Creating something out of nothing, and wanting to research a new drug, is a very challenging thing.

Not to mention, there are almost no medicines for reference.

Wolf's poison potion solves brain problems, and has nothing to do with wolf's disease.

This is also very different from Harry and Snape's study of the witcher's potions - the potions of the witcher are very troublesome, but at least Harry is very familiar with them, knowing their effects and properties .

However, Harry had only heard about the potion that lifted the werewolf curse, and knew that the most important ingredient in it was "virgin tears".

Other than that, nothing is known.

This gave Harry and Snape a headache.

Dear Head Slytherin, more than once in the letter scolded Harry for being infected by Sirius, and suddenly did such a thought-out thing.

Although he thinks he is upright, he will give his own thoughts every time he finishes scolding.

Come July.

Sirius calmed down and didn't go out for racing very much. He only played games with Dudley occasionally, and spent the rest of his time in the living room, asking Petunia for advice and knitting clothes.

Parsley is common.

It is very difficult to weave them into shirts, and the quantity is limited, only five pieces can be used.

Sirius was flustered.

The Dursleys had been eating parsley for seven days straight, and Dudley and Fernon had parsley in their faces, especially Dudley, who could barely stand the creature.

There is a weight-loss potion, why eat grass!

July 10th.

Lupine just moved out, didn't go to Potter's house, they moved to a deserted lot, pitched a tent, and Harry had to go back to sleep every day.

The day of the full moon.

Lupine drank the last bottle of Wolfsbane potion: "Harry, your potion is much better than Snape's."

"He hasn't poisoned you, so he's restrained." Harry took back the potion bottle in his hand, cleaned it up and stuffed it back into his pocket, " only drank the potion bottle that I and Professor Snape had medicine?"

Lupine was taken aback, realized something, and turned his head aside: "The weather is really nice tonight."

Sirius vaguely sensed something was wrong, but he couldn't catch it for a while, frowned, and began to think.

"George and Fred should pay you a lot of salary every month, can't they even afford the wolfbane potion?" Harry also frowned, his tone depressed.

Lupine sighed: "Brother Weasley pays me a lot of salary every month, thirty-five galleons a week!"

"Their monthly net profit is only more than 500 Galleons."

Harry frowned.

A weekly salary of thirty-five is not low, and ordinary professors at Hogwarts, such as Hagrid and Trelawney, have a weekly salary of only forty Galleons.

And Ron mentioned that his brother Bill, who worked as a Gringotts spellbreaker in Egypt, even had a weekly salary of only twenty-five.

Lupine was already considered a high-income group in the wizarding world.

"But I still can't afford Wolfsbane Potion." Lupine rubbed his face, "A bottle of Wolfsbane Potion, although the price is only twenty Galleons, but there are still costs for a potion master to brew it, and the consumption of medicinal materials. cost"

He counted with his fingers: "A bottle of potion, if you really want to buy it, you need at least thirty Galleons."

As he spoke, he paused: "And if you want the Wolfsbane potion to take effect, you need to take it for a whole week before the full moon, one bottle a day for seven days."

It costs more than two hundred Galleons a month.

Even if he has a high salary now, the money he can earn still cannot afford the cost of the medicine.

"Awesome." Harry applauded him, "Have you become a werewolf more times, and your brain has also changed."

Halfway through the scolding, he thought that his Animagus was a wolf, paused a bit, and changed his words: "Has the brain become as small as a troll?"

"I'm such a living person, and I'm still your boss's classmate. I still call you uncle, and I write to you at least once a week, but you haven't mentioned it to me at all."

Sirius gritted his teeth, hating iron for being weak: "Remus, it's only over three hundred a month."

"Two hundred and ten Galleons." Harry corrected him.

Sirius paused: "It's only over two hundred, and it's not like I can't afford it. My uncle's savings should be enough for you to drink Wolf's Poison for a lifetime."

"Even if uncle's is not enough, there is still Black's, you know, we Black are the most short of money."

Lupine opened his mouth, about to speak.

Harry immediately said, "You have seen the process of brewing the wolfsbane potion these days. It's not troublesome, it's very simple."

"I have to boil potions every day to practice my hands. Other potions are no different from Wolf's Poison."

Lupine nodded and sighed, "Okay, I'll tell you next month."

"That is, I don't want to take care of it." Sirius shook his head, triumphantly, "Otherwise, with the people I know now, it would be no problem to be the largest herbal medicine supplier in Great Britain."

"Remus, our family will never lack potion ingredients."

Harry raised his head and glanced at the sky: "Let's go, the moon is out."

