Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 112 The Cat and Mouse Game at Hogwarts (Two in One)

Probably to recharge your energy and prepare for tomorrow's exam. The snoring in the dormitory is particularly loud, and there is also a smell of burnt incense. Looking at the bones scattered on the table, someone probably packed chicken legs from the auditorium for supper.

There were quite a few black lacquered fragments and bones piled up together. Someone must have tried to heat it up with the Flame Curse. Unfortunately, he probably didn't control the firepower well, and it burned a little bit. Fortunately, the dormitory was not burned down, otherwise the fun would be great.

It can only be said that it is worthy of Gryffindor.

After the three of them walked into the dormitory, they didn't know what kind of magic was used. The room fell into a state of 'quietness'. Although the snoring was still there, except for the four people sleeping soundly on the four-poster bed, everything in the room was frozen by magic.

The bed was lifted up silently, and the cabinets and tables beside it also floated into the air. Countless fragments of objects were also slowly flying in the air under the control of magic. This carpet search would not miss anything.

But after a while, Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "He's not here. Apart from them, there are no other living things in the dormitory. The elves clean the dormitory every day, and I didn't even find a single cockroach."

"is that so?"

Harry frowned slightly, maybe in this world, Peter Pettigrew didn't choose to become a mouse and live in Weasley's house? Harry, who was a little confused, planned to ask the twins tomorrow, but since they couldn't find them in the dormitory, it didn't mean that Scabbers really didn't exist.

But at this moment, Harry caught a glimpse of a photo frame from the corner of his eye. He subconsciously reached out to fish it out, and saw a group photo of the Weasley family in front of the Burrow. This photo was taken several years ago. The eldest son, Bill, and Charlie, who graduated last year, were still in the photo frame. The family with smiles on their faces waved him friendly after seeing Harry. The photo of the wizarding world can move, but the people inside are different from the portrait, and they can't leave the photo to go to other places door.

Seeing Harry staring intently at the group photo, the somewhat strange Dumbledore also cast a staring gaze. Just when Dumbledore was puzzled, a mouse-eyed head poked out from the pocket of little Percy's clothes. The photo that was originally in motion was frozen, and Grindelwald pointed his finger at the frame, pointing to the inconspicuous little black dot.

"You guessed it right." Grindelwald's mouth curled into a faint smile, "Look, we found him."

The mouse in the photo is pawing at the edge of the pocket with its tiny paw, and his left front paw is missing a tiny finger compared to the right one.

"Although we found the wrong person, we seem to have found the right person."

"What a wonderful encounter, maybe you are also favored by fate?"

"Maybe." Harry nodded slightly, "I brought Veritaserum."

He took out a thumb-sized glass bottle from the small bag on his chest, which contained about a dozen drops of transparent liquid, and a handwritten label was attached to the bottle.

"Severus really is"

The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched. He knew the inside story, but isn't it a bit too much to give this to his godson?

"Legiliency is fine, but I think the Veritaserum Potion should be left to Peter."

Dumbledore didn't want Harry to use this kind of potion on the children of the Weasley family. Although Snape's product must be a high-quality product, there will be no after-effects, but the terrible taste should spare the lives of these children.

"Listen to you, Professor."

Harry nodded, and took back the small bottle, but the silent gaze at this moment gave people an inexplicable pressure to turn around and run away.

"If the mouse that Peter turned into was Percy's pet, then it would be really easy to attack him. With a scapegoat agent, the risk of his exposure is indeed very low. He is timid and afraid of death but still a little clever. He is a mouse."

With a hey laugh, Grindelwald seemed quite satisfied with such a plot.

If Peter Pettigrew really led all of this, then he really played a trick on everyone. If it weren't for Harry's bold guess at the end, after Voldemort took the blame for him, he really wouldn't reveal his identity.

The three who left the dormitory found Percy, but the three of them immediately came back in a circle and came to the dormitory that was filled with the smell of chicken legs. The mouse used to be Percy's pet, but after Ron went to school, the gray mouse was given to Ron.

