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Ivan held wand and walked in the sea of ​​books. He didn’t mean to stay in the ordinary area. He walked towards the Restricted Section.

“Advanced Transfiguration Guide” … “ancient runes ..” “Legilimency-Peep into your brain” …

Ivan’s eyes glanced through the rows of bookshelves. A large number of restricted books with fairly high-end names made Ivan’s eyes greedy, and even the Legilimency and Occlumency related books he had longed for.

If it is possible, Ivan ca n’t wait to use a few 100 study tyrant experience cards here to watch a 10-15 days, and then the strength is rising ..

But in the end Ivan still resisted the temptation because he didn’t have so many academic points to redeem, nor did he forget to do it today and so on.

Following the sign number in the Restricted Section, Ivan quickly found a 7-row Twelfth column of bookshelves, but here it seems not at all different, a large number of magic books are neatly arranged, the bookshelves are piled up full, without leaving a trace Void.

Ivan was reluctant to try to find out something like mechanism secretly thought, but found nothing, but accidentally hit a black magic book on the ground.

The book is windless and automatic, as if it has its own consciousness. One page automatically turns up, and after a few pages, a black mist pours out from the pages of the book. I can see a man ’s head opening his mouth, it seems. Howling at loud!

What scared Ivan was that he obviously didn’t hear any sound, but the eardrums began to bulge, and the brain gradually dizzy, as if someone really shouted in front of him.

The thick fog of black gathers more and more, the head seems to be rushing out of the book for a while ..


Ivan slammed the book violently, flattening the black head on the pages of the book. As the book was closed, the black mist disappeared.

“It’s just a book, are you still turning it up?” Ivan rubbed his ears, opened the mouth and said gnashing teeth.

Ivan dare to pick it up after half the time. The cover of the book reads “Secrets of the Darkest Art”. The feel of the cover is obviously different from other books. It is a bit like touching the skin.

Isn’t it human skin?

A single thought flashed in Ivan’s mind. Ivan suddenly felt a bit chilly. It was really possible to think of the man’s head pain just now.

Ivan glanced at the reward task in the system, not at all the slightest change, indicating that this has nothing to do with the reward, so he accidentally hit it.

Ivan had to put the “Secrets of the Darkest Art” back in depression, and was planning to look for the missing mechanism again. Suddenly, he noticed that the shelf in front of him seemed to be slightly different from the one just now.

One … 2… 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6?

Each bookshelf in the Restricted Section is exactly the same. The books are partitioned according to type, each row has 6 rows and 7 columns, but Ivan is keenly aware that there is obviously one less cabinet in the Twelfth column bookshelf.

What makes Ivan feel a little awkward is that a cabinet is obviously missing, but the entire column of bookshelves is still neat and tidy, as if the space here is distorted.

“Someone used Confundus Charm here? Also hid one of the cabinets.”

Ivan narrowed his eyes. He had carefully checked the bookshelf many times just now. It may only be that someone once set Confundus Charm here, which affected his judgment, and then happened to be in Confundus just because of the screams just now. Charm broke.

Even if the understood is abnormal, Ivan is still a bit blind. After reading “Detailed Explanation of the Basic Curse Principle”, he may be able to judge that this is a spell that hides the item, but his magic is too little, no. A handy handy.

Ivan had to use his brain to try to recall the book he had read, and occasionally remembered a magic that Snape used in the original work.

“Aparecium (hurry to reveal)!” Ivan tried to push wand against the bookshelf, and spoke out spells of the manifesting spell.

The entire bookshelf began to tremble slightly, a trace cracked in the middle of the Twelfth column of bookshelves, and then suddenly expanded again, and a new bookcase appeared in front of Ivan.

The hidden bookcase looks different from other not at all. It is full of a thick book. Ivan reached out and swept over one after another on these books. When I touched the last one, the system sounded It sounded truthfully.

[Ding, the reward has been issued. 】

Ivan ’s corner of the mouth is twitched, but my heart is already crazy,

Is this how rewards are distributed? If it weren’t for his good luck, if it weren’t for his wit, how long would heaven knows look for it!

This broken system is not at all intimate!

Ivan thought about what other people want and so on intimate system can not help but sadly come from the heart, as a host, he is really difficult …

Despite this thought, Ivan was still excited to draw this book from the shelf. The cover of the book cover was slightly rough, with a few words “Bloodline Origin” printed on it, and the paper pages were slightly yellowed, as a long-term preservation For the magic book, it can be seen that the age is long.

Ivan found that this is another magic book that was not mentioned in the original work. In view of this is the reward given by the system, Ivan looked directly.

After reading a few photos, Ivan was somewhat disappointed to find that “Bloodline Origins” was not a magic book that recorded a powerful mantra in his imagination, but a bit like a history book, recording the history before the wizard war.

Wizards at that time did not dominate the entire magic circle as they do now, and they were even able to enslave house elf, a magical creature with great use spell ability in adulthood.

On the contrary, compared to these magical creatures that are born with powerful power, the human wizard is really weak and pitiful. It can only be said that relying on the advantage of quantity in the magic world occupy a place.

Fortunately, human beings have always refused to accept defeat.

Some wizards choose to specialize in magic to create more powerful spells to enhance their strength. Others focus their attention on quick methods … such as taking the power of powerful magic creatures!

Some of the wizards have been successful, and their strength has been surprisingly improved. What is more terrifying is that the power of this Bloodline can continue, so that the descendants of these wizards can also gain strength.

Although the power of Bloodline may be gradually weakened by iteration, this discovery is enough to make more wizards crazy!

However, the risk of Bloodline fusion is extremely high. Except for a few successful people, most wizards die miserably in the process of experimentation and fusion. Some lucky losers survived, but they became monsters at the expense of their lives and were cursed for generations. Such as werewolf, Vampire, etc.

There is even a wizard that chooses to breed more powerful and more suitable for their magical creatures to conduct Bloodline fusion experiments to enhance their strength.

This reminds Ivan of Basilisk sleeping in Chamber of Secrets and Acromantula in Forbidden Forest …

The most completely crazy and ridiculous is that some wizards find ways to establish super-friendships with magical creatures that are not so difficult to accept, hoping that their descendants can continue each other ’s Bloodline…

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