They walked out of the tent, and Sirius carefully held the clothes he wove from five parsley leaves. When a werewolf transforms, his body will swell and become bigger, and the robes will burst, let alone this kind of clothes.

The breeze pushed away the clouds, and the bright full moon was exposed, with silver light falling, and a layer of hoarfrost.

The night is beautiful.

Lupine was in a bad mood.

The more beautiful the moon, the more you will be affected.

Harry and Sirius immediately turned back into Animagus, Lupine's body froze, his head was elongated, his wolf mouth, pointed ears, his body swelled, his hands and feet were stretched long and narrow, and his sharp claws, Came out with gray fur all over.

Wolfsbane Potion takes effect.

Lupine restrained the conflict from screaming to the sky, swayed, sat down helplessly, opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse and rough: "Hey, Harry, this should be the first time you've seen me like this."

"Werewolves are really ugly."

Harry changed back into a human form, leaned over, and reached out to touch it: "Tsk, the hair is short and hard, and the color is not good-looking."

Lupine was startled, is this the focus?

Sirius also returns to human form.

The two of them helped Lupine carefully into the parsley shirt.

"Don't you think werewolves are ugly?" Lupine sat tense, not daring to move for fear of tearing his shirt accidentally.

"Except for fur color, everything is fine." Harry commented, "It would be nice if it was white."

"Or pure black." Sirius added his point of view, "White is not white, black is not black, the gray color looks boring."

"Right." Harry agreed.

Lupine couldn't laugh or cry, his heart warmed slightly.

He looked up at the moon.

It is no longer as ferocious as it used to be, and it is no longer high and out of reach, as if it is right beside him—he suddenly understands why so many poets love the moon.

Now, he also likes it a little bit.

Harry and Sirius didn't chant like Lupine, they were busy making a fire - Sirius didn't want to use charms, he was going to try drilling wood to make fire.

Sawdust, hay, drills made by magic.

The idea of ​​Sirius is a good one.

But after working for half an hour, there was only some smoke and dust, and no sparks could be seen.

He finally gave up on this idea, gave up on himself, and once the flames blazed, he raised a bonfire.

"Uncle Remus, do you want cooked food or raw food now?" Harry asked as he took ingredients out of his pocket.

"Deli food," Lupine replied succinctly.

Mutton, beef, and some vegetables and fruits were roasting on the flames. Sirius sang the songs they had learned in Hogwarts before, and they sang much better than the house hat.

Harry watched Lupine carefully.

The parsley leaves blended with the moonlight, but there was nothing magical about it.

They ate and drank, and the Sorting Hat brought Godric and Fox over to say hello to them. Until the early morning, when the moon was about to set, Lupine quietly changed.

His mouth and ears are shrinking, his body is also shrinking, his teeth and claws are getting shorter, and he looks like a normal person.

After a while.

There was only Lupine, naked, in a parsley suit, sitting on the ground.

"It works!" Sirius jumped up, looking excited, dancing.

Harry said nothing, and raised his wand.

Lupine immediately held out his hand.

Harry took a little of his blood and put it together with the potion he had prepared earlier. The blood of werewolves was very different from that of normal people.

"How?" Sirius asked impatiently.

There was also hope in Lupine's eyes.

Harry shook his head: "It's not cured."

The two of them were taken aback.

"But it can't be said that it didn't work." Harry waved his wand and untied Lupine's clothes.

The moonlight shines.

Lupine's face and body instantly grew longer, turning him back into a werewolf.

Sirius stared at this scene in a daze, his brain froze, and he couldn't quite understand it.

"When the power of the moon phase decays to a certain extent, parsley can produce a certain restraining effect." Harry took out a quill and parchment, and made a conclusion, "but this restraining power is very weak."

"It is"

He raised his wrist and glanced at the time: "It's four fifty-two, and the sun will rise in less than half an hour."

"If you don't take off your clothes, it's just that Remus can turn into a human half an hour earlier?" Sirius kicked the stone and curled his lips.

Harry nodded: "To be precise, I'm afraid it can only be ten or fifteen minutes earlier, but this is good news."

"There is something that can suppress wolf's disease. We just need to study to understand why parsley works, and figure out the properties of the medicine. Maybe we can develop a cure for wolf's disease."

Harry had been prepared for nothing.

The power of the two worlds is not interoperable, and it is an unexpected surprise that this method can achieve even a little effect.

When the last letter falls on the parchment.

Harry whistled.

In the distance, Hedwig flew over reluctantly, grabbed the parchment in Harry's hand, and flew to a distant place, intending to send this letter to Snape.

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