Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 114 This time it's my turn, Dumbledore, to save the wizarding world

The matter was over, and after drinking a bottle of stimulant potion that was a little bit spicy to the throat, the sleepy spirit was refreshed. Harry didn't need to intervene in Peter Pettigrew's follow-up, and it was more appropriate to leave the matter of dealing with the Ministry of Magic to Dumbledore.

It is nothing more than the set of trial and conviction. There is no death penalty clause in the English magic world, and life imprisonment in Azkaban is the maximum punishment.

During the days when Harry was taking his final exams, there was a turbulent whirlpool of public opinion outside Hogwarts. The real murderer of the Potters was found. Peter confessed to all the crimes he committed. The original trial of Sirius Black was naturally invalid.

The Ministry of Magic's extremely sloppy trial was also revisited by those who wanted to.

The trial of Black helped Fudge get the job. At that time, there were two people competing for the position of Minister of Magic. One was the current minister, Cornelius Fudge, and the other was Barty Crouch, the former director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Unfortunately, Fudge tried Blake and added a rich and colorful record to his resume, while the unlucky Barty Crouch was bloodied by his own damn bastard son. As a loyal fan of Voldemort and a fanatic, Barty Crouch Jr. personally destroyed all his father's political dreams.

If Barty Crouch hadn't shown an absolutely iron-blooded and selfless ruthlessness at the time, he personally sentenced his son to life imprisonment in Azkaban. If there hadn't been such an extreme approach, he probably wouldn't even be able to stay in the Ministry of Magic.

But Fudge, who succeeded in being in power, is not a good person. He is good at messing with mud, making money, and dirty political methods. The Fudge family behind him has made a lot of money during his ten years in power. up.

The Ministry of Magic, which was originally not very good, has completely turned into a pile of defense under the efforts of Fudge, a crazy shit-stirring stick. Without threatening his political opponents, Fudge only needs to stabilize the general stability of the wizarding world, and he can always sit in the position of minister without moving his ass. Let alone the unjust case ten years ago, even if Voldemort was resurrected, in order to continue to be a minister, Fudge dared to suppress this terrible news.

But it was a pity this time. It wasn't just Dumbledore who sent Peter to the Ministry of Magic. Grindelwald, who had nothing to do, also dropped by. For the position of minister below his buttocks, Fudge dared to mess with Dumbledore. But when facing Grindelwald, this fat middle-aged man almost knelt down and kowtowed.

Grindelwald killed 80 or 100 high-ranking figures in the magic world. Even if Merlin was resurrected, as long as Grindelwald gave the order, those lunatic voodoo saints would dare to shoot at Merlin. In front of him, he was not even a fart.

Fudge still cared more about the head on his shoulders than the chair he sat under.

Fudge is in a very sad situation when things have to be given an explanation. If there is only Peter Pettigrew, it will be easier for him to deal with it, but if Black

The Black family was once the oldest member of England's magical world, and the wealth they possessed was simply astronomical. Whether it was the headmaster of Hogwarts or the minister of the Ministry of Magic, the surname Black appeared in the directory.

The current Malfoy family is indeed rich in financial resources, but if compared with the Black family back then, it is not an order of magnitude existence at all.

When this ancient wizarding family fell due to Voldemort's cause, the younger brothers who used to surround him showed their sharp teeth. It only took a moment for them to change from obedient dogs to hungry wolves. In front of the interests, these wolves showed greedy and ugly eating.

They divided up most of the real estate of the Black family. Except for the ancestral home that could not be located, they devoured all the external properties of the Black family. Among them, the Malfoy family benefited the most, and Fudge, who became the Minister of Magic in the same year, also bit off a huge piece of cake.

A huge cake that almost killed the Fudge family.

But now, what Fudge needs to do is not only to release Black, but also to spit out the wealth that he has finally digested. Grindelwald's playful eyes just glanced over, but Fudge still broke out in a cold sweat.

But what he didn't know was that Grindelwald did this because of Dumbledore, who didn't want to see blood flow in the wizarding world. Dumbledore sent some signals through Grindelwald's hand, and he already understood what Harry's character was like, and he didn't want to take any risks at all.

