Inside the cave.

The two looked at each other silently.

"The note has been stored for a long time." Harry picked out the note with a wave of his wand, "It's not recent."

"It seems that I made a mistake. The trace more than ten years ago was not Voldemort's coming to check whether the storage of the Horcrux was safe, but this unknown gentleman."

His eyes rested on the three letters "R.A.B."

"It seems that he is not from the Order of the Phoenix." Harry analyzed, "You don't know about this, otherwise you would be so stupid to go on the same path."

"I just don't want the Horcrux to be destroyed." Dumbledore shook his head, "If I had known earlier, I would have noticed the abnormality in your body."

"An unsung hero who fought Voldemort."


He repeated the abbreviation.

"Go out first, let's find a warm place." Harry stuffed the note back, "Think slowly about who it might be."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while: "There is no need to worry about anything now."

Dumbledore nodded with a smile: "Of course."

Voldemort signed a contract with this rock and this piece of nature. Of course, he is not helpless, but before he gets the Horcrux, he dare not destroy this place. Who knows what magic will deal with this? There are still traces to be found in the search for Horcruxes, but if they are teleported away and find needles in the vast sea, it is an extremely headache and time-consuming thing for Dumbledore to do.

The Horcrux is not here now.

Dumbledore didn't have any worries anymore, he raised his wand high and pointed it at the dome on the island in the middle of the lake.

The darkness surged, and the lake rippled.

The pact held the rock against the greatest of the White Wizards, but it was an old spell, and it was powerless against it.

There was a bang, the fresh sea breeze blew in, and the raindrops slammed in, hitting the surface of the Black Lake, making a piercing sound like howling.

Dumbledore muttered: "Oh, yes, and this thing."

He turned his wand and pointed it at the Black Lake.

Harry looked sideways.

Vanishing spell.

But Dumbledore's Vanishing Curse is not aimed at this lake, but at the concept of "contract" itself.

With a light wave, the dim and tiny breath completely disappeared.

The water in the Black Lake boiled more violently, the ground shook, the black marble slab was crumbling, and it was about to sink, booming, the cracks in the dome of the reef were expanding, not because of the influence of magic power, but without the maintenance of magic power. Maintaining its existence, it is collapsing little by little.

"Let's go." Dumbledore stepped forward, taking a step into the void.

Crashing rocks collided and flew over, forming stone steps under his feet. Harry followed behind him, and the two quickly walked out of the reef.

Standing at the end of the stone steps, watching the reef slowly sinking into the sea.

Grumbling, a large piece of white foam popped out, and small eddies were formed, disturbing the surface of the sea.

"Another memory of Tom is gone," Dumbledore muttered under his breath, grabbing Harry by the sleeve.


snap --

Twisted, they appeared in Hogsmeade in the blink of an eye, outside the door of the Three Broomsticks.

It hasn't rained yet.

But the air is suppressed with water vapor, and it will soon be the same as the seaside.

They pushed the door open and walked in.

It's not a weekend, there are not many students dating in the bar, and most of the guests are residents of Hogsmeade, or new faces who come to travel or visit relatives.

"A glass of honey water, Harry, do you want whiskey?" Dumbledore greeted Ms. Rosmerta.

Harry waved his hand: "A glass of whiskey."

Wait for the drinks to be served.

"Harry, who do you think R.A.B. will be?" Dumbledore took a sip of honey water.

Harry was silent for a while without opening his mouth. He lit the table, and when half a glass of wine was finished, he glanced at Ms. Rosmerta who was far away from her knowledge: "Let's think about it, first of all rule out that he is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, otherwise He will definitely tell you about this."

Dumbledore nodded.

He had such confidence in the Order of the Phoenix and in himself.

Most importantly, in the Order of the Phoenix, there is no one whose name or abbreviation is "R.A.B." Although he is very old, his memory is not as confused as ordinary old people.

"If it's not the Order of the Phoenix, then it can't be someone who is against him." Harry continued to nod the table, "With Tom's character, it is impossible to keep someone who can cause him big trouble, unless there is something he can't deal with other than you, are there any wizards like this?"

Dumbledore shook his head.

Harry paused, looking at the "note" that seemed to exist on the table: "That thing is Tom's biggest secret."

"People who know that he has this thing are likely to be informed by him."

"The "friends" who used to search for Horcruxes with him, or people who he trusted extremely, at least like Malfoy and Lestrange, gave things to him for safekeeping."

