Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 200 The Harvest of the Ruins and the Enlightened Voldemort (Two in One)

"Hello, friend, I'm Setilaris Skoji, a traveler who is looking for clues all over the world in order to collect all the inherited runes. I don't know if you who saw my photo are also for Here comes."

"Here is the relic of the nineteenth ancient awakened wizard I found all over the world. This venerable senior was a member of the battle to hunt the demon god. He successfully walked out of the depths of the abyss to serve us. The wizarding world has won some hard-won breathing time."

"The three collections left here are from the demon gods they hunted. The silver leather should be the anti-demon skin of the demons. The wooden short spear should be the blood vessels and meridians that run through the body. There is also an irregular stone. That may be the broken magic core of the demon god, I took the magic core, and I need to use it for my research."

"However, I don't know much about the Demon God War a long time ago. Ordinary wizards were not able to participate in the core of that battle. There are very few clues left by the outside world. I also visited various ruins. We managed to piece together some clues."

"The traces left by the predecessors of the awakened are too few and too few. The inheritance of the awakened should have been destroyed after that battle. It has been seventeen years since I left Hogwarts and wandered the world, but I have not been able to find The second companion who has the same power as me, I sometimes wonder if I am the only living awakened wizard in the world."

"If it's true."

There was a trace of silence in Sett's eyes, "I do feel a little lonely, my friend."

"However, time will not erase the traces we left for this world. Maybe a hundred years or two hundred years. After my death, there will be new awakened wizards born in the world."

"I believe that in this vast world, there will be a day when we meet, even if it is only through this photo, but we are not alone."

"There are not many things I can leave for you. My dream is to collect all the runes that have been passed down in our blood. I believe that these runes contain the power to create the world. That is what I will devote my life to. The goal to pursue with all your strength.”

"Here are all the inheritance runes I have collected, including the parts I have mastered. If you have similar thoughts to me, then I hope this can bring you some little help. If you don't want to , I hope you can bring out the knowledge here, and don’t let him be buried under the dust of time.”

In the seventeen years that Sett has been powerful in the world, he has collected another eleven inherited runes, among which there are three left by the owner of this relic: Fus-strength, Ro-balance, and Dah-promotion.

Harry memorized the runes left by Sett one by one, just like at Hogwarts, he also left the other three runes that he had obtained on Paradise Island before, if there were no spells here If the Congress is destroyed, maybe the next Awakened wizard will come here.

Compared with Seti's serious pictures, the content recorded in the emerald green vortex is not so serious. In other words, the awakened wizards who took pictures thousands of years ago did not intend to leave inheritance or anything, they just I'm recording my life, it's like a small video in Moments.

The unknown Awakened wizard spoke a lot of North American dialects, but judging from his appearance, he was probably introducing the collection he was proud of. pride.

And Fus-strength, Ro-balance, and Dah-promoting the "unshakable power" composed of the three runes are the magic he used when he showed off the alchemy golem that resembled Gundam, but the cool-looking Alchemist Gundam has now become a pile of rotten scrap iron, and he can no longer see the tall and mighty appearance in the photo.

Harry put away the silver leather. Compared with the Invisibility Cloak, this completely unprocessed leather does not have the one-sided invisibility effect of the Invisibility Cloak, but in other respects, it can do everything the Invisibility Cloak can do. arrive.

The process of taking the last 'artifact' was much smoother than Harry expected. Even when he returned to the entrance, the anesthesia still had at least ten minutes to take effect. After a little hesitation, Harry gave up. The idea of ​​using the Imperius Curse to control this group of people to advance to death, kill people and silence them, there is no need for him to play Voldemort role-playing, and there is no need to be a murderous lunatic. Besides, it does not bring any value.

Putting on the invisibility cloak, Harry hid his figure, and once again passed through the door behind him, and came out of the crowded ruins.

The outer entrance was guarded by heavily armed Aurors. However, the group failed to notice a transparent human figure walking out of the entrance. Wizards relied too much on magical security, which was targeted by the Invisibility Cloak Well, if some guards like dementors were placed at the door, Harry would be noticed immediately when he appeared.

The anti-apparition barriers and other magical barriers around Harry couldn't stop Harry at all, and it wasn't until ten minutes later that the Auror who woke up from his coma rushed out to report the news, which caused a messy commotion.

Some rumors are also spreading wildly among the bounty hunters in the outer circle. The news that the Magic Congress has obtained the last artifact has been spread by people. A direct conflict with the regular army may not happen, but for the huge benefits of getting rich overnight, some red-eyed thieves are eager to try.

The chaos in North America has nothing to do with Harry. After saying goodbye to the blond brother, Harry left without any hesitation. Twelve days of vacation can't just be wasted like this.


In Nurmengard, far away in Europe, Tom, who was locked up in the laboratory, obviously did not enjoy the Christmas holiday. Grindelwald was very serious when he went to work. During the forty-eight hours when he took over Voldemort, he even Even without taking a nap for ten minutes, the high-concentration refreshing potion kept his spirits full.

Hard work is naturally fruitful. Using potions and spells to destructively mine Voldemort's memory yields very gratifying results. Voldemort's research on black magic has taken a completely different path from Grindelwald's. For a dark wizard, these materials have high reference value.

It is difficult for a wizard who has reached Grindelwald's level to be influenced by others. He already has his own path, and the research results from others can only be used as supplementary reference materials for him, and will not have any essence for him. sexual influence.

"Is this a bad game?"

