Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 155 Face the fear in your heart!

"Okay, I won't scare you anymore."

A naughty smile appeared on Lupine's originally slightly tense face. After realizing that he had been teased by the professor a little, the students let out a drawn-out 'Huh~' to express their dissatisfaction.

But compared to serious professors, professors who can play with them are indeed easier to gain their closeness and favor.

"There's a Boggart in there, and although I personally think that Boggarts should be included in the third-year curriculum, Professor Snape has insisted on letting you learn real Defense Against the Dark Arts instead of playing tricks."

Lupine spread his hands, "The result is obvious. I was persuaded by him. He told me that you are all excellent students and you are all growing up very fast. Maybe one of you will be on the list for the next Triwizard Tournament. Just think of it as preparation for the Triwizard Tournament in advance."

"Back to the topic, let's talk about Boggarts."

"Boggarts like dark and closed spaces, such as wardrobes, the gaps under the bed, cupboards under the sink, etc. I have seen a Boggart who made his home in a grandfather clock. There are many places in Hogwarts where Boggarts hide, such as a forgotten secret room in the castle, or a room like this where old things are stored without cleaning."

"But don't worry, Boggarts don't hurt people directly. Although at some point, they will scare you, but as long as you learn how to deal with them correctly, they won't cause too much trouble."

"Can anyone tell me what a Boggart is?"

Lupine glanced at the students in front of him, and when no one raised his hand for the first time, he looked at a boy standing next to Harry.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Navi." Neville swallowed nervously, "Neville Longbottom, professor."

"Very good, Neville. Although I haven't read the homework you handed in, I believe you have completed it. Let me introduce to you, what is a Boggart."

"It's a shape-shifting, shape-shifting magical creature." Neville stammered, but as he spoke, Harry patted his shoulder lightly, as if he had been injected with courage. Neville's voice became much more fluent afterwards, "Professor Snape told us that Boggarts don't have exact shapes, because no one has seen their real appearance. Boggarts will turn into what people fear most, anything."

"Well said." Lupine took the lead in clapping for Neville. After being surrounded by applause, Neville lowered his head a little shyly, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. He did it again, instead of screwing up a thing! Compared with when he first came to Hogwarts, Neville has grown up a lot and is much more confident now.

"However, I can add something here that is not in the book. I discovered this by accident. I once lived in a room with a Boggart for a period of time. Few wizards should have had similar encounters with such a close contact. I admit that it was not a pleasant time, because the first thing you saw after waking up was the thing you were most afraid of."

"You can imagine yourself face-to-face with the thing you are afraid of at zero distance."

The little wizards made up their minds a little, and then all shook their goosebumps, and they looked at Lupine with a hint of admiration for the warrior.

"In the first grade, Professor Grindelwald used dementors as classroom experiment props to teach you. Everyone should have a very clear understanding of dementors, right?"

The little wizards nodded. Although dementors are indeed scary, they will be the same if they are too scared. Isn't it just to absorb happiness, as long as they are not sucked too much, children of this age have a lot of ways to have fun, and children's happiness is much easier to obtain than adults.

One of the people even grabbed the dementor's head and ripped off the bandages covering their face, and to compensate for the mental damage caused by seeing the dementor's ugly face, the daredevil stuffed a thick carrot in the dementor's mouth.

This is definitely not referring to someone with the surname Ha, everything is for serious magic research.

"If I tell you that Boggarts and Dementors have certain similarities, it should not be difficult for you to understand. To put it simply, Dementors will spread despair and actively absorb your happy emotions, while Boggarts will passively absorb your fearful emotions."

"By being scary, Boggarts grow by absorbing fear, which is why, our laughter is the ultimate weapon in defeating Boggarts, because instead of scaring us, the Boggarts that scare us are scared by us."

"Laughter without fear is the power to kill them completely, but generally, we just need to fight them off or drive them away. A house with boggarts will be free from many disturbances, such as annoying bugs and mice. Boggarts don't eat them, but they will scare them away."

"Okay, let's practice the spell against Boggarts together. This spell requires your concentration, just like when you are learning Transfiguration."

"Let's read it with me without drawing our wands - funny funny."

"Funny funny!"

The whole class recited it together. This is indeed a very simple mantra, and it doesn't even need rigorous sentence punctuation.

"good, very good."

Lupine pushed aside the clutter blocking the front of the wardrobe to make some room.

"Who wants to be the first to try? Oh, Neville? Come on, boy, I'm sure you can."

Neville's unexpected hand raised made him the first person to eat crabs. Although Neville's heart was beating like a drum and his hands and feet were shaking with nervousness, he still gritted his teeth and took a step forward, standing in front of the closet.

