Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 128 Bloodstains and Ghosts

Dudley, who was supposed to be a sunny and cheerful boy, now had two thick dark circles on his face. He hadn't slept well for several days, and his face was a little haggard. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were not at home, and it was four o'clock in the afternoon. If it was normal, Aunt Petunia would be in the kitchen wiping the counter and starting to prepare today's dinner.

"What happened?"

Somewhat puzzled, Harry closed the door behind his back and walked towards Dudley.

"Are you scared by nightmares at night? By the way, where is my aunt? I'm a bit greedy for her German-style pork knuckle. I've eaten too much seafood in the past few months, and I'm a little tired."

"Dad went to France for a business trip a few days ago to negotiate an order, and my mother also went there. Don't worry about this, our house is really dirty, Harry!"

In a hurry, Dudley reached out and grabbed Harry's arm, pulling him to the second floor.

"If you don't come back today, I will definitely not sleep at home at night. It's too scary. You don't know. I didn't dare to sleep at all these two nights. Some ghosts came to our house. At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, there were very strange sounds. I searched the whole house, and finally saw it in your bedroom."

Dudley swallowed his saliva, "I saw a puddle of blood, and even a few rat hairs. That ghost ate a mouse alive in your room. If he eats a mouse today, he will eat me tomorrow!"

"Not even the gloves signed by Calzaghe can protect me from sleeping at night without nightmares. Fist can hit people, but definitely can't hit ghosts! This ghost thing is driving me crazy!"

"As soon as I close my eyes, there will be that hissing gasp in my head, and that evil spirit that I can't see seems to be breathing on my shoulder!"

Dudley seemed to be feeling better after talking about a lot of chatter. At this moment, he was very grateful that he had a wizard in his family. He didn't believe in God. The God girl with legs two or three meters long couldn't give him a sense of security.

"Don't worry, I'm back now."

Harry patted Dudley on the shoulder. Ghosts do exist. There are dozens of them floating in Hogwarts Castle. Muggles can't see these 'resurrected' guys. Like dementors, only people with magical powers in their bodies can see their existence. Wizards can, and Squibs can, but Muggles can't.

"But it shouldn't be a ghost. Ghosts can't touch people. They will only feel cold when they pass through them. It's like taking a bath in ice water. Not to mention eating a mouse. Even if the ghost was a cat in his previous life, he wouldn't be able to touch a mouse."

Harry opened the bedroom door and immediately saw a pool of blood on the floor. The blood had solidified and stretched from the bed to the front of Harry's wardrobe.

And the mouse hair that Dudley mentioned did exist. There were a few white hairs mixed in the dark red blood. At first glance, it really looked like the hairs left by a big white mouse.

"Go look in the house and see if there are any ghosts. If there are, don't kill them."

"Who are you talking to?" Seeing Harry talking to the air, the hairs on Dudley's back suddenly stood up, and he even began to doubt whether the Harry in front of him was a real person. This weird behavior is really a little bit.

"What are you thinking?" Harry, who could probably guess what Dudley was thinking, smiled sarcastically, "I have raised Moran, and to be honest, I'm really not very good at dealing with ghosts. They can't touch reality, and magic is almost ineffective against them. If there is such a thing, I can only rely on Moran."

"Come out and say hello to Dudley, hold your breath, don't scare my cousin."

A cloud of black mist overflowed from Harry's body, and then solidified into a black human figure as tall as Harry.

"Holy shit, no wonder witches were tied to crosses and burned in the Middle Ages, your magic is so wicked!"

Although he was prepared in his heart, Kadley was still frightened by this black ghost who didn't look like a good thing in front of him. The chaotic and evil atmosphere had been well restrained, but this dark essence could still be seen.

"Actually, burning wizards can't be burned to death. A fireproof insulation can isolate the damage of the flames, not to mention that wizards can teleport. Unless they are knocked down by a stun gun, it is almost impossible for wizards to die in the hands of ordinary people."

If the fat monk was here now, after hearing Harry's words, he would definitely have a good fight with Harry, saying something like 'I don't talk about martial arts, a group of young people sneaked up on me, an old man in his fifties'.

The silence that turned into black mist and dissipated instantly brought a chilly wind, and after a quick tour up and down the house, he got back into Harry's body.

"No ghosts, at least not yet."

"However, Dudley, you said before that that guy would show up at eight or nine o'clock every day, right?"

"Yes! About eight or nine o'clock, he will come, but after a while, he will disappear, and then appear for a while at eleven or twelve o'clock, and then three or four o'clock!"

Dudley nodded hastily and said quickly, "Every time he comes, there will be a sound similar to a branch snapping, a clicking sound, or a snapping sound. I was woken up several times when I was about to fall asleep, and then I didn't dare to sleep at all."

"Then just wait, it's only a few hours."

Harry glanced at the alarm clock in the house, then turned and left the room.

"What do you want for dinner? What else is there at home? I'll get you something to eat. I guess you haven't had a safe meal for a while?"

Harry slipped into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There was half a slaughtered lamb stuffed in the freezer. Harry took it out without hesitation, broke the bones a few times, and prepared to make an authentic shredded lamb for Dudley.

As the rich smell of meat wafted from the kitchen, Dudley, who was originally nervous, gradually relaxed. There were regular snoring sounds from the living room, and Dudley, who hadn't had a good night's sleep for several days, fell asleep before the food was served.

Time passed by, and Harry, who didn't have the heart to wake Dudley up, left half a lamb chop and a leg of lamb for him. Harry, who was bored and read his book, waited silently. The time soon reached quarter to eight, and there was a slight but clear crackling sound, and Harry, who stood up instantly, held the ebony wood.

"It's time for me to learn the Anti-Apparition Charm."

At the same time that this thought flashed through his mind, Harry, who had already rushed up to the second floor, kicked the door of his bedroom, a bloody smell mixed with a little herbal smell penetrated his nose, and at this moment, he saw the appearance of the unexpected guest!

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