Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 149 Myrtle's Bathroom and Weird Siblings

Harry wandered around the castle aimlessly. He walked through the trophy room on the fourth floor and came to the door of the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor. But after hesitating for a moment, he finally chose to turn around and leave.

The matter of the Horcrux is not in a hurry. Even if he really got it, he can't destroy the Horcrux without learning Fiendfyre. Could it be that he happily held up the Ravenclaw crown to find Dumbledore and told him his unintentional discovery? No one would believe such a nonsense excuse, not to mention that he was going to face Dumbledore, a hundred-year-old fox.

Probably because he knew the current bad things at Hogwarts, Harry, who was in a particularly happy mood, drank a few more bottles when he was strolling around. Although this level of spirits couldn't drink him at all, he still felt slightly drunk.

When he realized that he was about to urinate, he changed his route and walked towards the bathroom. There are bathrooms on every floor of the castle, but only half of the bathrooms on the third floor are available. The girls’ bathroom has been abandoned for many years because of a ghost. Of course, if you want to experience the head and butt kissed by a jet of water when you release the pressure on the toilet, or feel the comfort of a ghost enema, then you can try to tease the crying peach golden lady.

However, this is only for women, and it is somewhat against morals and customs for boys to enter the women's restroom.

A sign saying 'Under Repair' hung crookedly on the brass doorknob. Harry saw the sign from a long distance away, but the doorknob was suddenly twisted and Harry stopped in his tracks. His mind, which was still a little dizzy, came to his senses at this moment. He swiftly dodged and quickly pulled out the Invisibility Cloak hidden in his body pocket. Of course, such a good thing should not be left in the closet for ashes. Carrying it with you is the most basic respect for the Invisibility Cloak.

But Harry didn't get too close, the strong smell of alcohol on his body would immediately give away his presence, but fortunately, the corridor was silent at this time, and every movement would be magnified.

Accompanied by a dry rubbing sound, the door of the abandoned bathroom, which should have been dusty and undisturbed, was pushed open a crack, and a pair of eyes peeped out through the gap. After making sure that there were no passers-by in the corridor, a thin, tall and slim figure came out of the gap. She closed the door of the bathroom carefully, simply straightened the folds on the robe, and walked away as if nothing happened.

"Cassandra?" Harry couldn't mistake the owner of the brilliant blonde, and when she squeezed through the narrow gap, Harry was able to confirm one thing, this guy is really useless, his thin body combined with that trembling trembling is really impressive.

"Don't tell me that you went out here to have a tryst with someone. If Draco finds out about this, I don't know how sad it will be."

"Perhaps Draco is in there?"

After Cassandra got away from the abandoned bathroom, Harry walked unhurriedly to the boy's bathroom opposite, and vented the flood comfortably. When he left the boys' bathroom and passed the abandoned bathroom, he pulled out his white ivory and snapped down his empty gun. Some black magic power invisible to the naked eye evenly sprinkled on the ground, as if a dog raised its hind legs to mark it. Relying on the special nature of his magic power, he left some marks here.

The magic power of ordinary wizards cannot last for a long time after leaving the wizard, but the magic power of the awakened ones can. This is not because the magic power mark of the spell is difficult to be found. Harry does not think that she strayed into this place because she got lost. The common room of Slytherin is on the other side of the castle, and even sleepwalking people cannot travel here.

"Could it be that Dobby risked his life to ask me for help because he accidentally knew that Draco was going to be sacrificed as a sacrifice?"

While thinking about strange things in his mind, Harry walked towards the corner where Cassandra disappeared with light steps but extremely fast, and he did not forget to use a cleansing spell on himself to dispel the smell of alcohol on his body.

The Hogwarts limited-edition idiot followed successfully under the cover of the invisibility cloak. After blocking the sound of footsteps with magic, Harry followed Cassandra generously. Although she walked for nearly a minute, Cassandra, who had not yet evolved into long legs, did not need much effort from Harry to catch up. She walked towards the Slytherin common room with a clear goal.

"Snake language."

After the password was spoken, a door appeared on the wall of the slightly damp, empty basement classroom. Two entangled snakes swam towards the two sides. The locked door opened at this moment. Although the Slytherin common room was built in the underground area of ​​Hogwarts like Hufflepuff, it was far from the Hufflepuff lounge where you can see the sunshine and green plants at any time.

