Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 414 History of Magic in North America

[The following information about Magical Congress is based on the encyclopedia related to "Harry Potter" and is not fabricated by the writer. 】

The official history of the Magical Congress mentions that European wizards explored America earlier than Muggles. The magical communities among Native Americans and the magical communities in Europe and Africa have long known each other's existence, and magical societies around the world have been in contact with each other since the Middle Ages.

Native American wizards use a variety of magic and props to travel long distances, and have the ability to foresee the future. They are also extremely talented in magic related to animals and plants.

The Native American wizards never invented the wand, so their beast shapers and herbalists could perform all kinds of complex magic without a wand.

During this period, American wizards lived in the same tribes as non-wizards, and the former were prestigious witch doctors or excellent hunters.

With the arrival of European Muggle immigrants, the native wizards in the Americas were generally willing to shelter and welcome their European compatriots. However, conflicts broke out between the immigrants and the Native Americans, which affected the unity of the magical community.

At the same time, wizards who immigrated to the Americas also encountered "purgers", who were wizard mercenaries from different countries who hunted wizards at all costs in exchange for bounties.

Wizarding historians believe that at least two of the so-called Puritan inquisitors in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and 1693 were known purgers.

Under the influence of this incident, the Magical Congress was established in 1693 to unite the wizarding community in North America and form an organization similar to the Ministry of Magic. Their first task was to judge those purgers who had betrayed their kind, and executed a large number of evil wizards.

American magic historian Sylphiro Abbott has confirmed that families who believe deeply in magic but hate magic do exist. Perhaps the belief in opposition to magic and the behavior of the descendants of the Purifiers also had a profound impact on the ruling methods of the American magic world.

-Dividing line-

In short, Chen Bin would not believe even a word of the history compiled by the Magical Society.

This time, Voldemort was repelled by the ancient ruins of North America's original wizards, directly saving the entire North America.

Until now, the Magic Congress is still covering up its losses!

At this point, Voldemort spent 2 weeks to unlock the achievement of single-handedly challenging the global wizarding community. Except for the super giant monk world in the east and the two large magic circles in North America that pushed her back, her invincible fighting power has become famous all over the world and no one can beat her.

Afterwards, Chen Bin contacted the Eastern monk community to confirm that Voldemort only suffered minor injuries in the "North American Array", and it was not impossible that he was even unscathed.

Dongfang has organized a team to investigate the ruins, and the last bit of power has been exhausted. If the ruins repeled Voldemort, it would be better to say that it scared Voldemort away. The wave left behind by its explosion was not strong at all, but it had the power to suppress evil and exorcise demons. It still covered half of the state with one shield.

You know, back then, a little love spell from Harry's mother was enough to make him worse than death.

Now that an unknown targeted force has appeared, this guy has retreated and even given up on the strategy of the entire America.

The Eastern monk community believes that if she continues to kill, she will encounter some ghost ruins in the Americas, and it is not impossible for her to burst out with stronger power that can destroy her.

This guy's opportunity to retreat is always very accurate. He is both arrogant and timid. If he wants to catch her, he must set up a dragnet.

Chen Bin asked the British and American warrior, the strongest man in the East, if he had the confidence to kill this monster. The director's original words were: "She will be dead if she dares to invade us."

Then, he asked the director if he could kill this demon outside the country. The honest and strongest man's exact words were: "I'm dead."

Okay, Chen Bin hung up the phone and speculated that Voldemort must not have returned to the [6S+] level yet, and may never even return to this level. However, when the power reaches a certain level, is [3S] or [5S] still interesting?

Since the monks in North America and the East defeated Voldemort respectively, groups of African wizards have stationed near the pyramids, and the magic circles in Asia have also flocked to the local ancient ruins. This is due to rumors that have emerged in various places, spreading that these ruins have unknown magical powers to protect local future generations.

In addition to the large number of people in Asia, there are also many ancient ruins, but it is hard to say whether they have the effect of repelling enemies. Chen Bin is not optimistic about them anyway.

Voldemort obviously did not dare to take this risk, otherwise she could easily harvest the tens of thousands of wizards camping near the ruins.

In a word: She didn't dare to gamble that there were no bullets in the gun, and she had even been tricked by the system panel.

If not, she would not have been repulsed by the Heavenly Dao, and then frightened back by the Mayan ruins. It was obvious that after she was hit, there was no system prompt about what it was.

However, the European magic world fell into extreme panic again, all because there were no magic relics in Europe. Greece barely has an Olympus ruins, and there are still gravels on the mountain that have been weathered for thousands of years, but who believes that it can defeat Voldemort?

As a result, there was a wave of refugees in various magical circles in Europe, including Hogwarts student families. Some fled to the ruins in North America, some to Egypt, and some to Asia.

In the last five days of April, more and more students at Hogwarts asked for leave. Voldemort continued to play the trick of hiding, and no one could find her.

Chen Bin and Li Xiuhui were walking on Diagon Alley. Most of the shops were empty, the goods had been cleared away, and even the doors were open.

Almost all stores with unexpired leases or self-owned properties have now cut their losses in advance. Only stores that supply basic supplies are still open forcibly, but the store clerks have been replaced by employees of the Ministry of Magic to maintain the most basic supplies for magical residents as much as possible. supply.

"It seems that the whole people also feel that there is really going to be a war." Li Xiuhui looked at the empty Flourish and Blott Bookstore and said calmly: "Even during the Witch Hunting War, Diagon Alley had never been so deserted, and it is even more deserted now. Like a dead city."

"Actually..." Chen Bin said helplessly: "On the day Gringotts was destroyed by Voldemort, people's hearts had long since dispersed. Now there are still ruins there, and anyone who walks by will feel chilled."

Several women were passing by in a hurry on the street. Even if they were blessed with the Seamless Stretching Charm, the vegetable baskets in their hands were so full that the goods were exposed, and they were almost unable to be lifted.

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