Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 417 Newt Scamander

As for Ron and Hermione, they may also be targets, and even Luna, Dobby, Draco, and the Malfoy couple who made contributions in the original work are not excluded. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

Calculating like this, if they are all gathered together, they will easily be killed. If they are scattered around the world, it will be convenient for Voldemort to follow the prompts on the panel to kill them. Sending them all to China will divert trouble to the east. This stupid method may even force Voldemort to attack the Tiandao magic circle.

After much calculation, in the end it was of the greatest strategic value to place the core personnel at Hogwarts, allowing Voldemort to follow Dumbledore's pace.

The two of them climbed up and looked far away for a while, when the ringtone of the text message machine interrupted their enjoyment.

Before Chen Bin could take it out, the immortal old man flashed in front of his eyes and apparated into the auditorium with his hands on their shoulders. A lone alchemy cannon remained on the top floor of the tower, its ferocious barrel exposed in the cold wind.

In the auditorium, four long tables have been removed and replaced by dozens of rows of benches, leaving only a red carpet in the center that leads directly to the stage.

A long table was placed on the stage. There were many pure white candles on the table, as well as a large number of fruits and champagne, exuding bursts of aroma.

There are also a lot of pure white ribbons arranged around, even the ceiling is covered with pure white color, and there are countless white candles suspended in the air.

Chen Bin's eyes twitched when he saw it, and he muttered: "Who is a mentally retarded person who puts out white candles at their wedding and arranges the venue like a funeral..."

Katerina: "(//`//) No, it's decorated like a church. Don't you think it's very romantic?"

Well, since Kate likes it, Chen Bin has nothing to say.

"Hey, you're finally here." A voice came from the bench in the front row.

Chen Bin followed the sound and saw two insignificant old men sitting at the end of the bench.

The person speaking was none other than Nico Flamel, who would never die, but who was the old man with snow-white curly hair next to him?

"Hello, Dumbledore often writes to me about you." The curly-haired old man did not look into Chen Bin's eyes when he spoke, and his words were quite vague.

With such obvious features, Chen Bin instantly guessed his identity - Newt Scamander, the author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

Well, Chen Bin admitted that Lao Deng had already said that he would be invited to come out this evening, but now it was just a matter of matching his appearance with his name.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Scamander." Chen Bin shook hands with him enthusiastically and asked seriously: "Excuse me, my mother has asked me to ask you if I have the opportunity. Queenie Goldstein has Not married to Jacob Kowalski?"

Newt was stunned when he was asked, and asked: "Who is Jacob Cos?"

Chen Bin was embarrassed. Newt in this world didn't know Jacob. Even in that movie, the Muggle was fictionalized by the screenwriter. Maybe it was to enhance the audience's sense of involvement?

The old Newt sat down and continued reading the thick Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book in his hand.

The reason why Dumbledore asked him to come out was because he was sure that Newt's magical will was natural.

Magical will is an intangible thing. Even if Lao Deng has not studied it before, it does not mean that it does not exist.

After Maharat's prompting, Dumbledore quickly found a large number of people who possessed this trait, but even the owner of the will himself did not know it.

According to Lao Deng's survey results, it is possible to find top figures with magical will in various industries. For example, the master craftsman Ollivander understood that the will is "transmission", and Nico Flamel's will is "creation".

The wand's spirit is that the master craftsman awakens the connection with its owner through the will of "transmission". The two wands in Chen Bin's hand are just exquisite fighting tools.

Not to mention Nico Flamel. Hundreds of years of alchemical research allowed him to understand the "creative" will that he had not discovered yet.

What Chen Bin couldn't accept even more was that the eighth wife Rita Skeeter also realized the "will of the eighth wife". Well, according to Dumbledore's naming habit, it is called the will of "insight". It can use magic to make the quill automatically capture the focus of public attention, but whether it captures the facts is another matter.

Ancient Will does not necessarily apply to combat, nor does it stipulate that it can enhance magical power. It is purely related to personal character, and Newt is one of them.

His magical will does not only exist in a magic spell like Chen Bin's, but has this "natural" will that exudes in every move and every move, allowing him to resonate with magical animals in some non-verbal way.

Well, this is more like the legendary druid.

Therefore, Newt can communicate with the super-giant poisonous horned beast through body language like a psycho, can use special tracking magic by licking the ground, and can also tease a giant elephant-sized animal with a plant like foxtail. The ferocious beast Zouyu.

Natural will seems like crap, but Newt makes it work.

Well, he didn't even know that this kind of will existed, but his suitcase with a huge amount of space was connected to the blessing of his natural will.

