty inside, nothing?"

"Ten points from Gryffindor!"

"Mr. Weasley's prudence in words and deeds is a rare virtue for human beings. You should study hard."

Ron lowered his head: "Yes, Professor Snape."

Snape glanced at Harry, then quickly moved his gaze away to Neville not far away.

Neville mustered up his courage and looked at him calmly without panicking at all.

Neville has changed a lot this year.

The most notable thing is that in Potions class, he is no longer afraid of Snape, or in other words, he can accept his imperfect self calmly, make mistakes and be scolded, and just bear it quietly. Criticism improved upon - it was useful, not that his talent in Potions showed itself, but that Snape wasn't scolding as much as before.

"It seems that you are all a little lax." Snape snorted coldly, "I have to emphasize again, only if you get an O, you are eligible to continue to attend my courses in the sixth grade."

He flicked his sleeves and turned to leave.

The left arm has been hidden under the robe.

On Tuesday's Protection of Magical Creatures exam, the examiner was a short, white-haired, beautiful curly, with old and vicissitudes of freckles on his face. It's easy to chat, using the same name for those dangerous magical creatures: "little cuties".

None of the little wizards took him lightly because of his looks.

They are already in the fifth grade, not the kind of little wizards who have just entered school and are ignorant of the world. They have already taken the protection of magical animals class for three years. After the death, it is such a rare thing to be able to keep complete limbs without even suffering many injuries.

Not everyone is as blessed as Hagrid.

He is a half-blood giant!

Most people are not so rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

Professor Scamander's heart is much hotter than it looks on the outside. Regardless of the written test or the practice, he crept behind the little wizards, carefully scrutinized their answers or behaviors, and even coughed secretly and made some Reminders that do not affect major grades.

Of course, many times, the little wizard felt baffled and cared about his body, not aware of his intentions.

Astronomy and fortune-telling were tested together.

Astronomy is okay, as long as you memorize the star chart, there will be almost no major problems.

Divination caused headaches for many little wizards, and they had to rack their brains to figure out how to make it up.

Some people even made outrageous remarks that they should have died last month.

At night, they need to draw a star map by themselves.

Many little wizards are not good at drawing.

Ron confused Mars with Venus more than once. Fortunately, he memorized the star chart very well. In the final inspection, he still managed to place the stars in the correct position, but the invigilator kept shaking his head. It might be dangerous in class.

The last subject in the Owls exam is History of Magic.

This is the least popular subject of all the exams.

Not to say how difficult it is.

But this exam requires a lot of spelling, and they don't know many words.

Wait until the exam is over.

Neville grabbed Ron: "Damn it, why didn't you spell out the word "rebellion" when you asked the goblins about the past few hundred years? Do we have to write it ourselves?"

"I just remember it started with in?"

Seamus smiled: "Why not use war? That's very easy to spell, just three letters."

"War and rebellion are two different things." Hermione emphasized blankly, "If you write about war instead of rebellion, points will be deducted."

Seamus was taken aback.

Ron spelled the word "rebellion" smoothly.

"Ron, how could you!" Neville looked at Ron incredulously, with a look of "you betrayed us" on his face.

Ron smiled half-heartedly: "Last year, I was caught by Professor Granger and Professor Potter and studied grammar hard. Do you know dictionaries?"

"So thick!" He gestured, about the height of a fist, "I finished memorizing it in half a year."

"Hagrid, too, he recited it too."

"Now there are hardly any words I can't spell."

He tugged at his hair: "I feel that it is completely fine for me to go to a university for ordinary people."

"Then, Mr. Weasley, ask." Hermione said, "Assume that the Hogwarts Express is two hundred inches long, and it passes through the two hundred-inch-long tunnel at a speed of ten inches per second, from the front of the car into the tunnel, to How many seconds does it take for the rear of the car to leave the tunnel?"

A very simple primary school arithmetic problem.

Ron's eyes were a little straightened, and after a while, he stammered: "Hermione, it's impossible for you to ask this question, how could the Hogwarts Express be only two hundred inches long."

"That's why I say it's a hypothetical." Hermione shook her head.

Ron coughed twice: "We are wizards, and we don't need the knowledge of ordinary people. Let's discuss the goblin rebellion. How many times have they rebelled in the past three hundred years?"

"I didn't feel anything before. I always felt that they often rebelled."

"My grandma said goblins were never safe creatures," Neville muttered.

History of Magic is the last exam for most young wizards.

A few also have a subject of 'Muggle Studies' or 'Arithmancy and Divination'.

Of course Hermione did not miss these two exams.

Friday dinner.

The auditorium changed from a classroom-specific decoration full of "owls" atmosphere to an auditorium arrangement with four long tables.

The little wizards in the fifth grade sang heartily, and they celebrated that they finally broke free from the misery of the owls.

The sixth and seventh graders looked at them with compassion.

They think they have just left hell, but in fact they are just going from a relatively easy hell to a harsher and colder hell.

Although the vast majority of people will have very few exams to take when they are in the seventh grade, the Newts exam will not be easier than the Owls exam at all.

Today is still three chapters, at least! ! !

Ask for a monthly ticket wow! ! ! ! ! !

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