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The team of 3 finally walked into the classroom before class,

“I bet! Those stairs must have been deliberately aimed at us, wanting us to be late.” Ron rubbed his still-nosed nose, stepped into the classroom for the first time, and glanced at the empty podium. sighed in relief.

“It seems that we didn’t come too late, and the professor hasn’t arrived yet.” Harry also glanced at Ivan with some luck at this time. Fortunately, he got up early today, otherwise he would have been late.

“No, I think the professor has arrived …” Ivan ignored the words of the two, but glanced at the tabby cat on the podium, and then quickly returned to his seat.

Harry and Ron were confused, but after the two of them sat down, they saw that the tabby cat on the podium suddenly jumped from the platform, the body was twisted and deformed, and the time of landing had become a middle-aged witch, it is Professor McGonagall!

Harry and Ron were suddenly stunned, only to understand what Ivan said just now, but they didn’t understand how Ivan knew that the cat was changed by Professor McGonagall?

Also surprised was Professor McGonagall. In the form of Animagus, she wanted to observe the situation of this young wizards. In the past, she also used the transformation of Animagus as the beginning of this transfiguration class, but did n’t expect to be The students recognized it.

With a little praise, Ivan nodded, and Professor McGonagall began the first section of the teaching content of transfiguration.

“Before starting the class, I want to remind you that … transfiguration is arguably one of the most complicated and dangerous spells you will learn at Hogwarts School. If anyone wants to play tricks in my class, immediately Get out, don’t come back! “

Professor McGonagall waved his staff to turn the podium in front of him into a pig, and in the exclamation of many young wizards, the podium was changed back.

Ivan sat in the front position and saw the whole transformation process clearly.

Accurate, fast and without any weak spot…

A wooden platform can be transformed into a conscious creature, which is tantamount to directly changing the structure of matter, and even temporarily giving the dead a spiritual wisdom, magic’s mysterious and powerful in this brief moment.

Wizarding World’s magic may be slightly inferior to destructive power, but in other respects it has its own uniqueness, and is comprehensive and complete!

Professor McGonagall’s demonstration immediately brought interest to the young wizards. After explaining the methods and techniques of the release of Transfiguration Spell, he gave all students a match. The goal was to turn the match into a silver needle.

When Professor McGonagall started to explain Transfiguration Spell, a reminder sounded in Ivan’s mind.

[Ding, you listened carefully to the professor ’s explanation, and found the content somewhat obscure. The proficiency of Transfiguration Spell was slightly improved …]

Ivan called up the information bar and glanced, and there was a line of information in the magic bar.

[Transfiguration Spell Level 0 (6100)]

When I saw the content as I expected, Ivan was a little bit happy, which means that no matter what kind of magic, I only need to repeat the practice to increase proficiency, and I can learn quickly.

However, after repeating the practice for half a class, Ivan found that it seemed not as simple as he thought.


“Ivan * Wrahles!”

“Mr. Wrahles!”

The harsh and high voice echoed in the enclosed classroom, attracting the attention of the young wizards in the front and back.

It wasn’t until Professor McGonagall who just spoke suddenly turned his head that the young wizards turned back sadly or waved the staff over and over again, distressed or entangled, in an attempt to make it happen even a moment. change…

Professor McGonagall looked around for a week, and saw that the matches on a small witch with a shaggy hair had changed significantly. Some of them had some needles, and then his lips were loose and tight, showing a trace of satisfaction. expression.

After warning the young wizard who is still touching the fish with his eyes, Professor McGonagall was able to turn his gaze to the boy with a dazed expression in front of him, and said sternly.

“Mr. Wrahles, I think I should have reminded you before that the release of the spell is very dangerous, and you should stay focused before releasing the magic!”

“In addition, repeating mechanical exercises does not provide much help. I think you should be attentive, focused, and imagine the silver needle …”

“Yes, Professor McGonagall, I will pay attention …” Ivan * Wrahles politely nodded, condensed his mind under the witch’s gaze, and the wand on his nearly ten-two inches waved in the air with a wonderful frequency.

