Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 420 Defense Front

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic has joined forces with the Muggle authorities for the first time today, which means it has the confidence to deal with radiation.

These anomalies attracted the attention of the Hogwarts guards, and also attracted a large number of students to stick their faces to their dormitory windows.

Chen Bin saw through the eagle eye technique that there were at least a dozen familiar faces posted on the glass windows of Gryffindor Tower.

"All students return to the common room and stand by. Professors in charge of relevant matters are asked to come and count the names of students." Dumbledore spread his voice throughout the castle through a loud curse.

Chen Bin looked at his watch. It was already past 2 o'clock in the morning. Voldemort still only sent a small number of wizards to throw missiles above the clouds, and there was no sign of a general attack.

About half an hour later, Fudge sent news through the text message machine that the army of zombies and vicious beasts were at war with the Ministry of Magic!

Westminster area of ​​London——

Heavy barricades were erected on the streets within a radius of 200 meters on Whitehall Avenue. Countless sandbags were piled up to form bunkers one after another. Behind the bunkers were squatting crowds of weirdos in black armor and soldiers in modern field uniforms, all shooting strange beams at the monsters. .

On the roofs of various buildings, soldiers are manipulating a large number of strange gun barrels to attack enemies in the sky. Soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms are even hiding in various buildings, leaning against the windows and looking through the sights to lock onto one enemy after another beyond common sense. .

There will be no smoke or artillery fire, but beams of light, thunder and lightning, flames and unknown brilliance will continue to shine in this urban battlefield.

On the streets, waves of corpses like mountains and seas swarmed in from all directions; high in the sky, large swaths of unknown creatures were swooping and attacking, spewing lightning, storms, fire, etc., all of which were supernatural attacks.

Among the corpses on the road, unknown beasts occasionally jumped out, leaping over obstacles with countless beams of light, stepping over the outer walls of buildings and pounced on the soldiers behind the sandbags.

Those in camouflage clothes would be killed or injured when they encountered them, but the men in black armor would flash into the distance and collectively shoot out explosive flames to stop these ferocious beasts.

The fighting power of the zombies is not high, but they are endless, as if they can't kill them all. A pile fell down, and there were always a larger group of corpses climbing over the mountain of corpses from behind.

The soldiers in camouflage uniforms ran out of bullets, and more than a dozen of them were drowned in the mountain of corpses.

The man in black armor at the rear immediately sprayed out a large cloud of fierce flames, forcing the corpses at the front to retreat. He threw boxes of bullets from his inner pocket and shouted, "Hurry up and distribute the wand boxes to your Aurors."

"Aur...What? (Aur...what?)" The camouflage warrior was stunned for a moment, and then was buried by a mountain of magazines.

"It's you guys in green clothes." The bracelet on the black-armored man's right arm turned into powder. He put on a new bracelet, and while breathing flames, he shouted: "Friends in camouflage clothes, don't fight. If you only have a wand with a gun, if you don’t have enough wands, you have to get supplies from the nearby men in black armor!”

Another man in black armor beside him pointed his wand at the side of his neck and repeated his original words, and his voice spread throughout the battlefield in real time.

"Scrimgeour, the first line of defense is about to collapse. Order the Aurors and soldiers to retreat!" Another man in black armor rushed forward while breathing flames.

"No, we have only fought for less than fifteen minutes now. We cannot give up the defense so quickly." Scrimgeour drained the magic power of the bracelet again and continued to put on a new one: "Kingsley, please inform Fudge quickly. If If you don't want to die, distribute the second batch of supplies in advance, otherwise this line of defense will not last long. Also, the self-propelled artillery truck that dealt with Gringotts the year before last, immediately sent people to remove the artillery system from the body and put it on the roof to support each block. "

"Okay, be careful." As soon as the black-armored man finished speaking, he disappeared in an instant.

The camouflage warriors had no time to pay attention to these supernatural phenomena and just kept killing the living dead in front of them. So what if the gun in your hand can fire an attack like a laser? Only if you can survive can you be qualified to question your superiors. What the hell are these things?

"Be careful in the sky -" A group of men in black armor riding brooms roared past the rooftops, and behind them appeared a large group of large raptors that ordinary people could not understand, chasing them.

"Oh my God! Aren't those last few giant dragons?" a camouflage soldier shouted.

The sergeant behind him knocked on his helmet and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, kill me!"

"Yes, sir!"

Countless birds of prey were led out of the street fighting area by black-armored monsters riding brooms. There were also a large number of black-armored monsters on the ground placing carrion, locked boxes, seeds, and even standing in place singing and other weird behaviors.

However, many of the extremely ferocious beasts followed them step by step out of the battle circle, were lured to unknown directions, and then fell into strange bags one after another and disappeared.


"Ping--Zi Zi--"

"No! Put me down, you monster——"

"Don't bite Tom! You zombie!"

"Ah!! Help me, I don't want to die. Mom..."

Countless attacks continued, and fire and explosions filled every corner of this area.