"Get ready, raise your wand, I'll count one, two, three—"

The wardrobe door swung open, and an old lady of medium height, wearing a vulture stuffed hat, a green cloak, and a fox fur scarf, walked out with a sullen face. The moment she appeared, Neville almost failed to hold his wand.

The students on the side also held their breath. Old Mrs. Longbottom had a quiet aura, even if it was just imitated by Boggart, but Neville's impression of his grandma was so deep that it was too realistic.

"I can't do it, professor, I can't do it."

Neville was almost driven crazy at this moment, he knew very well the power of spells, who would dare not listen carefully to Snape's theory lecture?

The funny funny spell is to force Boggart to transform into a look that wizards think is funny, but he can't change his grandma into some weird look, right?

This is a proposition no less than that of your mother and your girlfriend falling into the water at the same time, who do you save first.

Neville, whose brain was almost burnt out, almost fainted on the spot when he watched his grandma getting closer and closer, but when he remembered the applause echoing around him and Professor Lupine's earnest eyes of encouragement, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Neville's mind!

"Funny funny!"

He almost yelled out the spell, the Boggart who was pressing towards him stopped abruptly on the spot, and some obvious changes appeared in it.

Although Neville's grandmother was still wearing the original clothes, her whole appearance had changed drastically.

She was about 1.7 meters tall, and her originally wrinkled skin became taut, exuding a moist whiteness. In just a few seconds, the serious old lady regressed decades in time, and reached the age when Neville saw when Neville was looking through the photo album, when his grandma took a photo with his grandpa when he was young.

However, the super youthful version of Mrs. Longbottom in her early twenties is a charming girl. When she looked at her grandmother when she was young, the tension and fear in Neville's heart disappeared instantly.

A low "wow" came out of the boy's mouth, and even the girls couldn't help but envy his fair and delicate skin. Neville's grandfather was a very lucky man, he married a very beautiful wife.

"Smart thing to do, Neville, you really exceeded my expectations, great, very good!"

The excited Neville only had time to nod excitedly, and he stepped aside so that the next person could step forward.

"Hurry up, whoever comes next, line up."

Neville made a good start, and the young wizards after that were eager to try. They stepped forward one by one, and chanted spells one after another. The Boggart transformed into many things that frightened the young wizards, but in the end they all turned into funny things.

The dozens of people present had a great time. This practical class was the best class they had ever experienced. Of course, Professor Grindelwald's class was also very good, but they couldn't show such smiling faces in Grindelwald's class. After all, there are dementors around, so it's hard to laugh out loud.

Near the end of get out of class, almost everyone played happily with the Boggart. The only one who didn't come forward was Harry, who didn't like to grab toys with children.

"It's your turn, Harry, everyone has already dealt with Boggarts, do you want to try?"

Of course, Lupine didn't think that Harry would be intimidated by Boggarts. To be honest, Harry was the most capable little wizard Lupine had ever seen. He was so mature that he didn't look like a child at all, and he didn't even look like a child.

"Of course, I'm actually curious about what I'm afraid of."

"Could it be a mysterious person?"

A bold little wizard asked Harry cautiously, and the room fell silent for a moment.

"Voldemort?" Harry scratched his head. "It's hard for him to scare me."

Harry couldn't say that he had beaten Voldemort's remnant soul violently last year, and there was no fear at all, and Voldemort was almost as afraid of him.

"Don't always believe those nonsense stories. Haven't you heard from your mother that children who don't sleep at night will be captured by the old hag?"

A few understanding little wizards giggled.

"It's the same with Voldemort, his name isn't cursed, and honestly the guy's just a village terrorist, no big deal."

Harry walked to the front of the wardrobe, holding the white ivory in his hand, and nodded to Lupine.

The closet door swung open instantly, and Harry stared expectantly into the darkness, waiting for something to emerge from it that frightened him.

But one minute passed. Two minutes passed and the get out of class bell rang and there was no movement in the cabinet.

"You came out to scare me!"

Harry, who was in a panic, put away his wand, grabbed the cabinet, and stretched his hand in. There were non-stop bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang sound. At the moment when everyone's head was full of black lines, Harry, who seemed to have caught something, withdrew his hand violently.

"Heh, you still want to run?"

A cloud of thick black smoke that was constantly changing shape was caught in Harry's palm.

"Make a trick for the uncle, if you can't scare me, I will."

"Hey hey hey hey~hahahahahaha~"

"I'm going to scare you."

Under Harry's night-crying smile, the shivering Boggart exploded into a cloud of smoke with a bang.

"Am I scaring it to death?"

Harry looked at Lupine with a look of astonishment, but only got a helpless wry smile.

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