Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 407 Bin, does it look good?

"Aren't you his godfather?" Harry asked in confusion, and Chen Bin immediately retorted: "Why don't you call her Harrison!"

Doesn't this tell the whole world that the child is Harry's?

Harry was so frustrated that he could only continue to coax the little one.

"What's the significance of the name Lilith?" Chen Bin suddenly thought that Voldemort and Slytherin also seemed to have this bloodline.

"Don't you think she looks a lot like Harry's mother?" Ginny had seen a photo of Lily, a beauty with dark red hair and green eyes.

However, the newborn baby was just a little red-skinned child whose appearance had not yet grown. Chen Bin could not tell who the baby looked like.

Wait, this baby girl has red hair, bright green eyes, and even her eyelashes look a bit like Harry...

If she continues to grow up like this, she really has a chance to be like Lily Potter.

Thinking of a certain licking dog in the castle, Chen Bin suddenly said seriously: "Take good care of her so that Snape doesn't catch her."

"Why?" Ginny took her daughter in confusion.

Harry held his forehead and said helplessly: "Snape's unrequited love for my mother has reached a pathological level."

"..." Ginny was speechless. No one could see through Snape's appearance.

The three of them were silent for a few seconds, and Ginny suddenly said weakly: "But...she will go to school one day, and then she will definitely meet my daughter."

Harry: "..."

Chen Bin thought that Snape was only 38 years old now, and this child was definitely not retired when he entered school.

Since it is unavoidable, Chen Bin must continue to avoid it! "Let her learn French well with Fleur first. If Snape has not retired or changed his career when she enrolls, then send her to Beauxbatons."

Ginny and Harry were speechless.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then Mrs. Weasley came up to call Chen Bin and Harry downstairs for dinner.

At dinner, the Weasleys seemed to truly consider Harry to be part of the family. Arthur kept pouring wine for his son-in-law, Molly kept serving him food, and a group of brothers-in-law even joked around him.

This was the first time Harry had experienced this warm feeling in his memory.

At this moment, Chen Bin suddenly felt a powerful wave flashing through Harry's body, and then the same frequency responded from upstairs.

This connection is very weak, but it contains an extremely surging will, just like... the determination to sacrifice one's life to protect it.

"Binbin, why are you so dazed?" Yisha put down the photo stone and pushed Chen Bin.

"Come, have a drink with us!" Sirius handed over a glass of whiskey and insisted on clinking glasses with Chen Bin and Lu Ping.

Chen Bin finished it in one gulp, but his mind was still thinking about the fleeting fluctuation just now.

Obviously, the vision just now was caused by ancient magic, and Harry's emotions may have triggered some mysterious conditions. Half of his love spell was given to his daughter, but now it's more like the family relationship has tied the love spell deeper and strengthened its power.

However, Chen Bin didn't like the kind of nonsense in ancient times, which basically had no logic at all.

It's like stepping on a pile of hot fresh flowers. The fresh flowers give you unparalleled power. Then you go home and have a fight with your wife, and half of the power will disappear. Then, you were moved, and the power of Xianxiang suddenly increased several times.

This seems to be a wonderful thing, a complete unexpected gain, but who knows if it will violate any taboos in the next second, such as if your wife holds a knife and asks you if you are touched, or will the surge of fresh power fall to the bottom?

"...This extremely unstable force can be used as a trump card for self-protection, but it is absolutely impossible to regard it as a trump card that determines the success or failure of the war." The next morning, Chen Bin summarized what he saw last night to Dumbledore , also strongly advises not to count on a love spell on Harry.

The old man accepted it cheerfully.

Now Voldemort has been suppressed so much that he dares not show up, and no love spells or blood spells are of use.

Throughout March, Master Nico Flamel also stayed in Hogwarts Castle for modifications. Since it is certain that the Man in White panel will not display most non-lethal weapons, Master Alchemist has a more reliable modification idea.

On March 20, the twenty-four cannons on the top of the castle tower were tested separately with the enchanted iron belts. After four rounds of modifications, they were finally finalized.

Now, Chen Bin is confident that the panel can only show that the cannon in this state is only S-level. He thought maliciously that at any time the panel message would be: " # XXXXXX prompt: Hogwarts is equipped with 24 [S-class] salute guns to set off fireworks."

It’s still the old saying: Even if you have a system, you are not invincible.

The auditorium was urgently renovated for several days, and the roofs of the towers were no longer open to the public.

Before you know it, it's halfway through the next semester, and this is Chen Bin's seventh year entering Hogwarts.

Chen Bin and Kate had some free time and walked around the corridors of the castle. Students did not have this leisurely elegance and began reviewing exam areas closer to Easter.

"The seventh grade will graduate in three months." Kate stopped by the parapet on the second floor and turned to look at the mountain scenery in the distance.

