
Harry, who had just finished drinking the chocolate milk, was full of question marks after hearing Lou En's words.

Miss Halle?

What's the meaning?

Then, before he could ask further questions, Ronald, the good brother sitting beside him, suddenly widened his eyes and shouted in astonishment:

"Harry, Harry your body!"

"And hair, what's going on!?"

After hearing Ronald shout, Harry looked over in confusion.

However, before he could react, he felt as if his vision was blocked by his hair.

He knows that his hair grows very fast due to magic, but it won't directly cover his eyes!

No - it's his hair that's getting longer!

"Lou En, you just gave me a drink—"

Harry was about to ask, but halfway through, he suddenly realized that his voice seemed to have changed.

The originally hoarse voice has now become soft and soft, like the cry of a nightingale.

"What exactly is going on?!"

Harry was in shock.

His voice and his hair, everything changed dramatically.

"Haven't found it yet?" Lou En pointed to his chest, "Congratulations, now you've turned into a girl."

Hermione subconsciously looked at Harry's chest along her fingertips and was stunned.

The little witch fell into silence.

"You better see for yourself."

Lou En threw a mirror directly to Harry, he really didn't expect Niang Wuquan's strength to be so strong.

The Harry in front of him was simply a different person.

Long hair draped behind his head, some feminine features, and a beautiful figure.

It's not Harry anymore, it's Harry!

Harry blinked his beautiful green eyes, and turned his gaze to the mirror.

However, what the mirror reflected was a beautiful girl who looked very similar to him.

No, this is him!

How did he become like this?

Harry's suspicious eyes slowly shifted to Lou En, waiting for an explanation.

"The potion refined by mistake can keep you in your current state for 12 hours."

Lou En said.

"I have done experiments in advance, and there is no harm."

"But I only have so much in my hands."

He raised the small bottle in his hand and said to Harry.

"But does this have anything to do with Snape not targeting me?"

Harley is still a little not used to the current state, after all, what is on her chest affects her actions.

"This potion is amazing..."

Ronald was on the side, staring straight at Harry and muttering to himself.

One thing to say, the transformed Harley is definitely a more beautiful type.

"Don't look at Ronald!"

Harry felt Ronald's gaze and reminded angrily.

"Snape generally doesn't target women, does it?" Lou En laughed.

"It seems... is it true?"

Harry hesitated and nodded in agreement.

"Now that you're a woman, is Snape going to target you?"

After all, Snape was targeting Harry who looked like James.

And this Harley who looks like Lily in front of me, if Snape sees it...

Thinking of this, Lou En couldn't wait to see what Snape looked like.

This morning happened to be a potions class.

So the four of them went to the basement for class after breakfast.

Harry complained as he walked with the book in his hands.

"It feels really uncomfortable, especially the stuff on the chest..."

And Miss Hermione didn't want to talk at all, she just walked silently behind Lou En.

I don't know what will happen to Lou En after the transformation?

Seeing Lou En's figure, Hermione suddenly thought.

"Come on Harry, let me hold the book for you!"

Ronald, who was a good friend, walked over immediately and took the book from Harry's chest.

"Thank you!"

The crisp sound made Ronald's body stiffen slightly.

"No, you're welcome."

"Aren't we good friends, we should!"

Lou En, who fell behind the front duo, looked more and more wrong.

Does he feel like Ronald is interested in Harry?

He must have thought wrong.

"Are you tired, let me hold the book for you." Lou En said to Hermione, who was walking with his head down while holding the book.

Without waiting for her to respond, the handsome little wizard took away the pile of books in her arms.


Hermione whispered.

"Nothing, I should do it."

The boy shrugged and walked into the back row of the classroom alongside the girl.

The two of them are used to sitting in the corner of the classroom, so generally no one will occupy this corner.

After Lou En took his seat, he prepared all the materials for the blood tonic that he was going to make today.

Over time.

Soon Snape opened the door and walked in quickly, his robes puffed up by the wind like a big flying bat.

"Okay, what we are going to learn today is blood supplements."

"I don't want your troll brains to be unable to learn the simplest potions!"

Snape's daily taunt.

"Now, let me ask, who knows the specific formula of the blood supplement!"

"Harry Potter!"

It's over! It's over!

Harry, who bowed his head, was suddenly desperate when he heard her name.

The idea given by Lou En is useless at all!


"Professor, I don't know."

Harry stood up, bowed his head and replied as usual.

"Your mind is still - Lily?!"

At this moment, Snape was suddenly stunned, and an incredible cry came out of his mouth.

When Snape saw the figure standing up, he immediately froze in place.

That face and those emerald green eyes were all very familiar.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Snape shook his head quickly, blinked and looked at Harry again.

It's still the same, it hasn't changed back.

"Harry, what's the matter with your appearance!"

Snape stepped forward hastily, meeting those panicked green eyes.

It's so similar, it's exactly the same as Lily!

That disgusting face finally disappeared.

"I, when I was practicing the transformation spell, something happened!"

"But Professor McGonagall said it would change back soon."

Halle gave the reasons that had been discussed this morning.


Disappointment flashed in Snape's eyes when he heard that he would soon be back.

"Sit down, and listen carefully to the next class!"

After speaking, Snape walked back to the podium.

(Brothers, ask for flowers, ask for votes, ask for everything-)*

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