Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 304 Welcome to Durmstrang

Near half past eleven, the last batch of students successfully boarded the Hoddelhos. The three magic schools in Europe had previously adopted a seven-year magic education system, but Durmstrang was reforming it. After that, the seven-year teaching system was somewhat unable to meet today's teaching training.

At least for those truly elite students, seven years of magic education is still too short.

For ordinary students, being able to specialize in one or two courses already requires all the energy and all-out study. But for high-level talents, the traditional wizard path of being broad and skilled can transform their The upper limit is more fully explored. The correlation between different disciplines in the magic world is deeper than what is seen on the surface. For example, spells and potions may not seem to be related. In fact, the two disciplines can promote and refer to each other. Snape was a master of potions, but his proficiency in charms, especially black magic and curse magic, was far beyond that of other wizards.

This is due to his in-depth research on curse potions. Potions are actually "spells" that use potions as carriers to be preserved for a long time. In terms of some special effects, potions are even more powerful than curses. Strength, potions, and even some transformation effects, such as polyjuice potion.

Bo Er Jing is a very feasible path for truly elite wizards, but this thing is not suitable for most wizards.

The shortest three-year accelerated education trains tool workers in the magical world. After graduating from Durmstrang, these people will become the cornerstones of the magical world. The upper limit is not high, but they can be found in all walks of life. Even the kind of guy who only knows how to spin chicken legs and whose brain and cerebellum are not fully developed can become a qualified meat man after taking these three years of classes, work as a coolie in an alchemy workshop, and earn enough A living wage.

Supplemented by the compulsory Charms course that is more rigorous and efficient than Hogwarts, their life in the wizarding world will be very easy. At least they have learned the commonly used magics, especially those that are not taught in Hogwarts textbooks. , but it is a practical little magic that is very helpful in life, making it extremely convenient to do laundry, cooking and tidying up the home.

This group of students accounts for 60% of Durmstrang’s total students, and among the remaining 40%, more than 35% of students will attend Durmstrang for five to After seven years of study, after completing at least 1+1 courses in Charms + Interested Subjects, they will be able to receive Durmstrang's diploma. Although the employment prospects of the wizards trained in this way are relatively narrow, they can benefit from it. Due to their expertise in specific subjects, in today's booming 'new magic world', their employment opportunities are much higher than those of parallel graduates trained by traditional magic schools, and their salaries are also due to The corresponding position can be improved to a certain extent.

Less than five percent of the remaining students will receive an Offer Letter (admission notice) from the Umbrella Party after graduation. If all goes well, they will be absorbed into the Umbrella Party and enjoy this elite. Luxurious resources and assistance from political parties.

Working for Grindelwald is a great job. In Europe, few people can refuse this job with a starting salary of 20,000 galleons per year. In terms of direct salary, no professor at Hogwarts can refuse it. They are taller, but the hidden benefits of Hogwarts professors are better. As long as they are not parallel professors, they do not have the problem of lack of money. Snape’s research funding for one year is close to seven figures in galleons. Otherwise, where would he have the money to buy those horrifyingly expensive materials, and he would buy a container full of them? However, his output is higher, and just tinkering with a practical new potion is enough to wipe out the bills for several years.

When the Hodelhos started, Harry and Fleur, who were sitting by the floor-to-ceiling windows, watched the magical battleship sink quickly to the surface of the lake. When the towering masts were submerged by the lake, the fluctuations in magic suddenly became violent. stand up.

The turbulence of the whirlpool became a protective shell surrounding the magic battleship. The rapidly churning lake water seemed to tear the sun's rays into pieces. The window that suddenly became pitch black could not cast a trace of light. The chatter and laughter of the originally buzzing crowd were now overturned. went out, and the bright lights in the cabin seemed to dim a little at this moment. The freshmen and transfer students who came for the first time couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The lights that occasionally flickered seemed like someone was playing a prank, but in fact This is just because the magic power of the entire ship is concentrated on a special alchemy array.

The whirlpool outside the window became darker and deeper. The ship that was originally silent and seemed to be sinking suddenly felt the push on its back as it moved forward rapidly. Those who were not sitting in their seats couldn't help but swayed, and some who couldn't stand still. Their butts fell on the cabin deck covered with soft carpets, but before they could complain, the ship penetrated the dark curtain, and with a sudden lifting sensation, it broke through the water and was exposed to the sky again. The Hodelhos below had left the small lake where they were staying before and came to a huge lake surrounded by mountains.

The original wooden walls and ceiling instantly became transparent at this moment, and bright sunlight fell on everyone's head. The students in the cabin saw the waves of the lake that were reflected by the bow of the ship, and also saw the waves that were only a few hundred meters away from them. The Durmstrang 'Castle'!

Durmstrang originally had only a small four-story castle. After all, the legendary witch who founded Durmstrang was not as arrogant as the founder of Hogwarts, which stretched from the top of the cliff to The castle complex at the foot of the cliff is already too big even if the internal space is not expanded. Compared with Hogwarts, Durmstrang's old castle is indeed a bit 'stingy'.

But now, the four-story small castle has completely disappeared, replaced by a complex of buildings that has never appeared in the magical world.

There are very few particularly tall giant buildings in the magical world. Due to the existence of space expansion magic, even a one-bedroom apartment of dozens of square meters can be turned into a luxurious manor covering an area of ​​​​100 acres. However, there are two low-rise buildings in front of you. A cluster of ultra-modern 'skyscrapers' that are three hundred meters tall and nearly five hundred meters high.

There are two on the left and two on the left, and there is a single towering building in the middle. The buildings that look like obelisks are connected by several fifty-meter-long flying corridors. They are located in an arc shape, and a huge green building stands on the giant square in the center. Devo's real-life statue, his raised hands seem to welcome every student who enters Durmstrang, but he also seems to be embracing the endless beautiful world ahead. His head is slightly raised, and his deep and bright eyes are looking forward. The sky is also staring at the stars in the distance.

Not to mention the new students, even Harry was slightly shocked by the scene unfolding in front of him.

What is deep pockets?

Grindelwald, who demolished Durmstrang and rebuilt it, is synonymous with wealth. Although Nicolas Flamel may be richer, Nicolas Flamel probably wouldn't spend as much money as Grindelwald.

What kind of manor and mansion suddenly became boring in front of Durmstrang's new 'castle'.

While people were in a state of sluggishness, the Hodelhos had steadily sailed into the darkness of the lake, and the transparent ceiling and walls became solid again. The door to the cabin entrance was opened at this moment, and by the way, the door from The excitement and bustle of the freshman camp.

"Welcome to Durmstrang."

It seems that someone said this, and it seems that no one said this.


I originally finished writing 9K at 2:30 and was about to post it, but I couldn't bear it and slept for a few hours. I woke up a little more awake and read it again. It's bullshit. If you are in a bad state, don't write it. It's all rubbish. I I deleted it. I don’t have to go to work today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I’ll catch up on some sleep and update after that. The next update will be around 3pm, and then there will be another update before 12pm.

By the way, the small castle in Durmstrang has not been demolished and is now a student dormitory.

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