Seeing Little Tom sticking out his tongue and crooked his mouth, motionless, Grindelwald sighed with some pity. He admired the black wizard with his back very much. Of course, this was only in the research of black magic. In terms of personal strength, Grindelwald looked down on Voldemort, who was playing tricks in England. His sneaky appearance couldn't be called a hero at all.

However, Little Tom, who was completely unconscious, could not give his answer at all. After experiencing the "careful care" of this senior dark wizard, Voldemort admitted that he was scared, and he was really scared.

What Laoshizi Crucifixion, that kind of thing can also be regarded as a means of torturing people?

In the face of Grindelwald's concoction, the Cruciatus Curse is like a toy for children's play house!

leave here! Definitely not in England. NO! Continue to stay in Europe!

Before his mind was completely shattered and his consciousness was wiped out, Voldemort, who had already deeply realized that this place was an ominous place, had completely awakened!

Does he have a feud with Harry? It wasn't Harry who killed his body, so why did he have trouble with him? That little stick seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and he should be lucky that he didn't get troubled, so post it again? I'm afraid that Lily pressed her hand on the ground and beat her violently if she was not rushing to the underworld.

Did he have a feud with Dumbledore? No, not at all, it's just that when he was at Hogwarts, all the professors liked him, but Dumbledore didn't like him very much. Can this kind of thing be regarded as enmity? The professor is not his father, how can he force people to like him? Tom felt that he had been somewhat ill.

As for whether Grindelwald can't be provoked or can't be provoked. Blind people will oppose the only leader of the Witch Party whose influence stretches over half of the European continent. Voldemort admitted that he had spoken louder before and shouldn't be with him. against his concubine.

The world is so big, is it possible that there is no place for him to stay? Not every place has monsters like Europe. The persimmon is soft, and it is definitely the stupidest idea to crash to death on a dead road. His dream and pursuit is eternal life, not some shit ruling England, eating death The gangster is just a tool he uses to grab power, but where can the tool man not find it?

Voldemort, who finally ended his tortured career, chose another place to reopen without hesitation after his soul was destroyed. Only after being killed, could he clearly feel the connection between himself and the Horcrux. Line, his soul has been cut too many times, only in the stage of resurrection can he perceive the connection between himself and the soul in the horcrux.

But this time, he did not choose to resurrect from a certain horcrux. Taking advantage of this opportunity, his shattered consciousness connected to all horcruxes that have not been discovered and destroyed. Since Europe cannot continue to stay, the horcruxes cannot There is no need to continue to exist.

Horcruxes hidden in various places were activated at the same time, and converged in one direction along the connection between invisible souls.

The ring may have been exposed. It is not an ideal resurrection point. The locket stored in the cliff cave on the coast has been moved. To be careful, Voldemort will not choose to be reborn there. The crown was left in Hogwarts. It was even more of a dragon's den and a tiger's den. Maybe Dumbledore was waiting for him to show up, and then caught him and continued to play with Grindelwald. At this moment, his only choice was to hand it over to his most trusted subordinate, Bellatrix Rice. A Horcrux kept by Trange.

She put Hufflepuff's gold cup in the vault of the Lestrange family. Gringotts is known as the safest place in the wizarding world. Although there is a lot of water in it, it is already the best choice now.

In the dim vault full of gold, a translucent phantom was quickly formed by the magic power stored in the horcrux. After giving up all the horcruxes, Voldemort's phantom at this moment is more solid than ever.

But in the next second, the howl of extreme pain echoed in the empty vault. Grindelwald's torture and torture to him will not be refreshed and eliminated directly with the resurrection of the Horcrux. His memory has been completely blurred because of his many collapses, but the heart-wrenching feeling is still intact.

A silver thread of memory was pulled out by Voldemort with trembling fingers. At the moment of cutting off the thread, his painfully convulsed body suddenly relaxed, just like Horace Slughorn in order to escape what he once told about Voldemort's soul. Just as he chose to modify his memory and deceive himself because of the knowledge of the weapon, Voldemort also chose to modify his memory, but compared to Horace, Voldemort's attack was more decisive.

He directly deleted the painful memory that was unbearable in his mind.

There is only one thing he needs to remember now!

eternal life!

This is my first dream, and it is also my purest and most beautiful dream. There is no need to repeat the wrong path I took back then. Since I chose to leave here, before I leave, I will completely cut off the connection with the wrong path. connect.

Voldemort gasped heavily with his gaze restored, and he didn't even want to use the title of Voldemort, a second-level explosive name, again.

Being ordinary doesn't seem to be a big deal, at least it can make him get through the weakest period safely.

Tom Riddle looked at the Lestrange family's treasury. There were millions of Galleons piled up here. As an ancient wizard family, there was absolutely no shortage of gold.

Whether it is the study of immortality or doing other things, money is a must.

He tore a piece of well-preserved dragon skin. Although he didn't have a wand, it wouldn't be too difficult to cast spells with his bare hands. After a while, he was wearing a simple dragon skin cloak and a dragon skin bag that had been cast with a traceless stretching spell. As soon as the production was completed, tons of gold, silver, and brass-colored bullets were stuffed into the pockets. Voldemort did not touch those useless gold utensils. Taking them away would still risk exposing himself, but the coins made by the goblins These possibilities do not exist.

"It's time to leave."

Voldemort, who looked the same as ordinary people, put on the hood, then picked up a wand that had been discarded here, which was not very smooth, and pulled the trigger against the heavy vault door in front of him.

A piercing siren sounded in Gringotts. At the bottom of the underground vault, a fire dragon roared in pain. Accompanied by the dazzling fire, Gringotts ushered in an unprecedented major bank robbery!

But the instigator did not show up. He had already packed his bags and flew far away, leaving the place of right and wrong.

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