Hogwarts: Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Chapter 99: Tom: I think you should go to Azkaban!

The stars twinkled at night, and the bright moonlight reflected on the houses in Diagon Alley.

Miss Hermione's room was pitch black, except for the slight sound of steady breathing.

The room opposite Lou En was brightly lit by candles. He was sitting at the table by the window, writing and drawing with a quill dipped in ink in his hand.

The sixth grade senior Tom is still very scheming, Lou En and him have tested each other, and what they both get is some nonsense.

"Have you ever received -bullying at Slytherin?"

A line appeared on the diary – the font.

After one glance, Lou En knew what Senior Tom was going to do.

He thought about how to answer, but before he could write, the diary seemed to be unable to wait, and a new line of fonts appeared again.

"I will give you a powerful spell to make you the king of those little snakes!"

Appeared, Tom's purpose finally appeared.

Lou En's mouth twitched.

"What spells can you teach me?

"What do you want to learn?" The diary quickly changed the font, "I can teach you any spells of higher order!

"Have you ever learned about thunderbolts?"


Lou En shook his head, that spell he had already learned in the forbidden area.

"Change another one, this one I will! 99

Seeing this line of words, the diary pondered and wrote.

"As for the Iron Spell, this spell is a good defensive spell, and Flitwick probably won't teach you in first grade.

"Let's do something else, this one has already been learned!"

This time the diary was silent.

"The piercing spell, you have never learned this! 35

The notes in the diary are gradually scribbled, and it can be seen that it is in a hurry.

But the piercing curse Lou En has long known, and he also experimented with Voldemort.

I don't know how Tom will react when he finds out about Voldemort's situation.

he thought wickedly.

"To be honest, I have learned not only the Heart-piercing Curse, but also the remaining two Unforgivable Curses, so—can you show some sincerity?

Lou En was not afraid of exposure at all, and wrote it directly.

This line of fonts did not disappear as before, but stayed on the paper for a long time, just like an ordinary diary.

After a long time, just when Lou En was a little impatient, the font on the diary appeared.

It is not as elegant as it was at the beginning, but it is scribbled and even scratched, and it can be seen that it is a little angry.

"How could a first-year wizard learn this, you must be lying to me!

"You're not a first-year wizard!"

"How could I lie to you, these spells are all learned by me in the forbidden area, they are very simple, aren't they?"

Lou En didn't panic at all, and the handwriting was as graceful as Miss Hermione's.

He has also recently been learning handwriting with Miss Hermione.

It looks very beautiful.

It may be that these are not convincing enough

He repeated the titles and authors of the banned books.

"You—what a good seedling to be a dark wizard!

For a long time, this sentence appeared in the diary.

"I don't think you should be in Slytherin, you should be in Azkaban."

"I also feel like I've been an underachiever at Slytherin.

There was no reply from the diary for a long time, maybe he was pissed off by Lou En's words.

"Do you know alchemy? I'm learning this recently."

Seeing that Senior Tom didn't answer, Lou En took the initiative.

"Ah, alchemy, I don't know much, but I can explain it to you.

The diary wrote this, but the dazzling words are still proving that it is not in a good mood.

Lou En suddenly discovered that he seemed to be able to guess his mood through Senior Tom's handwriting, as if a person had written all his emotions on his face.

"Have you ever tried to engrave a spell on a ring or bracelet..."

"I thought about it, but I failed, the power of those spells is not well controlled. 99

The handwriting is more dazzling, and this diary is probably surprised.

"Maybe the two of us can have a good conversation..."

There was a smile on Lou En's mouth.

Senior Tom has indeed studied this method, so the other party must have his own ideas and opinions.

The exchange between a person and a diary continued until four in the morning.

After that, the communication between the two became more intense, and Tom's handwriting gradually faded.

He was about to be drained.

However, Tom was still shocked by this little wizard who claimed to be a first-year student, because many ideas were ignored by him, and he did not think about it.

··For flowers 0·

What he can be sure of is that the little wizard who picked him up must be a gifted genius.

Even he was a little surprised by those huge knowledge reserves.

And Lou En is also very satisfied.

Needless to say, the wisdom of being able to become the Dark Lord must not be bad, perhaps the current wisdom without a nose has declined a lot.

But this outstanding student, Tom, who is about to graduate from Hogwarts, is at the peak of his intelligence.

After the communication between the two people, he also had some improvement methods for the method of depicting runes.

"I think the two of us will be here tonight."

Light black writing appeared on the notebook, and it could be seen that it was running out of ink.

After all, it has just been awakened today, and it has very little power left, and it cannot even interfere with the outside world.

Otherwise, he would have controlled Lou En with the Dark Charm.

So much nonsense needs to be said there.

"Okay, it's not too early, we'll talk when we have time.

Lou En looked up at the clock, then closed the diary and threw it into the different space.

There was absolutely no chance for Senior Tom to say goodbye.

After all, he is just a tool man.

When Tom's survival was drained, he would hand over the diary to Dumbledore, and he could earn some credits.

"The Fire Spell, Dementor... You can't know many spells yet, ask Senior Tom another day."

After muttering to himself, Lou En went to sleep contentedly.

early morning!

bang ━

There was a knock on the door, and Miss Hermione, who had woken up early, came to wake Lou En.

"I'm coming!

Lou En yawned and got up to pack up.

Seeing Miss Hermione looking at him with her head tilted outside the door, she walked over and hugged her.

"Good morning, darling.

"No serious, you stayed up late last night?" Hermione tried to push Lou En away, but pulled it back blushing.

When she saw the dark circles under Lou En's eyes, she couldn't help asking curiously.

"It hurts my body to stay up all night. I just stayed up all night."

After all, going to bed at four and waking up at six is ​​no different from staying overnight.

Soon his reinforced body could handle it.

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