It's the proficient Legilimency again. Dumbledore has a deep study of this magic. Compared with when he is awake, it seems that it is easier for him to get information out of "questioning" in a dream.

"We're late."

Dumbledore shook his head with a helpless wry smile. What happened tonight was really bad.

"The mouse was indeed brought to Hogwarts by Ron, but after Ron found the scapegoat at Christmas, the Weasleys bought him rewarding gifts, including an owl that Ron wanted very much."

"A month ago, Ron's owl came and was taken to the dormitory by him, and Peter's transformed mouse"

The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched. The memory picture he read in Ron's mind, Peter was really a bit unlucky.

Since joining Ron, Peter's life has suddenly become easier. Compared with Percy, Ron's thick nerves have allowed him to live as he pleases. Percy thinks that a plump gray fur mouse is not a good pet. All along, Percy kept him in a cage and almost never took him out of the dormitory. The food he was fed on a regular basis was bread and water.

But Ron was different. Although Ron didn't think mice were good pets, this guy was so stupid. Although he was talking about himself, he didn't care about himself at all. What moved Peter even more was that Ron was a foodie. He would pack back the chicken legs after spinning them at dinner time. The delicious chicken legs were ten thousand times better than bread, and he could use the bones thrown on the table to grind his teeth.

After becoming a mouse, many of his habits were assimilated by the mice. This is the inevitable consequence of maintaining the Animagus for a long time. Even weak-willed wizards forget the fact that they are human after a long period of transformation. Peter is very timid, but he is still strong-willed after experiencing strong winds and waves.

But such a leisurely and leisurely life was broken by a damn owl. In order to reward Ron, the Weasleys squeezed out a little money to replace him with a wand. Due to their limited pockets, the second gift, an owl, was bought to him after a few months. Ron, who was so excited that he almost ran away at Hogwarts, immediately brought the owl back and opened the cage for it.

Peter, who was lying on his textbook, gnawed on the leftover potato chips he ate yesterday and hummed, suddenly encountered a bloody disaster. The owl, who was carrying a cage and flew all the way to deliver the goods, was hungry at the moment. Putting such a big fat mouse in front of him, the owl's eyes turned green.

An owl sprinted toward Peter with its talons, and was instantly disemboweled, so painful that he almost died on the spot.

If it weren't for the food that has fed him for the past few months, his face has been covered with oil, and there is also a thick layer of fat in his stomach, otherwise the first blow just now would have taken him away directly.

The shrill scream finally woke up his little master's not-so-useful brain. The child was a bit stupid, but at least he didn't want to be saved. He picked up the owl and saved Peter's life. If it was any later, the owl's sharp beak would tear his belly open, and he began to enjoy the fresh food. Peter, who didn't dare to stay any longer, ran away in a hurry and disappeared outside the door with a trail of blood.

"Perhaps he hasn't left Hogwarts for the time being." Dumbledore thought about it and said, "Peter was seriously injured. Although it won't kill him, it will take some time to recover. Although he can't use magic, the transformed animals of Animagus are still much stronger than ordinary animals."

"Transforming back to human form won't heal his wounds. Physical damage won't bring him back to wizard form, but the wounds won't disappear. Peter, who can't use magic to recover from his injuries, needs time to recuperate. He probably won't run away from Hogwarts. This is a place he's familiar with, and it's easier to find food and shelter than anywhere else."

"So we now need to play an unpleasant game of cat and mouse with him?"

Suppressing the irritability in his heart, Harry said with a frown.

"Perhaps we can find a trick?"

At this time, Dumbledore's clever mind popped up an interesting idea, "Hogwarts is very big. This castle can accommodate thousands of people without being crowded. Even I don't know how many rooms there are in Hogwarts. The space inside the castle is expanded by magic, not to mention the vast number of secret hiding places."

"let's go."

Dumbledore turned and left the dormitory, and walked across the common room into the corridor outside.

"There are too many secrets in Hogwarts. Although I am the headmaster of Hogwarts, I don't know all the secrets of this castle."

Dumbledore, who took the lead, seemed to be in a good mood. He spoke briskly, and this mood seemed to calm Harry down.