Hogwarts was built along the cliff slope erected by the Black Lake. Hufflepuff is at the high point of the slope, and Slytherin is at the lowest point of the slope, even entering the Black Lake. Outside the window of the lounge is a black lake with a dark green color. The long aquatic plants fluctuate gently with the current, and the human-shaped figures that occasionally flash past outside the window are traces of the Black Lake Mermaid swimming by.

The green light adorns the common room like a luxurious crypt, and the only thing with some warmth here is the silently burning fireplace leaning against the wall.

It was still some time before the lights were turned off, but the Slytherin lounge was very clean. It was not always full of slapstick and laughter like Gryffindor, nor was it always filled with the aroma of food like Hufflepuff.

Cassandra walked through the lounge with light steps, and she walked to a corner away from the crowd, pulled out the armchair and sat down gently.

"Draco." She said to the shadow against the corner of the wall, and a pale face emerged from the shadow.

Draco was just a child, but at the moment he had a frustrated and tangled expression on his face, as if he was troubled by some troubles and couldn't get relief.

But the arrival of Cassandra did not dissipate the entanglement on Draco's face, on the contrary, it made him more distressed, as if all this was related to the girl in front of him.

"Sister and sister."

Draco opened his mouth muffled, for some reason, Harry could hear some strangeness from the greeting that shouldn't exist.

Harry waited for a while, the siblings fell silent after greeting each other, Draco looked down at his fingers with some anxiety, and Cassandra looked at Draco without saying a word.

"I've figured it out."

Draco lowered his head, he didn't dare to meet Cassandra's eyes, after saying these words, his body which was still barely supporting him suddenly collapsed, after tangled thinking, Draco seemed to choose to step back.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't be." Draco paused, his hand clenched into a fist under the table, but he let it go quickly, "I shouldn't have made you angry, and I shouldn't have made Dad angry, I'm not going."

After finishing these words, Draco raised his head cautiously. He was a little afraid of the girl in front of him who was not taller than him, maybe because of her sister's status?

But what responded to him was a pair of scrutinizing eyes, and Cassandra, who had a cold face, said nothing, but Draco, who was watched like this, felt a heavier pressure, he shrank back slightly, and lowered his eyes again.

"No, you're going."


As if surprised by this answer, Draco suddenly raised his head, he opened his mouth, and the joy that should have been blurted out died at the step before the door.

"I'll just forget it."

He opened it and gritted his teeth and said, shrinking back again, almost drowning himself in the dark shadow in the corner.

"But you want to go, don't you?"

Compared to Draco who shrank back, Cassandra's body leaned forward slightly, and Mr. Desk let out a cheer that no one could hear. It was weighing the burden on its head, and then gave a squeak of praise in satisfaction.

"Then go, Draco, this is Hogwarts, not home."

"You just want to make friends, don't you? Here, you are just a student, whether it is Black or Malfoy, those things will not affect you now."

"Do what you want, Draco."

She clearly showed the posture of a domineering female president, but Cassandra spoke like a caring sister. This kind of contrast fell on the same person, and there seemed to be a strange cuteness.

Even Draco couldn't help being stunned, he was completely suppressed by Cassandra who was leaning forward slightly at the moment, but was completely moved by his sister's understanding words that warmed his heart.

But for some reason, Draco's body trembled unconsciously for a moment before being excited, and his eyes were also confused for a moment. After this extremely short period of stiffness, he asked with some uncontrollable joy in a slightly disturbed voice:

"Really? But when you were at home, weren't you still very." He looked up at Cassandra cautiously, like a doormat brother who was bullied at home.

"If you don't want to go, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"No, no, no, no, no." He opened his mouth in a flustered manner, showing a flattering smile, and after searching through his pockets, he took out a box of unopened Zizibee candy, and handed it over with both hands graciously.

"so be it."

Cassandra nodded slightly, took out a candy from the candy box, and watched Draco leave happily, but there was no sound of removing the candy wrapper. The candy only stayed on her slender white fingertips for a few seconds before being swept into a dark corner. I don't know if the elves who came to clean the lounge when everyone was asleep, after discovering this candy, would they taste the sweetness wrapped in the candy wrapper?

Cassandra, who didn't have the habit of talking to herself, couldn't give Harry any more information. She walked towards the girls' dormitory gracefully, but when she saw the slender figure from her back, Harry felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

He always felt that the brief conversation between the siblings tonight was weird, but he couldn't figure out where the weirdness was.

"If we do meet, let's wait until the day we meet."

Without alarming anyone, Harry pushed open the door to the Slytherin lounge and left in silence.

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