Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 224 A magical path that belongs only to us

"Harry, do you know what qualities it takes to be a true duelist?"

Professor Flitwick didn't like to travel long distances by apparating, and because there were so many people traveling, the carriage pulled by Thestrals became their best means of transportation. On the way to Austria, Professor Flitwick and Harry Leigh made small talk.

They were accompanied by other students from Professor Flitwick's dueling club, but the space inside the carriage was spacious, and people were sitting in twos and threes chatting and drinking tea.

"Careful, sharp, and never sloppy to kill the enemy with one strike?"

Harry really didn't know much about real duelists. To him, dueling was more like a game, a game that might allow him to play freely. There was no one of his age in Hogwarts who was the same as him. Enemies, but the world is so big, there is never a shortage of monsters, perverts and the like. Only when he comes to the world stage can Harry truly understand his own identity.

"No, no, no, what you are talking about is the most basic quality of a duelist. The duel field is a battlefield, a place for game and battle. Of course, it cannot be taken lightly."

Professor Flitwick shook his finger inscrutably.

"The most important trait a true duelist needs is - Cool, Cooler, Coolest!"

"Winning the game is only the first step. How to win the game handsomely and elegantly, and receive applause and cheers is the ability that a real duelist needs to master."

"The reason why dueling competitions remain popular after thousands of years is not only because the dueling arena is a stage where wizards can liberate their fighting nature, but also because dueling is an art, just like painting, opera, and dance dramas. The art of wizards." Professor Flitwick paused, "The art of top wizards."

"Let the slow spell trajectory become the ultimate speed that even if you see it, you can't dodge it. Although this will sacrifice all the concealment, it will allow my spell to reach the place where my eyes are in an instant, as long as If I see it, then there is no possibility of dodge, and even if I disapparate, I won’t have time to use it.”

"Voldemort's Avatar death ray is different from mine. What he changed was the output method of the spell, turning a single consumption spell into a continuous casting that can continuously supply energy to maintain strength. What I did was Highly compress the magic power, compress the magic spell to the extreme, and then in an instant, all the power of this spell will explode."

What flew out from the muzzle was not a ball of swaying light, but a highly focused, dazzling incandescent jet.

"If you want to go further on the road of magic, go further than anyone else, then what you need to do is to explore the potential of spells, or in other words, turn standard spells into what suits you best. "

Professor Flitwick happily agreed. It was a great thing for Harry to change his mind. Taking too big and too fast steps was not always a good thing.

"Your basic knowledge is already very solid. You have mastered almost all the sixth and seventh grade textbooks. You are the most harsh, even cruel, student I have ever seen. But I want to teach you another lesson here. The secret of magic lies not only in the skill of chanting incantations or casting spells without spells, but those are just the basics that must be mastered."

"If I have to use any words to describe the magic I pursue, it would be fast, extremely fast. The flying speed of the magic spell is slow, so slow that on a standard twenty-meter duel platform, as long as you concentrate on dealing with it, then It's not that difficult to dodge a spell."

Harry probably understood what Professor Flitwick meant. This sincere concern made Harry feel warm in his heart. There are not many people in the world who can treat you sincerely. Meeting a good teacher is a blessing. Very lucky thing.

"Can you give me an example?"

"The black mist form of Voldemort you brought back for me is actually a very inconspicuous levitating spell. Most of the many spells in the world are derived from wizards' improvements to standard spells. , after you have a solid enough foundation, it’s time for you to start exploring your own magic path.”

"Winning beautifully and gracefully doesn't mean you have to study all the bells and whistles. We must win first, and then pursue beautiful victory."

"Duel pursues exquisite skills, and no matter what it is, even if it is swinging a hammer to strike iron, mastering extraordinary skills will turn the crude action of swinging the hammer into an art that cannot be taken away."

"This is the magical path I'm on, FYI."

"Of course, you can refer to it."

"In this regard, I can't give you very detailed instruction. After all, I'm not you. I can't guess what kind of spell variant is the most suitable for you, but I believe you have this talent. In dueling competitions, you will see many magics that you have never seen before. Those magics are treasures that belong to every outstanding duelist. I hope you will observe and study them carefully during the competition, and finally find the one that suits you best. road."

"So what's the path I want to take?"

He pulled out his sapphire-skinned M500 revolver, then raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger, "fluorescence flashed."

"This is the secret to my victory, and it is also the top speed of the curse that no one can surpass so far."

There was a hint of hope in Professor Flitwick's eyes. He hoped that this student he was most satisfied with could take a further step in the path of magic. Harry's strictness towards him made Professor Flitwick a little uneasy. In his eyes, Harry Harry was a little obsessed, and Harry, who was constantly learning more new spells, seemed to be a little too paranoid. As a teacher, Flitwick felt that it was necessary to remind Harry that he should not just look up and look forward, but It’s important to pay attention to your steps to avoid missing a step and falling all over.

"Although there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of magic spells in the world, there are not many standard spells in the world. The number of standard spells recorded today is only more than 1,100, but how did they become ten What about times, a hundred times as much?”

When Professor Flitwick was young, he was definitely the most dazzling player in the duel arena because of his small stature. The spell of speed that was impossible to dodge allowed him to face the attacks of more than ten people and defeat them one by one. They were defeated, noon was here, six rounds of gunshots were fired, the M500 emptied the magazine, the six opponents were defeated, and no bullets were fired.

Holding the ebony and white ivory in his hands, Harry lowered his head and thought silently, stepping out of the framework of standard spells and opening a magical path of his own style. This was a decision that required him to think deeply.

During this confused thought, a beam of light suddenly appeared and cut through the fog of chaos, and Harry remembered the magic that had dazzled him when he first saw it.

"Maybe I know."

Harry raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

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