"Once when I went to the toilet, I took a wrong turn and entered a wonderful room with all kinds of exquisite and luxurious pots. When people have an urgent need, a hidden door will open on the wall in front of you. But we don't need to try our luck now. This door that can appear anywhere in the castle actually has a fixed entrance."

"Look, here we are."

Dumbledore stopped in front of an empty wall. On the opposite side of this wall, there was a tapestry of the troll hitting Barnabas with a stick. This is also one of the few corridors in Hogwarts that does not have a portrait hanging. It is empty.

"As long as Peter is still hiding somewhere in Hogwarts"

Dumbledore pointed to the blank wall in front of him, "Meditate on your needs, walk back and forth in front of this wall three times, and the door of the Room of Requirement will open for you."

"Try it, Harry, maybe there's what you want behind the door."

Dumbledore made way for Harry, thinking in his heart 'I need to go to the place where Peter Pettigrew is hiding', Harry walked back and forth on this blank wall three times, when he opened his eyes, a standard wooden door that is often seen in Hogwarts appeared in front of him.

At the beginning, Harry planned to ask Fred and George to borrow the Marauder's Map. Harry didn't want to keep it for himself, even though it was made by his father back then, but the Marauder's Map was really useful. It could show the location and name of everyone in Hogwarts. If finding a needle in a haystack was troublesome, he also planned to go to Lupine. As one of the creators, Lupine must know some using skills that the twins didn't know.

Unexpectedly, Dumbledore found a more effective method. The Room of Requirement can almost meet the needs of most people except food and gold. The name of Requirement is quite appropriate. It can even open a new secret passage leading to Hogwarts. This is a very amazing magic, which is absolutely impossible for ordinary wizards.

Maybe this is the powerful magic left by one of the four founders who established Hogwarts. As the founders of Hogwarts, each of them has a powerful power that ordinary wizards cannot imagine.

Harry, who was holding the doorknob, felt a little nervous. He hoped that the Room of Requirement would fulfill his wish. Although this approach was outrageous, it also seemed magical.

The wooden door was slowly pushed open, and a dark room exuded a musty smell of old wood. As fluorescent light balls flew in, the dark room was illuminated brightly. It was a room similar to a utility room. There were many broken sofas and chairs in it, and none of them were intact.

"Peter~ Peter~ where are you~"

The sneering Harry hummed a creepy tune, a dark shadow emerged from his body, and the chaotic and evil aura emanating from Mo Ran filled the entire room in an instant. Although the black shadow that resembled a dementor did not have a halo of despair, the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees inexplicably at this moment.

In this extremely oppressive moment, the red light from the white ivory broke the silence.

"Torn apart."

The already rotten sofa seat was cut into fine pieces under the power of the curse, and the collapsed garbage dump raised smoke and dust, but a small vortex swallowed all the dust that flew up.

"Come out~ let me play a game with you~"

"If you're hiding~ you don't want to meet me~"

"When I catch you~ I'm going to peel off your skin~ I've got your tendons~ I've cut your flesh~ I'm feeding you~"

The more gloomy tone seemed to make Harry more and more perverted. Seeing this scene, Dumbledore turned his head to look at Grindelwald, but this guy actually had the same expression on his face as Harry.

'How interesting. ’ Grindelwald gave Dumbledore a look, ‘You have to laugh when you play games. '

Dumbledore, who no longer wanted to see these two chaotic and funny people, covered his forehead, but in the next second, the out-of-tune humming suddenly raised a few teeth-gritting voices.

"I~ caught you~"

"Little mouse~Peter~"

The shrill creaking sound was like the noise of fingernails scraping against the blackboard. The small dark eyes of the fat mouse lying in a pile of food and food scraps were wide open. Harry squatted silently in front of Peter, and stretched out that black hand that made him feel suffocated and desperate.


Thank you Cangyou for the reward of 500 coins~

This chapter is two in one. I went out to surf the waves today, and exercised my rusty arms and legs. The third chapter is no problem. I will try my best to write the fourth chapter.

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