On the dark gray wooden table, a match seemed to be driven by a certain force out of thin air, twisted and deformed, and slowly changed its shape under the action of magic …

However, just as the match slowly deformed, it was as if it was disturbed by something, and it instantly changed back to its original shape.

This situation does not seem to be beyond Professor McGonagall’s expectations. After seeing this situation, I just clicked nodded, and after leaving a few more exercises, I turned my head away. After all, most of the young wizards who just entered school are mostly at this level. that’s all.

Ivan * Wrahles murmured and sighed.

“It seems that proficiency is not so easy to accumulate …”

After trying most of the lesson, Ivan had no excitement before,

Because the growth rate of proficiency slows down after the early surge, and not every time you can increase proficiency.

After a period of groping, Ivan feels that this is not so much a practice as increasing the proficiency of skills, but rather a presentation of his own level in a proficient manner.

After more than half of the class, Ivan couldn’t even stabilize Transfiguration Spell for a long time.

While Ivan * Wrahles was on a small trip in the transfiguration class, he was suddenly poked a few times with his finger.

Ivan turned his head, only to find that an excited Harry was screaming loudly at the two thin stools on the table in front of him, looming with gloss.

“Hey, Ivan … Look, I did it, I did it!”

“Well, yes. Harry, you are very difficult to deal with, and you are also very talented!” Ivan looked at the unidentified item on the table and ordered nodded. The first transfiguration class started, which could make the match change significantly. And the fixed form for a long time is already the upstream level in the young wizard, at least, it is more powerful than him.

“Yeah? I didn’t expect too. You know my uncle, they are all muggles. Before entering school, I always wondered if I could release magic …”

Affirmed by Ivan, Harry also talked about his previous worries and worries.

Before entering the magic circle, Harry was just a normal eleven-year-old boy that’s all, and suddenly became a savior in the eyes of everyone. Although he received unimaginable attention and glory, he also accepted the unimaginable pressure.

Harry even thought about the embarrassing scene that he could not learn magic, but fortunately not at all became so bad.

Ivan was surprised by Harry’s rapid learning of magic not at all. After all, Sorting Hat had made it very clear when assigning a house to be brave, kind and extremely innate talent!

Sorting Hat even suggested that Harry enter the Slytherin house at one time. In Third Year, he used Expecto Patronum, which he had not learned for a long time, to eliminate or say to drive away the 100 dementor.

If it were n’t for Hogwarts ’s free education, it would be too happy. It is estimated that this outstanding savior of innate talent before graduation will also have the strength of a professor level.

In this regard, Ivan said that he did not envy … not at all …

After all, the young wizard with innate talent is only a few.

Ivan glanced around, and found that most of the young wizards were also of this level. Sighed in relief in my heart, I didn’t think it. I heard Professor McGonagall’s high voice again in my ear.

“Very good, Miss Granger! You can see, Miss Granger successfully transformed the match into a silver needle, Gryffindor plus 5 points!”

In the aisle a few steps away from Ivan’s seat, Professor McGonagall was holding a silver needle high, indicating to the young wizards all around.

And Miss Granger, who was sitting side by side, with gray hair and brown hair scattered randomly on his shoulders, raised his small head proudly, accepting all around young wizards or surprised or unexpected eyes.

Ivan staring blankly at the silver needle, the newly adjusted mindset exploded in a flash …

Does this make them ordinary wizards alive?

“Damn, it’s a little worse! If I practice for a little longer, then Professor McGonagall should praise me right …” Ron poked at the table with the wand in his hand, staring at Hermione with frustration, seeming to be annoying himself The glory taken away.

Ivan glanced at the Ron table because of the loss of magic power, and then returned to the unknown item of the match. I felt that even after a few more lessons, Ron could reach Hermione’s current level.

Although he was n’t much better, he even said it was even worse …

Ivan is a little helpless sighed, what about the innate talent report after a good ride? So good soul fusion will lead to a substantial increase in Spiritual Power?

The common routines of various novels are not at all reflected in Ivan’s body. Ivan understands how pertinent Sorting Hat’s evaluation of his innate talent is.

