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In the process of the experiment just now, Ivan also noticed a hidden factor, that is, the accumulation of his own knowledge will also affect the efficiency and speed of learning.

This is why it takes only 20 minutes to study the tyrant experience card time after reading a book “A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration”, and it is much slower to read “Detailed Explanation of Fundamental Curse Principles”, 30 minutes Half of the time is read-only.

A quick reading of “A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration”, on the one hand, because Ivan itself has some foundations to release Transfiguration Spell, on the other hand, because he has read this book just now, and has an understanding of the content of the book .

The “Basic Mantra Principle Detailed Explanation” involves a wide range of knowledge, and Ivan has not read it in advance, so the reading speed is relatively slow.

After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the study tyrant experience card, Ivan immediately realized that he wanted to make good use of this hour. The optimal solution is to read the corresponding book first, and wait until after reading the study tyrant experience card to improve Understanding ability and thinking ability will be reviewed again, so that we can make the best use of time.

And every understanding of a magic book is transparent, there will be rewards for academic performance points, coupled with the improvement of the spell level, the accumulated academic performance points can also be used to exchange for study tyrant experience cards. Under this cycle, is it not the strength? Will it be advanced by leaps and bounds?

Just now Ivan just finished reading “Detailed Explanation of Fundamental Curse Principles”. All the spells he learned have increased a lot of proficiency. Among them, Levitation charm and Disarming Charm have been upgraded to the same level as Transfiguration Spell and rewarded again. Ten academic achievement points.

This made Ivan’s originally cleared grade point again 20 points again, greatly reducing the time to get the grade point next time.

Thinking of this, Ivan looked at the magic book in the library, and suddenly realized … These are all academic points!

If I can read it all, Ivan can hardly imagine how far his strength will grow.

Thinking of this, Ivan regained his fighting spirit again.

However, contrary to expectations, Ivan was told that the library’s time to turn off the lights was just when he was preparing to work hard.

Ivan realized that he had been in the library for more than 3 hours.

“Children, learning knowledge is important, but we must also pay attention to the combination of work and rest. As for now … I will return to the dormitory of my house!” Madam Pince drove the young wizards who were still planning to stay in the library.

As a librarian of Hogwarts, of course, she will not hate the young wizard who likes knowledge, as long as it is not in the library, but the opening hours of the library ’s headmaster are stipulated, and Madam Pince is not easy to extend.

Ivan stepped forward at this moment, and he saw half of the “Detailed Explanation of Fundamental Curse Principles” in his hand and signaled.

“Madam, can I borrow this book?”

“Of course, as long as it can be returned within the prescribed time.” Madam Pince glanced at it, and after nodding, nodded at random.

After talking, Madam Pince turned around and searched in the library. There are always a few people who like to hide themselves in the sea of ​​books, intending to get through the customs, and slide to the Restricted Section after turning off the lights.

Of course, there are also some people who are fascinated and forget the time …

“Thank you …” Ivan was a polite nodded to thank you, and then left the library with the book straight away. He already impatient wanted to go back and try those magics that had been promoted.

“Let let … let me …”

Ivan, who had not turned a few steps before, just had time to hear a few crisp female voices behind him, and felt that he was hit by someone, and his forehead directly came into close contact with the wall, and then sat on the ground , “Detailed Explanation of Fundamental Curse Principle” in his hand also fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the force of the impact was not heavy, and Ivan touched some blushing forehead and climbed up.

Ivan first picked up the book, and then noticed the little girl who rashly hit her.

The first thing to look at was the thick brown hair. The mess was obviously lacking in the care of the owner. The standard wizard robe was slightly wider on the body, and there were several magic books scattered on the side.

“Hermione?” Ivan was stunned for a while, but he soon understood the situation.

It is estimated that when our Miss Know-it-all was kicked out of the library by Madam Pince, it was too anxious, and this would hit him directly from behind.

“Ivan?” Hermione was struck by him all of a sudden, until Ivan helped him, and then stood up. “Oh, sorry, I might have been confused before, didn’t expect will hit you …”

“It’s okay, just pay attention to it next time.” Ivan picked up the book on the floor and returned it to Hermione, and then hooked the head, indicating that he didn’t care.

Hermione opened the mouth immediately after seeing the book in Ivan’s hands, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

“I have also borrowed this” Detailed Explanation of Fundamental Curse Principles “before and learned many new magic skills.

God, I did n’t even know that a strong desire to make some magic spells greatly increase the formidable power, but this requires the wizard to have a very high magic control ability, otherwise, it is very likely to make magic out of control … “

Speaking of which, Hermione seemed to remember something, and her voice became louder. “By the way, learning requires understanding and memory, but it is not to read the book from beginning to end.

Rather than reading books such as “The Basic Mantra Principles”, I think you should memorize all textbooks first! “

Hermione confided her thoughts or experience like a cannon, perhaps consciously helping Ivan, always has the taste of several points of aloof and remote.

Ivan understands that Hermione must have seen the second half of his study tyrant experience card learning scene, so let me kindly remind, but Hermione’s arrogant tone still makes Ivan’s invisible frowned.

“Thank you for reminding, but I think everyone has their own learning method.” Ivan lightly opened the mouth and said, and this is a bit of understanding why Harry, Ron and other young wizards, why not wait to see the smart Hermione.

I have to say that before the 10000 Holy Day, Miss Granger’s character is really not very flattering …

“How can it be?”

Hermione wanted to continue preaching, but Ivan was interrupted by action as soon as she spoke.

“Quick deformation ~” Ivan waved wand and tapped on the parchment that Hermione used to take notes. The paper gave a slight vibration, and then expanded and deformed. The slightly rough parchment surface slowly became smooth and flawless.

Right in front of Hermione, but within a 2-second period, Ivan went from reading spells to waving wand in one go. The standard was just like the demonstration of Professor McGonagall in class, and the parchment had become a thin one at this time. Thin jade stone board.

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