"Mr Scrimgeour's Patronus?" Harry noticed Tonks' words, looking at the silver owl and Kingsley's markedly changed face.

Tonks nodded cautiously.

"Are you afraid of being caught by Mr. Scrimgeour?" Harry asked hesitantly.

Tonks was startled, and suddenly realized: "That's right, today is Christmas, so it's normal that we're not at work."

Harry was expressionless.

It sounded abnormal and absurd, but the thought that this was something Ministry staff had in mind made everything suddenly normal.

Sirius yelled aloud.

He became an Animagus, and it was difficult to speak human words.

"This is Sirius?" Tonks dodged a werewolf, raised a huge boulder with the levitation spell, and slammed it hard at the head. excited?"

Harry translated for him: "No, he's saying, this idea of ​​yours is not normal at all?"

"Isn't it normal?" Tonks muttered, and hid behind Harry, "What's not normal, like today, and being arrested to work overtime on Christmas, that's not normal!"

"Overtime pay is only two Galleons per hour!"

"I don't even have enough money to buy skin care potions."

After hearing the owl's muttering, Kingsley raised his head and looked over: "Mr. Potter, I'm afraid we have to make a quick decision."

"Some accidents happened."

"Granger, Mr. Longbottom, they have performed very well."

Harry nodded, tapped the hat lightly, and a bottle of potion flew out, fluttering the cap and unscrewing it, pouring dark brown liquid into his mouth.

The magic boils.

With a wave of his magic wand, the branches and vines bound all the werewolves. They struggled, biting their teeth or using their claws, trying to destroy the branches, their scarlet eyes staring fiercely at the culprit who tied them up.

Greyback didn't move as much as the other werewolves, silently nibbling at the shackles that bound him.

Harry raised his wand.

The effect of the Transfiguration Spell covered the branches that bound all the werewolves except Greyback, and the invisible majestic magic power surged, rolling up a wave of tangible weak waves. Many werewolves wailed, and the branches suddenly turned into steel. They bite down, crushing their teeth.


Steel branches stretched out, piercing through their bodies, crushing their internal organs.

The smell of blood diffused.

Kingsley's pupils shrank, and his voice stammered a little: "Mr. Potter, I, I didn't mean that."

"Huh? Isn't that fast enough?" Harry inserted the snake bone sword back into the hat, and hummed lightly in doubt.

Kingsley shook his head.

He has always hated the title that the Ministry of Magic asked the Daily Prophet to give Harry - "Little Hangleton Butcher", but now it seems that it is inexplicably appropriate. In an instant, out of nineteen werewolves, only one was left alive.

"Too fast." Kingsley said in a strange tone, "And it shouldn't be."

Harry glanced at him calmly. "You're an Auror, and they're evil werewolves."

"Do you still have sympathy for them?"

Kingsley did not speak, but lowered his head.

Harry waved his wand, summoned his Patronus, and after a few instructions, the silver griffin flapped its wings and flew to Hogwarts.

"What did Mr Scrimgeour tell you?" Harry asked him.

Kingsley shook his head, and moved away those wild thoughts in his mind: "A very bad news, the Death Eaters who escaped from prison forcibly broke into Gringotts."

"Gringotts?" Harry frowned. "What are they doing there? Robbing Galleons?"

"No." Kingsley shook his head, "They may be for"

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused and looked at the other three young wizards. Although they had fought side by side and they had proved their excellence, he was not sure if they knew the news, and he was not sure if they should know .

"For that?" Harry gripped his wand tightly.

Kingsley nodded: "I doubt very much that the goblins discovered that someone had sneaked into Gringotts with the tokens of the Lestrange family and opened the vault. They didn't take things, but put them in."

"Goblins are curious."

"You know, those creatures always think that all the valuables in the world belong to them, and Director Scrimgeour has been keeping the goblins' attention on the movements of these Death Eaters' vaults."

"So, the goblins went to investigate and found that the items deposited in the Lestrange family vault were people, real people, including muggles and wizards"

"And they have been hiding in the Lestrange family's vault since they broke in today, and have never tried to fight back or escape."

Harry took a deep breath. "Bellatrix Lestrange?"

"There is her." Kingsley nodded, "From the memory of the goblin, Director Scrimgeour saw her figure."

"I have to hurry there first."

"Mr. Potter, you inform Professor Dumbledore, I'm afraid the situation will be so bad that he needs to go out."

He waved his wand and tried to apparate, and his body pulled away in an illusion, but he came back solid after a while, and a clear flush could be seen on his dark face.

Harry looked at him suspiciously.