Of course, transfiguration has not been stable. Ivan guessed that in addition to innate talent, the other part should be caused by the sharp decline in the fit of wand due to soul replacement.

If magic power is equal to electricity, and wand equivalent to is plug and wiring, then the magic is all kinds of electrical appliances.

Nowadays, there are short-circuit problems in the electric wires from time to time, and the electric lights will naturally stop working.

However, the wand problem cannot be solved by Ivan in a short time. I am afraid that this wand will take one semester.

After fighting with the match again for a while, the first transfiguration lesson finally came to an end. Until the end, Ivan did not stabilize the deformed form of the match.

On the contrary, I found a little trick that is useless, that is, after the magic power is condensed and released by wand disorderly, a slender magic beam can be formed. The only function is to return the less stable transfiguration to its original shape.

This was discovered by Ivan after he failed to release the Transfiguration Spell for the Nth time and nearly blown up the match. Not at all, except for playing Ron in the transfiguration class.

Just as Professor McGonagall announced the end of the class on stage, another voice also sounded in Ivan.

[Ding, after the unremitting efforts of the host, the transfiguration class is over, please host to make persistent efforts.

Evaluation of this comprehensive comprehensive closed class: Moderate

Evaluator: Minerva · McGonagall

Reward: academic performance points * 5


Looking at the information that suddenly appeared in my mind, Ivan had never thought of it before.

Can I still get rewards in class?

Ivan was a little surprised, especially when he saw the three words of academic performance point, he was very vomiting, how to make it the same as when he went to college before.

It seems that the professors of various subjects evaluate it.

Shouldn’t there be any final exams, good or bad exams are rewarded and punished accordingly?

Of course, Tucao is back to Tucao, and I was able to discover a function of system again. Ivan is still very happy. I just do n’t know what this grade point can be used for?

As long as the system panel was triggered, Ivan noticed the academic grade point.

Perhaps it is because the reasons have not been obtained before, and the related functions have not been turned on. After this time, Ivan found the new redemption option in the panel in a short time.

What disappointed Ivan a little was that there was only a solitary study tyrant experience card in the entire exchange column. The exchange required 100 academic grade points, and the effect was to greatly improve the learning efficiency within an hour.

Ivan had previously imagined that there was no exchange for powerful magic, banned spells and so on.

Is this the rhythm of learning to the end?

Ivan glanced at the 5 academic grade points he had achieved in a class. He was suddenly desperate. Hogwarts was only 3 to 5 hours a day.

Based on the 5 academic achievement points per class, is it necessary to redeem the one-hour study tyrant experience card for a full 5 days of accumulation?

This is too pitted?

What can you learn in an hour?

But the matter has come to this point, Ivan has no way, other than this exchange, Ivan has no other way to improve this inefficient learning efficiency.

What else?

study hard…

After completing the transfiguration class, the boring A History of Magic class followed. Professor Binns was a quaint old-fashioned ghost. A whole class of time was taught in each minding their own business and ignored. Under the young wizards.

This makes Ivan a little bit uncomfortable. The achievement of academic grade points is obviously related to the evaluation of the class professor on his class, and the teaching method of A History of Magic class Ivan has no chance to improve the evaluation.

After a whole class, Ivan once again received a medium evaluation and 5 academic achievement points.

But soon, Ivan understood the benefits of A History of Magic.

Because in the next Charms, I learned how to apply magic power smoothly to the object and affect the object, which is the basis for learning the Levitation charm. Due to the interference of wand, Ivan spent a whole class of time to be successful During the period, the props used to use spell were exploded 3 times!

The results are better than Neville,

And the fastest Miss Granger, only succeeded in releasing 3 times …

For this reason, Ivan received a bad evaluation in class evaluation without exception, and the academic performance point is only 2 points …

The only good news is that after a few days of blind shopping, the task of [Explore Hogwarts] in the task tree has reached 30% of the progress. On average, every additional 100 points is rewarded with 2 academic grade points, and a total of The 60 academic grade points are much faster than the rewards for taking classes every day.

Finally, Ivan saw the hope of having 100 academic achievement points and redeeming a study tyrant experience card.

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