A normal traceless stretching spell cannot fit a small box into a small shed, a dozen animal habitats, and simulate natural weather changes!

However, this stubborn wizard hopes to create a space suitable for magical animals to live in, and he only needs to keep using the Seamless Stretching Charm on the suitcase to achieve the effect.

On the contrary, if he wanted to build a human tent ten times smaller than a suitcase, he would not be able to change it.

If this still doesn't convince Chen Bin that he has natural will, his ability to get Obscurus out of the dead girl intact is irrefutable proof, because modern magic cannot effectively deal with mysterious beings such as spirits and evil wills. .

When Voldemort fled to Africa last year, Dumbledore had guessed that she would be interested in magical animals.

Therefore, how could today’s war be without the most authoritative magizoologist in the world?

Yesterday morning, Old Deng specifically informed Grandpa Newt to bring his suitcase to the wedding. With such an obvious hint, Mr. Newt certainly guessed that this wedding would be anything but simple.

Newt was reading a magical beasts book, Flamel was reading an alchemy book, and Chen Bin was watching the two of them read.

Well, this guy is bored out of his mind.

He watched for a while and continued to chat boringly with Kate. Dumbledore suddenly whispered: "Hush! Voldemort's attack has begun!"

His hands were still adjusting the frequency of the radio.

Chen Bin thought he had some precognitive ability, but then Kate took out the text message machine and showed it to Chen Bin. The screen displayed a message from the Swiss Minister of Magic: "Her men have begun to attack our magical world!"

The old radio finally received a signal from the Wizarding Wireless Network.

Under the interference of super magical power, only the oldest vacuum tube radio can withstand it, and it is obviously specially modified.

Dumbledore placed it on the table on the stage and stretched the antenna to receive the signal. The noise became less on the spot.

"...This is the main station in Hogsmeade, and I am your news anchor Lee Jordan... playing an emergency... message... The Swiss Ministry of Magic was under siege by a large number of magical animals one minute ago... The magical community has successfully evacuated under the leadership of... Law... No casualties have been reported. Repeat - The local magical community has successfully evacuated under the leadership of Aurors... No casualties have been reported..."

Lao Deng would rather broadcast the war situation through radio stations from various countries than conduct detailed discussions on text messages. Ultimately, this is because the number and channels of text messages are too few, and it is easy to be washed away and important information will be skipped.

Now, although the radio is reading a little slower, and the information transmitted to the radio from various countries is also a little delayed, it is ensured that all combatants and senior officials who are authorized to open this magic encrypted channel can also understand the details and will not be swiped.


(д): "Professor, isn't this radio too broken?"

"Shh!" Dumbledore glared at Chen Bin, but his ears were listening carefully. The door of the auditorium was also opened at this time.

The four principals, Snape, Sirius, Lupine, Tonks, Moody, the Weasley family except Ginny, and the death-seeking trio all put on their equipment and arrived at the auditorium. .

There was Hagrid and a group of staff outside the door, who seemed to be patrolling the passage. Even Filch was wearing black armor and holding a repeating rifle. He only had to wear his helmet.

As soon as the door closed, everyone sat on the benches in the first row, put their helmets on their legs, and listened to the news attentively.

Chen Bin's text message machine was vibrating constantly. Various ministers of magic began to report that their areas were besieged by magical animals. There were even a large number of unexplained living dead besieging the local Ministry of Magic.

The text message machine does not have detailed content. Instead, civilian radio stations are updating more detailed news from various places in real time.

"Moody, are everything ready?" Chen Bin asked in a low voice. Moody made a silent gesture and nodded gently.

Well, Chen Bin admitted that he asked too much. The fact that he is sitting here means that the international Aurors have done a good job in setting up defense at Hogwarts.

There was no other sound in the auditorium, which had more funeral parlors than wedding venues, and everyone listened carefully to the noisy news broadcast.

At 11 o'clock, the Swiss magic world was under attack.

At 11:03, news of attacks also came from Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal.

At 11:05, the war in the magic world of the five Nordic countries began.

At 11:09, the eight magical worlds in the Balkan Peninsula also broke out.

At 11:13, a war broke out among the four Eastern European countries.

At 11:25, in addition to the Russian magical community, the entire European magical community is also at war.

Well, there's still no war in wizarding Britain.

A large number of monsters, led by African magical animals, have also appeared in various places, and hundreds of thousands of living dead are surrounding magical communities everywhere.

As the radio announces the characteristics of the magical animals that attack various places, the kind old man Newt can immediately tell their characteristics and ways to lure them away.

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