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Ivan nodded indifferently, anyway, he had no intention of doing anything.

Reaching Hogwarts’ castle in this way, Dumbledore stopped suddenly, extending the hand gently pats on Harry’s shoulder.

“You go back to the bedroom first, the next thing is not convenient for you to participate.”

Fudge ordered nodded, and he was here anyway. He did n’t worry about Ivan and the others going to report and so on.

After the entire group was separated, Ivan walked on the corridor to the Gryffindor common room. Harry, Hermione and Ron were all worried.

“What if Cerberus, who was locked on the 4th floor, was discovered by Minister Fudge? Professor Dumbledore should not be removed?” Harry said.

“Relax, the professor can do it himself.” Ivan said confidently. He didn’t think Dumbledore was so good.

Perhaps in the confrontation with Fudge just now, Dumbledore may have any solution, or he will not be so calm throughout the journey.

“But I don’t think the professor can solve it himself …” Hermione stopped suddenly and looked at Harry’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” Harry asked strangely.

“It’s on the shoulder, there seems to be a word.” Ron said blankly.

Ivan looked at the words formed by the golden light above, the corners of his mouth twitched faintly, and wanted to pretend not to see them, but it’s a pity that he is not alone here.

“This must be Professor Dumbledore’s stay just now. It says secret passage… 4th floor! Professor Dumbledore lets us take a short cut through the secret passage to the 4th floor.” Hermione said excitedly.

Harry and Ron were also very excited. They felt they could do something again.

But where is this secret passage?

3 people are confused, looking towards Ivan, since it is the message left by Dumbledore, it proves that someone must know the secret passage news.

Ivan wanted to say that he didn’t know anything, but considering that he had to study at Hogwarts for some time in the future, Dumbledore wore small shoes, so he decided to solve this trouble.

“You better be prepared. This secret passage is not good.” Ivan sighed. He didn’t understand how Dumbledore guessed he knew these secret passages.

Ivan drove along with several people, and then stopped in a path on the first floor, where there was a statue with a Swordsman soldier.

Ivan stretched out wand and gently tapped on the wall next to the statue. The soldier ’s statue suddenly lifted the sword, frightening Ron, and then the stone bricks on the wall were embedded, exposing a narrow passage. Came out.

Inside is a quirky space, with up and down, left, and right walls of bricks, 4 channels and 8 channels. These walls seem to have life as they move and spawn.

At the moment when everyone stopped, the space leading to the left was completely submerged and closed with huge amounts of bricks. Seeing that the space to stand was to be engulfed, Ivan quickly pulled Hermione and the others away.

All the way to the right, the terrain is getting higher and higher, and the retreat behind is also occupied by new bricks. Ivan suddenly ran into a gray wall. Harry almost thought he was crazy, but Ivan’s body was from the wall. Straight past.

“Come on, this secret door will change!”

Ivan’s voice came from the other end, and Harry and the others realized that this should be similar to the situation at platform 9 40 3% 1, so he no longer hesitated and ran into it directly.

Entering it, Harry felt like he was passing through the water wall. When Hermione running at the end was walking, he clearly felt that the pressure of all around was gradually increasing and slowly becoming solid, and they were about to become real. Of the wall …

Fortunately, Hermione ran out at the last moment, and then touched behind him, it was already a solid wall.

“What if I didn’t come out in time just now?” Hermione said curiously.

“Then we won’t see you,” Ivan said solemnly.

After a while, Hermione was afraid that Harry and Ron were also terrified. When they swear in the heart that they would never enter these dangerous secret passages, they heard Ivan lightly said with a smile.

“I mean I won’t see you for a while, and you will be teleported somewhere in the castle.”

Here is Hogwarts. These mechanisms and secret doors are of course non-lethal. Otherwise, there will be so many young wizards who have been killed in the past. This school has long been closed.

Hermione panting with rage glared at Ivan. If it weren’t urgent now, they would join forces to beat him.

“Where are we?” Harry looked around.

“Of course it’s the 4th floor.” Ivan and several people quickly found the banned corridor.

The wooden door is still closed, but they all know that there is a ferocious Cerberus inside.

“Harry, do you still bring the music box I gave you?” Ivan turned his head looking towards towards him.

“Of course, that’s a great gift …” Harry didn’t know what Ivan said about this, but he took it out of his pocket.

“By the way, Hagrid once said that Fluffy likes to listen to music and will fall asleep as soon as he hears it!” Hermione remembered it immediately, and Harry and Ron were also excited, so that they would not have to deal with Cerberus.

Ivan ordered nodded, and with this music box, he no longer needs to use Transfiguration Spell to temporarily get a musical instrument out.

Pushing open the wooden door of the hallway, Ivan signaled Harry to prepare to open the music box, but only after entering the room did Cerberus Fluffy sleep with his eyes closed.

However, the noise when entering the door is still somewhat affected. Fluffy’s eyelid slightly moved, and he woke up when he saw it.

Without prompting, Harry opened the music box when Fluffy moved again, and a cheerful Christmas song rang through the hallway. After hearing the music, Fluffy fell asleep deeply.

Everyone was sighed in relief, but in the face of such a big Cerberus, I didn’t know what to do for a while.

“I mean, let’s just forget it? How should we get such a large Cerberus out.” Ron looked at Fluffy’s three mouths full of fangs and swallowed, he spit. I can’t think of any way to hide it.

“Isn’t there a trapdoor here?” Ivan not at all ignored Ron, but walked straight to the trapdoor and opened it, and then used the extension spell to double the trapdoor.

If it is not Ivan ’s magic power and use spell levels that have been greatly improved after completing the fusion Ceremony, simply impossible to complete it.

“Are you going to throw it away like this?” Hermione was a little worried that Fluffy would fall directly to death, or make some noise underneath.

“So there is something else that needs to be done …” Ivan said.

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