"Or leave it to him to guard, even if the layout of the cave is perfect, what's the problem with being more prepared?"

What did Dumbledore think.

Harry asked Ms. Rosmerta to refill his glass.

After she left, she continued: "Let's think about the handwriting on the note. It's scribbled, even a bit ugly. Although it was written in a hurry, even if it was written well, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to write very well." nice."

"A young man."

"A young man with average abilities, talents, and personalities."

Dumbledore shook his head: "Harry, dare to resist Tom, that is not an ordinary young man."

"I mean the way he behaves every day." Harry added the qualification, "a young man like this cannot be Tom's friend."


"Probably the same as Malfoy and Lestrange."

Having said that, Harry downed his full glass in one gulp.

"A person, or family, trusted by Voldemort to be able to keep it for him."

"Not very old."

"The last name begins with the letter 'B'."

"The noblest and oldest pure-blood family, Black."

Dumbledore nodded.

Harry went on: "Sirius starts with S, S.O.B."

"I don't know, Professor Dumbledore, if you have paid attention to the genealogy of the Black family. Sirius has a younger brother, and Kreacher will occasionally mention him."

"Reculus Arcturus Black."


Dumbledore couldn't help applauding: "What a clever reasoning."

Harry tapped his glass: "What's even more gratifying is that we might find clues to Tom's hidden Horcruxes."

"He might consider bestowing the Horcruxes on his servants and letting them keep them. Malfoy, Lestrange, Black, what other families?"

"First of all, we exclude purebloods like Crouch who have only one person, not the whole family."

Dumbledore was proficient, almost without thinking: "Avery, Carlo, Nott, Rozier, Rolle, Selwyn, Travers."

Harry blinked: "So much?"

"More than a third of the Death Eaters agree with Tom's point of view." Dumbledore nodded, "Of course, some of these families may not be so firm in supporting him, but to be honest, they support Tom's The rise has provided no small boost."

"Obviously not that many, maybe the rest are in their hands, maybe there are only one or two? But it's better than having no ideas." Harry let out a long breath, "Professor Dumbledore, you should really be thankful for one thing .”

"I haven't collected debts properly before."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows: "You mean Potter's shampoo?"

"I'm also a loyal user."

Harry took out his wand, called out the Patronus, gave it a few words, and watched it fly in the direction of Hogwarts.

"I told Sirius to wait for us at home, let's go now?" He took out a Galleon and threw it on the table while talking.

Dumbledore sipped his drink: "Let me finish this glass well."

Under Harry's staring gaze, he couldn't help speeding up, walked out of the tavern in embarrassment, and took Harry away with Apparition.

In Blake's old house.

Kreacher, who rarely enjoyed the empty and clean old Blake house, saw three people walking in in two groups, one behind the other, and could not help cursing in a low voice.

Sirius was at a loss: "Harry, Professor Dumbledore, is there anything you can't say at Hogwarts? Come home."

"We may find something related to your brother." Dumbledore beckoned him to sit down.

younger brother?

This word is too unfamiliar.

So much so that he couldn't think of Regulus in his first reaction: "James? Or Remus?"

"It's Regulus." Harry forced his memory open.

This familiar yet unfamiliar name.

"Ah, that idiot?" Sirius looked very indifferent, "What's wrong with him, did you find something about him?"

"I don't want to paint him."

Kreacher leaned over and cursed: "Ah, this stupid heir of the Black family is starting to say such things again now, how can he slander the true heir of the Black family like this?"

"Kreacher, shut up." Sirius interrupted it, gritting his teeth.

Harry sat down opposite Sirius: "My dear godfather, this time I support Kreacher's words."

Sirius was taken aback.

Dumbledore nodded: "Even I have to admit that Regulus is a great hero, a true warrior."

"The Sorting Hat often says that there are no two individuals so alike in the world as Gryffindor and Slytherin."

"Yeah, it's always right."

"There's great courage in Slytherin too."

Kreacher stared blankly at Harry and Dumbledore, a little at a loss, rubbing his hands together and twisting them into a ball.

"Warrior? Regulus?" Sirius was at a loss.

in memory.

The cowardly image of a weak character and letting the family play around emerges.

In his appearance similar to his own, there is only immature ambition and immature decadence.

It can hardly be connected with the word "warrior".

one more chapter

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