Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 175 Cursed Container

"Tick tock. Tick tock"

The sound of water dripping to the ground echoed in the empty basement. The long green snake fixed to the ground by silver spikes had lost the breath of life at this moment. Countless fine blood beads filled the gaps in its scales. As the blood solidified, The sound of dripping water also disappeared little by little.

The basilisk's huge eyes were staring at the entrance stone door ahead, but the bright yellow light no longer lit up in its eyes, turning into gray eyes full of deathly silence, revealing the unwillingness to wither.

It was Salazar Slytherin's loyal pet. It slept here for nearly a thousand years after the owner was lost, in order to protect the owner's treasure and obey the new owner's orders, but its life was tragic.

It is regarded as a tool, but its existence itself is indeed a tool. The basilisk is a container cultivated by wizards using magic. It is not a creature in the complete sense. It is a living container used to contain the curse of death. Living container.

Those eyes that can kill any life by looking directly at them carry this curse. Black magic that is more evil than the Unforgivable Curse exists in the magic world, but most of the terrible evil magic has relatively different conditions for use. It is harsh and not as light and simple as today's three unforgivable curses, but you cannot underestimate its power. Human beings have an innate talent for destruction. Ancient wizards will not lose to today's wizards in terms of intelligence. Their only shortcoming is their 'time-bound vision'.

Tom Riddle, the evil wizard who announced to the world his name as Voldemort, is no ordinary person. He has a handsome appearance, a smart mind, a smooth tongue, and a seductive whisper. In terms of black magic, he has His achievements and research have gone far beyond the limits of ordinary people, and his talent on the road to curse is also extraordinary.

The curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts faculty at Hogwarts is real. The curse that caused dozens of outstanding or ordinary professors to suffer misfortune one after another could not be expelled even by Dumbledore. At that time, Tom Riddle was just He is more than 20 years old, but he has gone very far on the road of exploring darkness.

As the blood heir of the Gaunt family and Slytherin, he has the power to open the Chamber of Secrets and control the basilisk. When he was a student, Tom had already released the basilisk. At that time, he was still young and believed that Slytherin wanted to expel all basilisks. At the same time, he is also a twisted bloodist. He dislikes the blood of his Muggle father flowing in his body, and thus embarks on the crazy path of pursuing pure blood.

The only pity is that he accidentally killed Myrtle who was crying secretly in the bathroom. The death of the student caused huge turmoil in Hogwarts. The principal at the time was not Dumbledore, but Amon. Mr. Dippet, the headmaster is not strong, nor does he have the reputation or power to make the Ministry of Magic bow. The Ministry of Magic, which already has ideas about Hogwarts, uses this to put pressure on Hogwarts, and even At one point there was a threat to close the school.

His plan for the Chamber of Secrets was suspended due to this accident. Tom framed the blame on Rubeus Hagrid, which terminated the investigation of the Chamber of Secrets. Later, Dumbledore, who succeeded Armando Dippet as the principal, was full of doubts about him. Due to the lack of precaution, Tom's research on the Chamber of Secrets was forced to come to an end. He also lost the opportunity to return to Hogwarts later and was unable to truly explore the real wealth left by Salazar Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets.

After the failure of the Philosopher's Stone incident last year, Tom Riddle completely lost one-seventh of his soul and had to be reborn from a Horcrux. As a dark wizard and dark lord, he could not simply swallow it In this tone, he wanted revenge, revenge, and made the guy who offended him pay with his life.

But he cherishes his life. Voldemort, who pursues immortality throughout his life, is crazy, but also timid. He understands that Dumbledore is a wizard with powerful power. When he was 11 years old, Dumbledore met him for the first time. The meeting left a deep psychological shadow on him, like a mountain. Before the old guy really showed his fatigue, it was difficult for him to muster the courage to confront him tit for tat.

The fear of death that appears in his heart because of his longing for eternal life is his biggest weakness. Since revenge cannot be at the expense of one's own adventure, the choice of tools is particularly important.

He once again thought of the Chamber of Secrets and the prop left by Salazar Slytherin to his heirs to 'purify' Hogwarts - the basilisk.

But the basilisk was too conspicuous. Even if there were pipes extending in all directions that allowed the basilisk to move freely and secretly in Hogwarts Castle, after all, it was a beast, a beast without any brains, and it was crushed in Harry's hands. Voldemort will not underestimate this twelve-year-old 'little wizard'. He understands better than anyone else what kind of terrifying power this guy has.

The dark magic power that he coveted was destined to become a being who would leave his name in history. Even in terms of achievements, Harry Potter, who mastered this darkness, would never lose to himself.

He did not regard Harry as a young boy who despised and underestimated his opponent, but also defeated his opponent. That was the stupidest idea. He was infected with madness because he was deeply involved in the quagmire of black magic, but he He did not become a brainless madman, but after suffering the punishment of death, his thinking was clearer than ever.

Therefore, he handed over the responsibility of revenge to his most trusted and closest person, Nagini, the loyal snake who stayed with him when he was weakest and helpless.

Voldemort discovered Nagini's uniqueness very early on. In order to survive as a wandering ghost in the Albanian forest, he had to possess those little beings and absorb their vitality, whether they were mice or birds. , or snakes, his favorite is snakes, but no little life can survive his possession for more than a week.

