Hogwarts: Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Chapter 62: Mother Drowning Spring, Harry's Hate

Wait until the spell class is over.

A few people went to the restaurant to eat together.

"Hey Lou En, look this way!

Lou En had just walked out of the classroom when he heard a familiar voice calling him.

He pulled Hermione slightly sideways with one hand, and a snowball flew past his side face.

Ronald, who was following behind, didn't have time to dodge, so he could only watch the fist-sized snowball hit his face.


Ronald directly hit the ball and fell to the ground.


At this time, George and Fred, who were covered in snow, came over and said to Lou En with some regret.

"You two!" Ronald patted the snow on his face and stood up with Harry's help.

"If you want to blame Lou En, if he doesn't hide, he won't hit you!" Seeing Ronald was a little angry, Fred quickly shied away from the relationship.

The two of them didn't want to go back and be scolded by their mother for this trivial matter.

Lou En, who was standing on the side, was speechless when he heard this.

"You two just beat Professor Quirrell away?"

Lou En asked, holding back a smile.

He was holding Hermione's hand even tighter.

The two guys in front of them didn't know what was on the back of Quirrell's head, and were asking excitedly.

"You know the fact that Quirrell is a vampire?"


Lou En looked at Miss Master of Everything with a puzzled face, but Miss Master of Everything also shook her head blankly.

Seeing the dazed expressions of the four elementary school younger brothers and sisters, Fred gave some popular science to them.

Nothing more than that Quirrell came back a few months after leaving school like a different person and had a bad smell on him.

Many people are speculating that Quirrell was assimilated by vampires.

"The turban on his head is proof that no one pays attention to their turban when fleeing. 35 Fred gave a direct guess.


One step closer to the truth.

Lou En silently gave Fred a thumbs up.

There is no evidence of vampires under the hood, but Senior Tom, who is more terrifying than vampires!

I really don't know what will happen when these two find out.

Lou En shook his head.

"By the way, tomorrow is Christmas, are your gifts ready?"

Both George and Fred have daily hints.

"I'm ready!"

Harry and Ronald said in unison.

"Mine has been sent." Hermione said softly, taking Lou En's hand.

"Send it out?" Harry looked at Hermione suspiciously.

"Why didn't I get it, did you get it?"

Several others shook their heads.

Only Lou En laughed.

"I got her gift.

"Alright alright, stop talking!"

As soon as these words were said, the twins understood in seconds, and quickly skipped this topic.

The two of them came to ask for gifts, not to eat candy!

"Are you coming for a snowball fight?"

Fred picked up a ball of snowballs and spoke to Lou En.


Lou En raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

After a while—

"You're cheating! Who uses a wand for snowball fights! 35

Fred shouted as he hid behind the snow wall he had built with the Transfiguration Charm.

Outside the snow wall, Lou En and Hermione were in a group, and behind them snowballs floated.

Just like a barrage, under the command of the magic wand, the snowballs hit the two teams of Harry and Fred one by one.

"Don't you use magic too?"

Looking at the solid snow wall, Lou En shrugged.

"It's not fair, both of your teams use magic! 95

On the other hand, Harry and Ronald, who were not proficient in magic, could only flee in the snow and rain.

"Who made the two of you not listen well in class." Miss Hermione used her wand to control the snowball and threw it towards Ronald who was protesting.

"This is not something a first-year wizard can learn!

The snowball fight in the square quickly attracted a large crowd of wizards, and even Malfoy and Crabbe joined in.

"Harry Potter, watch the snowballs! 35

Malfoy arrogantly pinched a few snowballs with his wand and threw them at Harry, the enemy of his life.

"Damn it's Malfoy!"

Harry looked angrily at Malfoy, who was only aimed at him, and took off his glasses angrily.

I must make you look good!

A snowball landed on his face, making Harry firmer in his determination to use Niangquan.

As more and more wizards participated, Lou En also found that something was wrong, and hurriedly dragged Hermione away.

And the Weasley brothers are killing the Quartet with their superb skills in the crowd.

What they don't know is that a United States tabby cat is quietly staring at them.

It's time to hunt!

On the second day, Lou En got news from a melancholy Malfoy as soon as he woke up.

Gryffindor was deducted a full thirty points, and Slytherin was deducted ten points for being short.

And Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were also deducted more than ten points.

And everyone had to submit a Transfiguration lesson assignment to Professor McGonagall.

Thanks to him running early yesterday!

Looking at the frustrated Malfoy Lou En couldn't help thinking.

But I didn't expect that Gryffindor would be detained so many people, which means that in yesterday's snowball fight, half of the people were Gryffindor.

As expected of a brave little lion, really brave!

Today is Christmas, and Lou En threw a beautifully packaged gift box into a different space.

The gifts from the surrounding friends are ready.

When Lou En walked out of the dormitory wearing a scarf, he found that Slytherin's cold lounge was already decorated with various gorgeous decorations. A small Christmas tree was in the center of the lounge, and there was a hanging (Wang Dezhao) on it. Several pairs of red socks.

Lou En wondered if he should take a pair and give it to Dumbledore.

After thinking about it, forget it, after all, the little snakes are all up.

I saw a bad impact.

When I came to the square of Hogwarts, the huge Hagrid was pulling up a huge Christmas tree in the center.

".々 Floating Charm.

Lou En went over and gave Hagrid a hand with his wand.

Feeling the tree suddenly lighten behind him, Hagrid glanced at Lou En gratefully.

"Thank you, kind little wizard.

"You're welcome, Senior Hagrid!

Lou En waved his hand and prepared to leave, heading to the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

It used to be called a restaurant, but today it is an auditorium.


Hagrid grinned as he watched the handsome little wizard leave.

It's the first time I've heard this name!

It feels really good!

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