"Yes, I have been living here for almost six and a half years without realizing it." Chen Bin stood beside her and held her in his arms.

"After this semester is over, will you continue to stay here as a professor?" Katerina asked curiously.

"No." Chen Bin lowered his head and smiled: "Even Ron graduated this year, and the remaining Luna and Colin are just juniors and juniors. There is no point in staying here, no matter whether Voldemort lives or dies. It’s time to leave.”

After a pause, he said happily: "Also, after we get married, we should work hard to organize our own small family. Why fight the big devil?"

/(//`//)/: "Bin, you said never to set up a flag. If you set up a flag, you will be slapped in the face."

Chen Bin: "..."

He forgets that Kate is also a chat killer.

This year, the couple finally stopped using the microphone to provoke the students who were busy studying, and Harry had no chance to make fun of them, all because he sneaked into the Burrow to visit his precious daughter every now and then.

He ran to Ginny's house every two days, and often came back after dinner there.

Hermione originally expressed understanding, but when he thought about his daughter every day, Hermione's jealousy was finally ignited!

There are Harry and Ron as close combat instructors in the military camp. There is only one more and one less than Hermione, and no new members have been recruited recently.

She had a cold war with Harry in early April, resigned from her position in the military camp, and moved back to Hogwarts as an extracurricular activities professor.

"Hermione, you also know that Harry doesn't like Ginny." Chen Bin was named by Isha as a lobbyist, so he had to sneak into the extracurricular activity room to enlighten Hermione.

"Hmph! You men." Hermione said angrily: "Locked in the bedroom with a beautiful girl, God knows what you will do. Anyway, this is not the first time."

Chen Bin: "ㄟ(▔▔)ㄏ"

What else can you do but throw up your hands and surrender? The map cannon knocked over the entire male group with one shot!

Upon seeing this, another extracurricular activities professor Higashino Tsune immediately nuzzled at his wife.

Lu Xiaoyan immediately came over understandingly, held her arm and said, "Hermione, let Harry's enthusiasm subside first before we talk! Once a man becomes emotional, you can't reason with him."

"Huh? She seems to have told the contrary." Chen Bin asked with his eyes.

Fellow Dongye replied with an expression: "If you have the guts, you can refute it!"

Chen Bin understood and decided to shrink the eggs. Reasoning with women? Not everyone is as easy to get along with as Kate.

Lu Xiaoyan kept talking, and finally used a set of crooked theories to stabilize Hermione's mood, which meant doing whatever sounded good to her.

In a blink of an eye, the dull school life is temporarily over, and the Easter holiday is finally here.

Just like Christmas this year, the vast majority of students still choose to stay in school, or are forced to stay in school by their parents. Who said Voldemort is just hiding?

Easter, April 12th.

In a luxury bridal shop in London, Holly Taylor, as a representative of the witch decision-making group, invited Chen Bin and Kate to try on wedding dresses and dresses specially provided by the royal family.

The royal design style is obviously meant to please.

Chen Bin is not a country bumpkin. He still remembers that in his previous life, Sanzang Electronics was also a brand designated by the royal family! As long as enough sponsorship money is given, Chen Binxin’s Lao Gan Daddy hot sauce can also become a royal tribute.

However, Chen Bin was still a little nervous even though he was satisfied with wearing a dress that was so handsome. He looked like this bear when he was trying on dresses in his previous life, and he still looks like this in this life.

After waiting for half an hour, the exquisite arch opened, and Katerina appeared on the stage wearing a low-key and luxurious white gauze.

She pulled her hair into a bun, wore an exquisite headdress, put on light makeup on her face, and walked slowly closer on high heels studded with crystals.

Immortal energy rushed to her face like a goddess descending, but there was a warm smile on her face.

"Bin, does it look good?" She gently lifted the hem of her skirt and spun it around, and a similar scene flashed through Chen Bin's mind.

It was the winter of 2019, and he and Xiaomin took wedding photos more than nine months in advance.

A fairy-like bride-to-be held her pure white wedding dress and spun around. She turned around happily and asked, "Bin, does it look good?"

Bin, does it look good?

Two voices overlapped in Chen Bin's mind at the same time, and even their faces began to overlap.

Tears suddenly escaped from Chen Bin's eyes, his eyes were full of nostalgia, and his face was filled with joy at the same time...

Katerina happened to catch his gaze, and her smile froze instantly.

"Bin...Bin, Bin..." Kate wiped the tears from his eyes with her gloved hands and said lightly: "What are you thinking about?"

"Sorry, I got distracted." Chen Bin said happily while holding his beautiful fiancée.

"Yes." Kate looked up into her fiancé's eyes and said seriously: "From now on, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. Please keep an eye on me."

Chen Bin nodded firmly, Katerina stood on tiptoe, and their faces got closer and closer.

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