Nagini is different. There is magic in its body. Although it looks like a larger viper and is not a magical creature, it has magic in its body. It is not even inferior to any other snake. wizard.

After draining the unlucky Quirrell, Voldemort regained some strength. He barely built a magical body, and then returned to England with his loyal Nagini. He originally wanted to find his loyal servant , however, after returning to England, he understood that the loyalty he once thought was nothing but bullshit.

The two wizarding families who followed him most loyally at the beginning were Black and Malfoy. Black had been destroyed, while Malfoy was dominating the magical world in England. He naturally chose the richest servant, but what he got was not another one. Kneeling and swearing allegiance, but with fear and trembling eyes.

Voldemort was furious. He felt the taste of betrayal for the first time, so he punished him lightly. Even though he was just barely out of the wandering spirit form at the time, it was not difficult to deal with an ordinary wizard who was frightened.

After punishing his unfaithful servant, Voldemort originally wanted to get a new body. He knew there was any magic that could do this, but he did not act. His unfaithful servant brought back news, news about the Philosopher's Stone. , rather than making an ordinary body, he was willing to take a little risk in pursuit of perfection. At that time, he did not have the fear of Dumbledore as he does now.

So he put more energy into cultivating a loyal helper. The Malfoy family was not worthy of his trust again, but their value was enough. As punishment, Voldemort took away Lucius Malfoy's most beloved child. One of the things I cherish.

His wife, Narcissa Malfoy, was drained of most of her life force and magic by him, and he used this resource on his loyal snake, Nagini.

Voldemort studied the curse quite deeply. After regaining some strength, he was able to have the energy to study this unique snake. He discovered that Nagini was a blood-cursed orc. She was once a witch, but Because of the blood curse, she completely turned into a snake. Maintaining the snake form for a long time made her forget everything about herself as a wizard. Nagini was like a piece of white paper that had been repainted. In the eyes of Voldemort, A symbol of her purity.

The blood-cursed orcs are not a particularly secretive existence. Like the Malfoys, the Greengrass family, one of the twenty-eight sacred families, is a wizard family entangled in the blood-cursed. However, they found out during long-term research that There are some methods to fight against the blood curse so that women who are under the blood curse will not turn into beasts, but the price is that most of them will not live to be forty years old, and thirty years old is the age of longevity.

Voldemort 'visited' this family, and easily obtained all the Greengrass family's research on the Blood Curse without being discovered. In a short period of more than a month, he almost understood it thoroughly. This ancient curse that has been passed down for a long time is just like Snape studying the Wolfsbane potion. He also completed the analysis of the blood curse in a very short period of time, and did things that people didn't dare to think of.

He reversed the blood curse, allowing the wizard who was transformed into a beast by the blood curse to return to human form again. However, because the power to reshape the body came from Narcissa Malfoy, Nagini did not completely transform back into her former self. In appearance, she has some shadows of Narcissa, such as some personality habits, brilliant golden hair, and pale and bloodless skin.

Then a perfect assistant appeared.

He asked Lucius to summon his 'allies', and all the wizarding families close to the Malfoy family were present. Voldemort added a small memory to them, about a woman named 'Cassandra... Malfoy's girl's memory, as the Dark Lord, everything he did is smooth and seamless. For these 'witnesses', they only need to have a little vague impression, and they do not need to be implanted with too much reality. memory.

The admission notice to Hogwarts is not difficult. The Pen of Acceptance and the Book of Admission will only record the newly born qualified wizards in Europe (not all, but the huge area radiating outwards from England). seeds, but it does not mean that young wizards who are not on this list cannot go to Hogwarts. Every year, there are young wizards from 'outside the school district' who want to come to Hogwarts, such as Parvati and Pa from India. Sister Dema, as long as you go through verification, admission is not difficult.

From that day on, people tacitly accepted that Lucius had an illegitimate daughter. This was not a particularly glorious thing, and it was normal for it not to be publicized.

However, the newly reborn Cassandra had a "flaw" and she could not be a good assistant. So last year, Voldemort did not let her participate in any of his affairs, but he had recovered her in the second year. Part of 'self' Cassandra already has the ability to be his helper.

As a blood-cursed orc who has maintained a snake form for decades, Nagini has the ability to talk to snakes. Even after she transformed back into human form, she still possesses many 'characteristics' that are highly close to snakes. The death curse of the basilisk A magical snake must be used as a carrier, and by chance, Nagini in human form is qualified to carry this curse.

Compared to the basilisk, which has no brain and almost only instinct, Nagini, who has complete human intelligence, is a more perfect container than the basilisk. Those bright yellow eyes of death can be opened at any time when she needs it.

And at this moment.

Inaudible soft footsteps appeared in the deserted corridor, and a slim figure walked forward silently, and then stopped at the entrance where they met around the corner.

She blinked her eyes, and in just a few dozen seconds, her clear sky-blue eyes were replaced by the bright yellow snake eyes with deathly silence. Her chin was slightly raised, and her dexterous tongue licked her lips, licking away The red marks on his lips that looked like blood were gone.

There was a sound of footsteps, in the distance, slowly approaching.

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