Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 40: Delta Summoning Magic Circle

   Cornelius Fudge arranged for Chronos to move in, while Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts.

   "Mr. Slughorn, is it convenient to have a chat with me?" Connelly said

   "Of course, Mr. Minister. You can call my name." Cronos sat on the sofa in the living room. He pointed to the sofa opposite him and signaled Fudge to sit down too.

   "Thank you, Cronos." Fudge sat across from Cronos, and his colleague took off his bowler hat to reveal the British standard Mediterranean hair.

   "As far as I know, Cronos. Your godfather is Horace Slughorn!" Fudge began to get close to Cronos.

   "Hmm." Cronos nodded. "I was an orphan in a British orphanage. My godfather adopted me when I was seven. But he generally respects my choice and will not interfere with my behavior."

  Cronos knew it well, but my godfather couldn't control me. There is almost nothing to do with me, I have to come up with real things if I want to cooperate.

   Fudge smiled awkwardly, "Then what kind of person do you think Dumbledore is?"

   "Mr. Minister, you know. A wizard like Dumbledore is very busy every day. I don't have much chance to contact him." Chronos was slippery like a loach. Don't give Connelly any chance at all.

   Fudge couldn't help it anymore, "I mean, Cronos, do you plan to work at Hogwarts in the future?"

   Cronos smiled slightly, "Mr. Minister, I am only a twelve-year-old boy. Dumbledore did not invite me to be a professor of magic circles."

   "That's natural, you are still too young." Fudge nodded quickly, "Then do you have the intention to work at the Ministry of Magic?"

   "As for the Ministry of Magic, there is no suitable job for me, right?"

   "Of course, if you are willing to come after graduation. I can create a separate department for you." Connelly threw his biggest bargaining chip.

"Cornelly Fudge, a weak, irritable, but also a very greedy for money and power. It is precisely because of the various mistakes he made during his reign that gave Voldemort enough time to make a comeback." Ke Ronos squinted and looked up at Cornell Fudge.

   The wizards in the courtroom today are not fools, after listening to Cronos. They all know what impact the magic circle will have once it is announced in the wizarding world. That is no less than an industrial revolution in the wizarding world.

   The reason why they didn't find Cronos right away was because on the one hand, Fudge blocked them for Cronos, and on the other hand, they were anxious to go back to discuss countermeasures. And Cornelius Fudge was just near the water, and got the month first.

   "It's too early to talk about this, Mr. Minister. It's six years before I graduate." Cronos didn't agree to him. Cronos wanted his own power, not anyone else. Although the Ministry of Magic is the government of the wizarding world. But it is just a tool, and any powerful wizard can control it. For example, Voldemort.

   "It's a bit early." Fudge smiled awkwardly, "In that case, I will leave first. Don't forget the red tomorrow morning. I will send someone to pick you up, Mr. Slughorn."

   "Thank you, Mr. Minister." Cronos sent him out.

   "Finally sent him away." Cronos sighed as he lay on the bed. It was exhausting to deal with politicians.

  Cronos took a rest and asked the hotel staff to find him parchment paper, quill pen, bread and wine.

   Yes, Cronos is ready to draw the magic circle again. Since he successfully portrayed the first magic circle, he has coveted this magic circle for a long time.

   "Delta-style summon magic circle!" A symbolic magic circle. Symbols: Generally, it is a stable magic array drawing used by seal magic or space magic. It is basically a very inert drawing, but if its power and poor control are underestimated, it will also lead to dangerous consequences.

  Delta-style summoning magic circle, you can connect to different worlds to summon monsters and sign contracts with them. It is a relatively ordinary magic circle, so ordinary enough to summon any monster depends on luck.

   is also a circular outer magic circle, and it also has a dual magic circle of the sun and the moon. The outer array is a five-pointed star, and the inner array in the magic core is a staggered three regular quadrilaterals.

   First put the holy meat (bread) into a container filled with the tears of God (wine). Then fully rotate and stir until it becomes a powder.

  Cronos stirred suspiciously, as it was written in the book anyway. We don't know, we dare not ask.

   I don’t know how long it has been~www.readwn.com~Cronos' arms are sour. There was a small bowl of black and red sacred powder.

   "This thing doesn't need a quill!" Cronos looked at the slimy divine powder.

   "You can only get started." Cronos confided.

   Putting the spread parchment on the table, Cronos let out a deep breath.

  Cronos drew a circle as the outer magic ring. After working out on hard stones, Cronos is handy on parchment.

   Then write the foreign magic text on the outer magic ring: magic attribute (space), level (2), name (delta), magic type (symbol type), trigger method (magic trigger). Then there is the outer team map (Pentagram), these are already unavoidable for Cronos.

  Inner magic ring, the inner array map is very simple. It's just that this time the magic ring is not a circle, but the corners of three regular quadrilaterals in the inner matrix. A total of twelve besieged exactly one circle. The inner magic text is no longer a basic spell, but the zodiac sign corresponds to the twelve horns. After the formation, the sun's power text that emerged was in the east, and the moon's power text was in the west to cover the symbols of the two constellations.

   Although it is different from the first Volcanumtellus magic circle, the basic structure is similar. Cronos did not spend too much experience in painting it.

   Cronos closed his eyes and felt the magic of being free in nature. Because of the rapid development of London, there is no longer any large vegetation. This is very unfriendly to Cronos.

   "Vinaturae" Chronos took out his wand and read the spell on the parchment. The magic circle on the parchment slowly lit up, and finally the light gradually dissipated.

   "It's finished." Cronos thought.


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