Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 31: Full load

   "Whoo!" A bunch of red fireworks shot from Chronos' wand and hit the hooded figure.

   "Run! Idiot." Cronos pulled Hermione away, who was already stunned by everything in front of her. She was originally the first person to spot a unicorn. She happily took out her magic wand to inform everyone, but was frightened by the sudden change.

  Cronos pulled Hermione into a dash, he was already panicking. "Just kidding, that's Voldemort. Even a weak Voldemort can't be dealt with by a student who hasn't graduated in the first grade."

  Cronos ran fast, and the potential of humans to burst out in dangerous situations is endless. The surrounding trees quickly flashed past Chronos' eyes.

   I don't know how long it took before Cronos stopped after a big rock. He opened his mouth wide and breathed the air greedily.

   After calming down for a while, Cronos looked around for a while, he was just running around. He didn't know where he was now, but fortunately Voldemort did not catch up.

Cronos looked at Hermione, who was also paralyzed on the side, and burst out: "Did you know? Miss Granger. Without me, you would be lying there with the unicorn now. I beg you to do it." Take a good look at your surroundings before the event, okay? Does your seemingly smart head only learn? If Gryffindor calls this fearless courage, then I really feel sad for Gryffindor . Your courage has no meaning other than meaningless death."

   Cronos said he was tired. The surroundings fell silent, and only Hermione sobbed. Cronos didn't want to comfort her at all, but felt that her tears were very annoying.

   "Fluorescence flickers." The moonlight was no longer infiltrating, and Cronos had to borrow his wand to gain some light. He began to look at everything around him, and they came to a completely unfamiliar place. The dense leaves covered the sky perfectly, and also dispelled Cronos's plan to use the North Star to identify the position.

   Kronos looked down at his feet, hoping to find his own footprints and then return to the same path.

   "This is?" Cronos was attracted by a white stone under his feet. He touched it with his hand. The texture was hard and pure white, a bit similar to marble, but cleaner than marble, without a magazine.

   "It can't be wrong. This should be the Forbidden Magic Stone that Professor Snape said." Cronos looked at his feet, and they were all such stones. He immediately lowered his head and picked it up. When he came out, he brought a bag that stretched out without a trace.

   The next scene is very strange, and Chronos is very happy picking up rocks. Hermione looked at her strangely.

   "Here!" Hermione handed Cronos a stone she had found.

  Cronos took the stone and put it in the bag. Without speaking, he turned his head and continued to start the mining industry.

  Cronos discovered that the boulder he was leaning on just now was also a fast forbidden magic stone, but it was too big. Chronos didn't know any offensive spells yet, so he reluctantly gave up the boulder.

   "簌簌" A swaying sound of leaves interrupted the movement in Cronos's hand. He extinguished the fluorescent curse and pointed his wand at the place where the sound was just made. Hermione also took out her wand and stood beside Chronos.

   The Forbidden Forest is full of dangers, and Cronos didn't know it was Voldemort who had caught up. Or other creatures in the Forbidden Forest. No matter which one, Chronos could not run. He looked at the demon card in the system, and he had no choice but to do that. Compared with losing one's life, the loss of a point of life is what counts.

   "Thank God, you are all fine." The voice from the woods made Cronos put down his wand.

   "It's Hagrid!" Hermione said happily.

   After a while, Hagrid stepped out of the woods on his heavy boots. To the left and right are Harry and Ron, his teeth still being held in his hands. Seeing Yaya, Cronos' eyelids jumped unconsciously.

"It's great for you to be fine." Hagrid came over and patted Chronos. "When we saw your green fireworks, we rushed over there immediately. But there was nothing but unicorns that were already dead. There is nothing left."

   "Hermione, are you okay?" Ron seemed to care about Hermione.

   Hermione rolled his eyes and ignored him.

   "Then how did you find here?" Cronos asked rhetorically.

   "It's the footprints~www.readwn.com~ Hagrid and I found your footprints. We followed them all the way." Harry explained.

   "Fortunately you didn't go any further, you are moving forward a little bit. There is the depths of the Forbidden Forest." Hagrid smiled. Cronos saw his beard tremble?

   "Have you seen the murderer of the unicorn?" Hagrid finally remembered the business.

   "I saw it, but it was too dark. I didn't see it clearly, I guess it might be something like a vampire!" Chronos lied.

   "Vampires? What did they do to kill unicorns?" Ron obviously didn't believe what Cronos said.

   "Who knows? Maybe people **** too much blood and want to change their taste. You know, they are all dark creatures. Who knows what they think."

   "Okay, okay. Little guys, we should go. Your confinement is over. We should hurry out and it will be dawn soon." Hagrid interrupted their argument.

   In fact, Hagrid was right when they were about to get out of the forbidden forest. The sun is already showing its head above the horizon.

   Filch was standing in front of Hagrid's cabin waiting, and saw them come out intact. Filch's ugly face suddenly became even more ugly.

   The handover work went smoothly, and Filch walked ahead without a word. Hermione and Chronos followed, Ron and Harry at the end.

   "Fortunately, this time it was not in vain." Cronos patted his backpack with satisfaction, which was full of Forbidden Magic Stones. At the same time watching Hermione next to him and Harry and Ron behind him. Cronos came to a conclusion: "I won't have anything to do with Harry in the future. Unless he wants to see if his life is hard enough."


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