Hogwarts: Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Chapter 9: Sorting Ceremony, Joining the Snake House

The boat stopped under the steep cliff, and a group of little wizards looked excited, all discussing the next life in the magic school.

Hagrid led the way in front of the crowd with an oil lamp, and in a short while he arrived at the gate of Hogwarts.

Lou En and Hermione also followed closely behind the crowd.

Lou En saw Malfoy and his two followers hiding in the crowd at a glance.

It can be seen that the deterrent he brought to Malfoy on the boat is not small.

After all, in seasickness, he could only reduce the power of lightning as much as possible, otherwise Malfoy would have turned into a charred corpse and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The door opened, and following the door, there were two stairs, and Professor McGonagall, who was wearing a robe, had been waiting here for a long time.

"Welcome to Hogwarts."

Approaching, Professor McGonagall will introduce the next things one by one.

There will be a sorting ceremony before admission. After the sorting, people from the same college will be divided into groups. The addition and deduction of courses are also carried out according to the college, and there is also the College Cup at the end of the semester.

"Okay, the sorting ceremony will start soon, get ready."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall turned around and went to the ceremony hall to inform him.

"It seems that the rumor is true, Harry Potter is really here."

Malfoy moved slowly in front of Harry with trembling legs, stretched out a trembling hand, and said:

"My name is Draco Malfoy, a friend?"


Before Harry could reply, Ronald couldn't help laughing when he saw Malfoy like this.

"what are you laughing at?"

Malfoy turned his head to look at Ronald, and said contemptuously, "Red hair, you belong to the Weasley family."

"Harry, you know that some wizards are born noble—"

The voice got smaller and smaller, and Malfoy stopped abruptly in the back.

"Say, it's an interesting theory."

Lou En stepped forward and chuckled.

"Hmph, Harry, you'll regret it."

Malfoy glanced at Lou En, said something to Harry, and walked into the crowd.

Harry Potter is indeed a living legend in today's wizarding world. I didn't expect Malfoy to be destroyed like that and come over to make friends with Harry Potter.

Without waiting for Harry to say anything, Lou En walked in with Hermione towards the door that had been opened.

Professor McGonagall came back, and she made the little wizards form two teams and walked into the hall in an orderly manner.

The auditorium at Hogwarts was already full of people, and there were many people sitting in each of the colleges, which were senior students.

Ahead is the greatest white wizard of all time, Albus Dumbledore.

There is also a row of long tables on both sides of him, and the faculty and staff are sitting.

Lou En sees Professor Snape on the far left.

Snape saw him too, and nodded at him.

Professor McGonagall placed a dirty wizard hat on the small chair, with a line sewn like a mouth, and the hat began to sing unknown to the surprised eyes of the first-year wizard.

It's ugly.

Lou En thought.

Professor McGonagall stood by with a parchment full of names in his hand, and the wizard who was called needed to wear a hat to conduct the branch.

"Hannah Abbott!"

Familiar name.

Lou En watched as a little wizard sat on a chair and put on his hat, and the Sorting Hat called out his name as soon as he put on his hat: "Hufflepuff!"

The iron-clad Hannah found her own academy, and the next little wizards put on their hats with anticipation.

"Draco Malfoy." Professor McGonagall called the next name, and Malfoy shuffled to his chair.


"Ronald Weasley."


Soon Hermione was called to the side.

"Good luck!" Lou En blessed.

Hermione nodded, then went up to the stage and sat down in a chair, putting on her worn hat.



Hearing the ideal name, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, then happily walked towards Gryffindor's seat, nodding to Lou En at the same time.

Lou En also smiled back. He knew that he would not be assigned to Gryffindor, after all, he did not have that reckless factor.

"Harry Potter!"

Professor McGonagall called out the next name, and the audience immediately cheered enthusiastically.

"The living legend!"

"Is that the Harry Potter who defeated You-Know-Who?"

There was an endless stream of heated discussions and enthusiasm.

With warm eyes, Harry Potter stepped to the chair and put on his tattered sorting hat.

The sorting ceremony this time was very old, and everyone could see Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat quietly communicating.

After a long time.

"Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat's strange voice ignited the Gryffindor's dining table!

"We have Harry Potter!"

After several other wizards' sorting ceremonies, it was finally Lou En's turn.

"Lou En Geralt!" Professor McGonagall called out a name. Hermione, who had been communicating with senior and senior, instantly focused his attention on Lou En.

With everyone watching, Lou En stepped onto the stage, sat on a chair, and put on the sorting hat.

"Well, it's better for you to go to Slytherin."

"But also a good fit for Ravenclaw."

"Your intelligence is qualified, but you also have ambition and pursuit of strength. Okay, little guy, let me help you choose an academy."


The words fell, Hermione sitting in Gryffindor bowed his head in disappointment, while Malfoy sitting in Slytherin was stiff.

How could I be in the same academy with him!

Why didn't you go to the same academy with him!

Putting down his hat, Lou En came to Slytherin's table seat with a smile, and found a seat with the welcome of the crowd.

In fact, there are also a lot of mixed-race children in Slytherin, the so-called mudbloods, and they still account for the majority.

So Lou En did not receive any exclusion, except for some bloodline nobles.

In order to better integrate into this group of little snakes, Lou En specially invited the attendant next to Malfoy away and sat beside him.

"My name is Lou En Geralt, make a friend Malfoy!"

Malfoy's pupils trembled, and he stretched out his trembling hand.

"Draco Malfoy, my friend."

The corners of Lou En's mouth twitched slightly.

But the smile seemed threatening to Malfoy.

After the branch was over, Headmaster Dumbledore said a few words, and the rich dinner began.

Looking at the food that appeared on the table out of thin air, Lou En's eyes lit up, everything looked delicious, and the fragrance reverberated in the auditorium.

After taking a mouthful of roast meat, Lou En turned his head and glanced at Malfoy, who couldn't stop.

"Eat, why not!?"*

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