Some people are not afraid of death, some people become numb, and some people collapse after being beaten.

Death and carnage filled this battlefield.

A group of camouflage men fell, and another group of camouflage men rushed up from the fireplace in the building to take the place of the deceased.

"Fxck off! What the hell is this?" the new soldier shouted.

His squad leader kicked him and cursed: "Keep your mouth shut and kill me!"

The entire team responded simultaneously: "Yes, sir."

However, they didn't know that the corpse at their feet had had a similar conversation not long ago...

Preparations for this war had begun a week ago, but the Muggle authorities obviously did not expect that the battle would be so tragic.

Knowing that Voldemort was bound to attack today, Dumbledore had warned the witch decision-making team ten days ago that the Whitehall area was very likely to become a battlefield.

Therefore, war materials have been mobilized here a week ago, and the British Museum in the north has also moved its collections a week ago.

Since yesterday afternoon, the entire Westminster area and the population within a two-kilometer radius have also been evacuated. The evacuation of the entire population was completed within half a day. The entire area has been cordoned off, and a large number of personnel have been dispatched to conduct a thorough investigation. All private activities are prohibited. Record the operation of the device.

All public and commercial facilities such as shops, commercial buildings, shopping malls, and theaters were also closed at the same time, and all employees and residents were forced to relocate to other areas.

The operation was finally completed before dusk, and the troops began to move in after dark.

As for the relocation of 7 million people in London, it is unrealistic and there is no reasonable excuse.

Half an hour ago, the Ministry of Magic's large alchemy device detected illegal floo network fluctuations coming from all directions.

Most of the armed personnel immediately mounted their brooms and took the initiative to attack, intending to destroy the enemy's floo network before the large-scale teleportation.

However, not long after they set off, they encountered a group of teachers and students from Ilvermorny who carried out an all-round ambush in the air.

Ilvermorny is a school that recruits students from all over North America. Its scale is several times larger than Hogwarts, and the Ministry of Magic's combat power is no match in terms of numbers.

While the two sides were fighting in the air, the combat forces of the Magical Congress also arrived one after another and subdued a large number of students first, otherwise they would have tasted the power of the magic rifle.

Fudge and Dumbledore have given dual orders to kill any wizard who interferes with the destruction of the Floo Network, regardless of whether these people are voluntary, forced, or under the Imperius Curse.

Many Ilvermorny professors had died in the volleys of magic rifles, and there were even a large number of Aurors who had received bayonet training and launched a flying charge against them with their rifles.

However, the Ministry of Magic also lost a dozen Aurors in the melee, almost all of them at the hands of Principal Ilvermorny and the four deans.

When the Aurors and law enforcement officers from the Magic Congress arrived, Ilvermorny had lost at least more than 300 students and a dozen professors.

With the intervention of the Magical Congress, the Ministry of Magic's combat power can finally continue to deal with the Floo Network.

However, tens of thousands of living corpses and hundreds of large magical animals were already heading towards Whitehall Avenue.

Like a tide, the army poured out from the floo network exits everywhere, making the strike operation even more difficult.

On the east coast, the hardest-hit areas of the temporary floo network are located at the London Aquarium, Archbishop's park, and St. Thomas' Hospital.

To the south, there are at least 70 exits in the area around Westminster Abbey, Westminster Palace Big Ben, and St. John's Park.

On the Western Front, the Green Park and St. James's Park were also hardest hit. Even the fireplaces in Buckingham Palace and St. James's Palace were tampered with.

In the northern area, there are hundreds of exits in London's Soho District, Cambridge Theatre, Trafalgar Square and other places, and the army of living corpses forms an endless ocean, running fast on the road.

Finally, under the command of Scrimgeour, all the armed personnel followed the instructions, ignoring the zombies and beasts along the way, and prioritized the floo network exits in various places.

If Chen Bin had been there at that time, this bitch would have taken a picture of countless zombies pouring out of the two palaces.

Just think about it, a certain old lady with a long wait time had not passed away in the year when Chen Bin's soul passed away, and her family often grabbed many news headlines in a certain palace, but now it has become a place where the living dead appear at will. .

After this incident, will this old woman dare to move back here?

You taste it, you taste it carefully! The smell of corpses fills the palace!

Scrimgeour and Kingsley led more than 300 people to sweep all Floo network exits, and more than 40 colleagues died in the line of duty.

In Scrimgeour's eyes, this sacrifice was completely worth it and within the acceptable range.

However, this old picture of Tucson is broken!

Before they could return to the Ministry of Magic, the Near Field Communication Rune Array made a horrifying discovery—hundreds of Floo Network transmission points were hidden at the bottom of the Thames River.

Does the floo network have to be built in the fireplace? Do I have to floo powder every time?

The fireplace was just a cover for convention to prevent wizards from foolishly flooing outdoors.

The private temporary floo network does not use floo fans to notify the transmission location. It just connects the destinations of all entrances to the London area.

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