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Just after learning and struggling, Ivan reached the end of the semester.

At the end of the period, Dumbledore said clichély in the big exhibition hall each minding their own business, but the young wizards of the following houses were drowsy, not many people even cared about the ownership of the house cup.

Because even the Slytherin house in the second place has long abandoned the idea of ​​competition, there is no way, the gap between the two sides is really too big.

However, the young wizards of Gryffindor are still very excited. After Dumbledore announced the ownership of the house cup Gryffindor, each and everyone clapped their hands and looked proudly at the Slytherins on the long table opposite. This was the first time they were overwhelmed. The advantage of sex wins.

Ivan also received a lot of attention in the process, but he was tossing the mouse he just caught, not at all time.

Expecto Patronum’s study has entered a small bottleneck. Ordinary practice or reading has had little effect, so Ivan is going to practice Transfiguration Spell first.

As before, after signing the school leaving agreement, the huge Hagrid led them First-year students to Hogwarts station,

Looking at Hogwarts Castle farther and farther away, in Ivan’s mind, the system sound finally sounded.

[Ding, at the end of the school year, will the school year be summarized? 】

“Yes!” Ivan in the heart said silently.

When I announced the results before, Ivan wondered why the system didn’t respond or reward. It turned out that the summary reminder was only when I left the school.

[As of today, your performance this school year is as follows ..

Class evaluation: excellent

Reward: 100 academic achievement points


Final exam scores: potion studies (outstanding), transfiguration courses (outstanding), Herbology (outstanding) … A History of Magic course (exceeding expectations)

Reward: 650 academic achievement points


Glory: Quiddich champion (not involved), Gryffindor Cup (100 academic points).

Overall reward: 850 academic points]

Suddenly received an award of 850 grade points, which surprised Ivan, who has always been worried about the lack of grade points.

It’s so timely!

This gives Ivan a little peace of mind about to go to the new environment. With the 200 grade points he originally reserved, he can reserve ten hours of fighting time, or he can use it to learn quickly.

“Okay, children, hurry up, we have to hurry to the station!”

At the forefront, Hagrid with the team shouted at them loudly, and the sound was loud like a drum.

Ivan calmed his mind and followed Hagrid’s footsteps to Hogwarts Station, not far from the lake. From afar, he saw the old steam car, painted with beautiful red paint underneath, and a thick exhaust vent White steam.

Ivan didn’t expect The first time I boarded the Hogwarts Express was when I left, which is really different …

While Ivan was still feeling emotional, Harry and Ron had pulled him into one of the boxes.

The space in the box is still very large, and 3 or 4 people do not feel crowded when they sit down.

Hermione also ran from other boxes afterwards. She was originally in a box with roommates Parvati · Patil and Lavender · Brown, but she was not used to it after all.

Several people got together and quickly chatted with chirp chirp twitter twitter, especially Hermione and Ron. For them, although they had a great time in Hogwarts, they still missed their family.

When Harry had a word to echo, he occasionally complained about the adoption of his uncle’s family.

Taking advantage of this time, Ivan took out an unconscious mouse from the small iron cage he brought and placed it on the table, preparing to continue the exercise of using magic power to analyze blood cells.

Once you get out of the car, you can’t use magic anymore.

“Is this your new pet? A mouse? What about Marx?” Harry looked at Ivan strangely and asked in a puzzled way. .

“It’s not a pet, it’s just a prop to practice transfiguration.” Ivan explained, closing his eyes and infiltrating the magic power into the mouse’s body as much as possible.

Hearing Ivan say this, Hermione and Ron turned their heads and looked at Ivan’s movements curiously.

However, they only saw Ivan using the wand against the mouse’s forehead, so they stayed still.

“Is this really useful?” Ron mumbled said.

“Analysis of objects with magic power is a prerequisite for learning advanced transfiguration.” Ivan opened his eyes and looked at them.

“Just like you deformed owl?” Harry said curiously.

“Almost.” Ivan ordered nodded, and he didn’t mention the deformation of Animagus, anyway, there is nothing wrong with this understanding.

Harry and the others suddenly had interest, but they knew how powerful Ivan’s Transfiguration Spell was. Didn’t expect to practice this way, and each and everyone were excited to take out wand to prepare to experience it.

Ivan didn’t stop, let them try, anyway, this kind of mouse is everywhere, he caught more than one in Hogwarts.

Harry tried to put his body as Ivan did just now, wand pressed the forehead of the mouse, tried to input magic power into it, and Hermione watched curiously.

Ron remembered that he also had a mouse, so he caught Scabbers, who was chewing on multi-flavored beans, and then gestured with wand, trying to send some magic power in.

Scabbers were scared to death for a while, and they made a scream of horror in horror, but they could n’t run by Ron ’s tail. They could only keep twisting their body to avoid the wand that Ron poked …

“Don’t move, let me use spell…” Ron held the Scabbers’ body dissatisfied and pushed wand on its head.

Scabbers had an irresistible expression on his face. At this time, the movement from Harry attracted Ron.

The unconscious mouse lying on the table suddenly twitched with Harry’s magic power, and his body suddenly twitched, foaming in his mouth. After a few seconds, his legs slammed and froze.

Scabbers saw this scene, the boss staring at it, he felt that he might not survive today.

Harry’s face was a little embarrassed, he just lost some magic power, and I didn’t know how to get this way.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ve used Stunning Spell to stun this mouse in advance. It walked peacefully …” Ivan waved his hand and said that he was a humane wizard and would never abuse animals.

Even if the other party is just a mouse …

“Ron is abusing mice like that!” Ivan glanced at Scabbers on Ron’s hand, and suddenly remembered that Scabbers seemed to be Animagus …

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