As a guy who is very compatible with Grindelwald, although Dumbledore and Harry have been in contact for a short time and cannot fully understand him, Dumbledore knows Grindelwald very well. Don’t look at the current Grindelwald. He is a great professor, humorous, rigorous and reliable, but all this is a disguise. His heart is still 'crazy', but the ambition he wants to achieve makes him suppress his unscrupulousness.

Being chaotic and evil does not mean that this person is crazy and insane. What they do is just to satisfy their inner "happiness", and this happiness cannot be quantified. Therefore, chaos has become an external appearance, but once they want to do something, in order to get this happiness, they will not hesitate to use any means.

Including self-control can lead to frantic chaos that causes discomfort.

'For the greater good'

This is not an empty slogan, but a binding oath that Grindelwald has set for himself.

Although Harry didn't say anything similar, his actions had already shown everything. It was not what Harry hoped for Peter Pettigrew to live in this world, but he still sent him to the Ministry of Magic. Although Azkaban was sinister, it was nothing compared to the cheerful "frolicking" between him and Grindelwald before.

I have played almost all the tortures recorded in human history, but even so, the two chaotic and amusing comparisons at the end are still unsatisfactory. This madness and perversion in the eyes of others is the true portrayal of chaos and evil.

Dumbledore didn't know why he and Grindelwald fell in love at first sight. He didn't know why he could accept Grindelwald's friendship, even beyond friendship, but this kind of thing happened. Two people with almost completely opposite personalities seemed very happy when they got along.

The two personalities that were supposed to be in extreme opposition have a strange harmony and complementarity in the two of them.

Harry cared about Sirius, and for this "benefit", he chose to let Peter die. In Dumbledore's eyes, Black was Harry's "greater good" to suppress the chaotic will in his heart. Black was Harry's godfather. Dumbledore knew it very well. In his eyes, Black "voluntarily" entered Azkaban because of endless regret and despair, which was his punishment for himself.

It was he and James who chose to change the Secret Keeper at the last moment, and because of this choice, James, who was like his own brother, died at the hands of Voldemort. This unspeakable guilt broke his heart, and Black, who dared not face the world, had only Azkaban to go.

After Black was released from prison, when he met Harry, he would definitely give everything he had to Harry as compensation for his guilt. He was Harry's godfather, but he killed his godson's biological parents. Such a mistake made him try his best to make up for it.

His character determines that he will do this. The deformed creature of Animagus can be said to be a portrayal of a wizard's heart. The cowardly Peter is a mouse, the somewhat reckless and aggressive James is a majestic stag, and Blake's Animagus is a black dog as strong as a bear. Loyalty and protection are the true portrayal of him hidden in his heart.

Dumbledore made up all the guesses in his mind. The value of Black's survival is greater than the death of Peter Pettigrew. He thinks that Harry thinks so. Now that this 'exchange of benefits' has appeared, he hopes that this exchange can be carried forward perfectly.

For the sake of profit, the Chaotic Puzzler can suppress his own nature and pretend to be a lawful member, but if the exchange of benefits cannot be completed, Dumbledore has reason to believe that the guy who destroys the exchange will personally taste the terrible revenge from the Chaotic Puzzler.

At that time... Maybe there will be a scene of blood flowing like a river, and if he really has to wait until then, it will be too late for him to make another move.

After all, at that time, he may not be able to attack Harry. Grindelwald likes that child, and what he likes, he can't hate it.

When the magic world in England was in bad luck, I guess I should just take a vacation, go to a far away place to bask in the sun, enjoy the sun and the beach or something.

'This time it's my turn to save the wizarding world. '

Dumbledore shook his head with a wry smile in his heart, once the monster named chaotic evil had a reason and excuse to be released

Grindelwald had done it, Voldemort had done it, but Dumbledore didn't want to have a third such horrible experience.


Cave. I can’t write it. It’s so painful.

The plot in my mind is the content of the latter point. There is a blank period for the transition here. It is so uncomfortable to write.

Let's make do with 3K, I'll think about it tomorrow when I go to work, and try to sort it out quickly.

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