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After a brief distraction, Ivan picked up the cup on the table and took a sip. The hot liquid went straight down the throat and quickly poured into the stomach. The rising heat gradually dissipated the winter cold, slightly bitter. The scent of Ivan still remained on the tip of his tongue, which refreshed Ivan’s spirit.

The Dumbledore who was directly across from him also held the cup and took a sip, then suddenly asked. “What do you think of the current magic circle? Wrahles?”

Dumbledore’s words made Ivan stunned. He didn’t quite understand why the old professor suddenly turned the topic here, but after thinking about it, he still replied.

“Professor, I think the current political system of Magic Circle in England is too decayed and backward. Some laws were even enacted hundreds of years ago. They have long been unable to adapt to the current era and urgently need to make changes…”

“You may not know it, but when I was in Knockturn Alley, I met a lot of poor wizards. Some of them didn’t even earn ten Galleons a month. Even basic life is a problem, which is obviously unreasonable. “Ivan talked freely.

“Muggles are rich and poor, and so are the wizards…” Dumbledore said indifferent expression.

“But wizards are different from muggles. The magic they master can be used in more important places. They can also live a better life with their own abilities instead of being a handyman in a place like Knockturn Alley. Or a thief!” Ivan retorted seriously.

He doesn’t agree with Dumbledore’s statement. In Ivan’s opinion, any wizard that can be magic can create value far beyond ordinary muggle.

They can use magic to make an object magnify, shrink, float, deform according to their own minds… The brilliant wizard can even create an independent space.

Such power can play an important role in many places. If combined with the power of muggle technology, it will be enough to trigger the next industrial revolution and greatly improve the living standards of all human beings.

As for the conflict between industrial item and magic?

In Ivan’s opinion, it is not impossible to solve. In fact, many wizards have made similar attempts, such as the flying motorcycle of Sirius and Hagrid, and the magic car modified by Arthur-Weasley.

All this shows that the combination of magic and technology is absolutely feasible…

The only problem is that these creations are powered by the magic power of the driver. Muggle cannot be used and it is difficult to popularize. However, most of the wizards use fireplace and Disapparation, so there is no need for so-called vehicles.

This may also be the reason why the crystallization of technology and magic is so brilliant, but few people choose to conduct in-depth research in this area.

But this happens to be a topic that Nicholas-Flamel has been researching in his later years. The solution is magic power storage devices, or a degraded version of Philosopher’s Stone!

According to the alchemy notes, if you continue to study the improvement of Philosopher’s Stone, reduce costs, and mass-produce it into a battery-like existence, then magic power will become a brand new energy source. Muggle can also experience the fun of magic.

A new civilization combining magic and technology will be born from this…

These thoughts in my mind, Ivan didn’t mean to hide from Dumbledore, and said them openly. He also wanted to know how the most powerhouse of the magic circle in front of him would think of his plan.

Listening to Ivan’s account, Dumbledore groaned for a long time, with no changes in expression on his face, then he said slowly. “So you want to make the existence of the wizard public?”

“Yes!” Ivan clicked nodded without hesitation. He has read the Ministry of Magic’s document report, and it is clear that Dumbledore is one of the biggest supporters of the International Wizard Confidentiality Act, but Ivan will not do this either. Lie, because he was convinced that his actions were correct.

“Then have you ever thought about how to resolve the conflict between muggle and wizard?” Dumbledore not at all, angry at Ivan’s answer, just continued to ask. “Or to put it another way, in your imagination, what kind of identity the wizard will live in the world of muggle.”

“Probably the wizard will become a very special high-paying profession based on innate talent?” Ivan was a little unsure. He had not thought about this issue at all beforehand, and had to brace oneself replied.

“It may be difficult to do…” Dumbledore smiled and shook the head, picked up the cup and took another sip, and said with emotion. “They won’t be satisfied with this!”

Ivan fell silent immediately. Of course he knew what Dumbledore was talking about. Most wizards are arrogant or even contemptuous towards muggle. They usually think that they are expert. This can be seen from the title. come out.

Moreover, the contrast between the strengths of the two parties will further expand this psychology.

After all, a wizard who graduated from a regular school, if he wants to, he can turn the muggle around. A bottle of love potion can make the beauties and handsome guys he loves madly in love with himself. You can use magic to create an accident. Easily kill people you hate.

Not to mention that a few wizards also master BUG-rank magic such as Obliviate and Legilimens. They can delete and tamper with the memories of the muggles at will. It is not too much to describe it as act wilfully.

It can be said that muggle’s laws and regulations have no binding force on a wizard. If the other party is smart enough to commit crimes without being discovered by anyone, this temptation is probably something that few people can resist. Up.

“What if we register all wizards and manage their use spell behavior?” Ivan said unwillingly.

“No wizard will give up the right to use spells freely, and the Ministry of Magic has no ability to manage those adult wizards.” Dumbledore put down the teacup in his hand and looked towards Ivan, and said seriously.

“In fact, every once in a while, there will be some wizards who cannot bear the temptation and act recklessly in the muggle world. The Ministry of Magic has to make great efforts to deal with these vicious events every year…”

“If you cannot guarantee that all wizards are willing to obey the observe order, then publicizing the existence of the magic circle will only intensify the contradiction between the wizard and the muggle, and eventually evolve into war!”

Dumbledore’s words are very sharp. He has experienced the catastrophe decades ago. He knows the thoughts of most wizards. He also understands that many muggles are very afraid of the power of the wizard and hold a hostile attitude towards it. , It is not so easy to eliminate this contradiction.

This can be compared to the immigration problem between different races, but it is more complicated and more intense than a hundred times!

As long as a few wizards are hostile to muggle’s wanton crimes and cause chaos, the conflict between the two sides will intensify. According to the lessons of history, there is a high probability that it will evolve into war or massacre… Whether it is muggle or wizard that will eventually die, it is not He would like to see.

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