Kingsley frowned: "Diagon Alley has been locked with shadow locks to prevent apparition."

"It's very abnormal."

"Wouldn't the Ministry be so detailed?" Harry asked.

Kingsley's face became even more rosy: "Of course not, it's just not necessary!"

"Although Hogwarts has a special training class for teaching this spell, and there are many young wizards who successfully obtain a license to apparate each year, this does not mean that every wizard can use this spell smoothly. "

Harry said softly, "But Death Eaters are obviously not ordinary wizards."

Kingsley took a deep breath: "Of course, they are not ordinary wizards."

"But they're in Gringotts now, and that's where Apparation is forbidden, so there's no need for Diagon Alley."

Having said that, he stopped abruptly, and looked at Harry.

They both realized something.

"Delaying time." Harry looked at Greyback. "These werewolves were the outcasts thrown by the Death Eaters, and they deliberately let us know."

"Even without Uncle Remus, in order to protect Hogsmeade, and Hogwarts, which is close to Hogsmeade, the people they fear most, Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and me, will Stay at Hogwarts and deal with the werewolves."

"They took the opportunity to break into Gringotts, and after they were sure to attract all the Aurors, they quietly used the shadow lock to block Diagon Alley."

"I'm afraid Mr. Scrimgeour hasn't imagined that they will block Diagon Alley."

"The Order of the Phoenix can't catch up, and it's hard for the Aurors to pose any threat to them."

"They're buying Voldemort."

Kingsley shuddered.

"It's really bad news." The greasy and long voice sounded from behind Kingsley, "Do Mr. Potter and Mr. Dumbledore still have miscalculations?"

"I think it's hard for anyone to imagine that Voldemort would trust the goblin so much that he would put one of these things in the goblin's bank." Harry sneered back.

Kingsley didn't bother to greet Snape, and retorted: "No, Gringotts is a bank for wizards."

"Oh." Harry and Snape sneered together.

Kingsley blushed even more angrily.

Harry waved his hand, and several werewolves were put down: "Professor Snape, take these werewolves back to study, the one who can still breathe is Fenrir Greyback, be careful, don't let him go gone."

Snape flicked his wand, and the ropes flew out, binding them.

"Hermione and the others, please take them back too." Harry waved his hands, "And my godfather."

Sirius turned back into human form and grinned: "Harry, I can, I'm not a little wizard"

"I can't sit down." Harry shook his head. "I'll take Mr. Shacklebolt over there on a motorcycle, and you have to stay and drive Professor Dumbledore over there. You can't let Albus, an old guy, get lost alone. In downtown London."

Sirius reluctantly agreed: "I see."

"Is Crouch there too?" Neville pushed Ron away and walked over with firm eyes, "Harry, Crouch must be there."

"Maybe." Harry nodded, "but dealing with a pack of Death Eaters isn't the same as dealing with a pack of werewolves."

Neville raised the bloody sword in his hand: "I'm ready, Harry, I can"

"I'll leave him to you." Harry interrupted him, "but I can't take you there now, and then I may face much more difficult troubles than Crouch, you know, Voldemort may be in ancient times The Ling Pavilion is revived."

Neville fell silent, and soon he raised his head and raised his hand: "Harry, promise me, you must leave Crouch and Lestrange to me."

"Of course." Harry high fived him.

Kingsley opened his mouth, and was about to remind him that those Death Eaters would eventually return to the Ministry of Magic's trial process.

Harry added: "No one can stop it, not even Professor Dumbledore."

Kingsley shut his mouth immediately.

Neville took a deep breath and nodded reluctantly.

Harry pointed at the hat and cast a spell. After a while, a vigorous motorcycle figure flew towards him in the distance: "Hey, Harry, why are you calling me? I'm racing against Buckbeak, um, I mean , we are teaching a little Thestral to fly."

"You know, the one that Hagrid likes very much, the Thestral called Wuwu."

"There's a big problem." Harry patted him lightly. "Put the flying game on hold. Take us to London."

"It's flying lessons." The Sorting Hat corrected and flashed the headlights, "Then come up quickly!"

Harry rode up.

Kingsley was about to straddle it, but suddenly stopped and looked at Neville: "Mr. Longbottom, it may be too late to say it now, but after you graduate, will you consider becoming an Auror?"

Neville shook his head resolutely: "No, Mr. Shacklebolt, thank you for your kindness."

"But I'd rather be a professor of herbalism like Professor Sprout."

Kingsley stared at him blankly.

Especially the steel sword in his hand, with blood dripping down on the ground, even the slightest resemblance to Professor Sprout?

Again, I must have my wisdom teeth pulled!

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