Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 284 Investigation

There is no need for the "Blood Curse of Loyalty", but history will always reveal the reason for this day's victory, so Chen Bin must find someone to take the blame, and that person is of course Fudge.

With the process of becoming a bitch in the magical world, tactics that are still acceptable now will definitely be subject to fierce criticism in the future. Even if the "Loyalty Blood Curse" is not really used on a large scale, someone will always bear the infamy.

For the welfare of wizards, the ministers of magic of various countries signed the "Emergency Order" without hesitation. Except for Fudge who was forced to sign it by Chen Bin, no matter how troubles continue in the future, Chen Bin will just follow the orders and even reform the blood curse of slavery. Just scientific researchers.

After telling the secret, Chen Bin patted his butt and left, and the rest of the meeting would be hosted by Fudge and Malfoy.

Returning to Hogwarts, he once again came to the principal's office to report on the progress.

The White Devil is good at everything except that he likes face-to-face meetings and doesn't like to read only paper reports, so he often takes notes while asking questions.

After hearing the whole story, Dumbledore said with satisfaction: "Aaron, you did better than I expected. I asked myself that I couldn't think of a way to avoid a lot of casualties and implement it perfectly."

It is true that no one in the British wizarding world died this time, but many goblin employees of Gringotts died, and half of the military budget allocated by Muggles to the wizarding world was spent as a result.

For the various wizarding communities, this is the most ideal result. They don't care about Muggle currency anyway, and these fees will be provided endlessly every year.

Chen Bin had a full meal at the arms sale this time, so he smiled and stopped talking.

"Have you ever thought about learning my secret technique of weakening the opponent's amplification effect?" Dumbledore said casually.

This time Chen Bin was really shocked.

Dumbledore also mentioned this matter last year, but it was his secret skill, so Chen Bin gave it up after a few sentences.

At first, he thought that Lao Deng was just politely declining, but this time it seemed that he really planned to give this secret skill as a reward to Chen Bin.

( ̄(エ) ̄)ゞ: "Professor, didn't you say last year that this method requires some kind of heart, and that it cannot be described in words? In short, it is something mysterious and mysterious. How can it be used as a reward now?"

"What reward?" Dumbledore glared at him and explained: "The prerequisites for the heart of the strong have not changed. I plan to let you understand this heart through fighting, and then I can try to lead you into another realm. , it may not be successful yet!”

After a pause, he put on a serious expression and said seriously: "I said, your fighting consciousness and talent are also very strong, but your mentality is not good. Look at how much you have learned skills, rationalized magic theory and... Expanding the magic output may seem powerful at first glance, but when facing a stronger person, you always think of opportunistic methods. Is this still a combat wizard?"

Chen Bin was stunned when asked, what's wrong with this?

Isn’t this the same training method in the magic world across Europe?

Western magic is to dismantle magic theory through science and engineering knowledge. It can also be dismantled into tens of millions of techniques during battles, and then combine theory and practice through practice.

Is it possible that there are still martial arts practitioners in the West who have such a profound and mysterious understanding of the body?

Or is it the kind of monk who has no diagrams and only understands the indescribable realms, Taoist foundations, magical powers and other fantastic and explosive concepts from unbroken classical Chinese texts?

Eastern Qi and Western magic are almost the same thing. Chen Bin is indeed qualified to learn Chinese magic, but it is an unexplainable system from fantasy to nuclear explosion. It is not like the West that accurately divides subjects and dismantles each item. A scientific system of minute steps.

Now that he has achieved some success in magic and martial arts, of course he will not learn the Eastern fantasy system all over again when he is short of time!

Now, Dumbledore said something about another realm, something that can only be understood but not expressed. Isn't this rhetoric unique to the East?

What about three flowers gathering at the top, one qi transforming into three pure beings, Tao can be Tao but not Tao? How to gather, how to transform, how to Tao, isn't this kind of perversion that can only be understood?

"Professor, has Voldemort reached the state you mentioned?" Chen Bin asked seriously.

"No." Lao Deng shook his head.

"Then he doesn't accumulate knowledge, skills and magic power just like me?" Chen Bin questioned.

"Alas, you don't understand." Dumbledore said with a wry smile: "Since you don't want to learn now, just pretend I didn't say it."

Chen Bin stared at him suspiciously once, twice, and then for the third time, the old man issued an order to expel the guest, and he could only sneak away obediently.

When he came to the corridor, he found that the atmosphere in the castle was still very depressing, which was not how he should behave after defeating the goblin.

"What happened?" Chen Bin pulled Katerina to a corner in the "Charms" classroom to chat, allowing the members of the "Martial Arts Society" to practice freely.

"Two things. One is that the final exam is approaching and the pressure on the students is increasing. The other is that the Death Eater students posted a massacre notice on the bulletin board outside the auditorium, saying that they would sacrifice blood to students who are not pure blood." Caitlin Na said worriedly, occasionally glancing at several students, including Hermione.

Chen Bin looked in the direction she was looking. Those students were either mixed-blood or from Muggle families. Now they were all gathered into a large group, keeping a certain distance from the pure-blood members.

"Are those Death Eater students pig-minded? The number of pure-blood students is less than that of students born in Muggle families. It is simply unwise to push mixed-bloods to the enemy." Although Chen Bin's voice was small, it happened to be heard nearby. The pureblood students heard it.

Draco stopped the sparring and came forward to chat: "No, they just want to spread an atmosphere of terror. Our current approach of keeping a distance is a countermeasure agreed upon by everyone."

"Huh? How to discuss the law?" Chen Bin also became interested after hearing this.

The students also stopped sparring and divided into pairs in their respective groups to stand side by side. If there was a single student, he would walk to the nearby duo.

Before anyone started to explain, Chen Bin figured it out. "Do you want two people to supervise each other, and purebloods and non-purebloods to supervise each other, so that no student has the opportunity to act alone?"

"It's not just that." Ron took a step forward, and Draco followed suit, and the two of them smiled helplessly.

Ron continued: "We also need to randomly match the supervision objects within the group, or specifically find students who don't get along as supervision objects, to ensure that the two are not in the same group. Just as Malfoy and I are notoriously disdainful of each other. It’s pleasing to the eye.”

Draco rolled his eyes at Ron, but did not refute his words.

"Is this Hermione's idea?" Chen Bin looked at Hermione standing in the back row with determination, but she shook her head and said: "No, this is Harry's idea. I just contacted the prefects of each college to start the process." A meeting was held to implement this method.”

Chen Bin was surprised. He didn't expect that Harry had come up with this method. Under everyone's heated discussion, the complete story was completed.

During this period of time, Chen Bin was so busy that he had no time to pay attention to the changes in the students.

Since Harry returned from the dead, he has finally become a hero in the eyes of his classmates - he defeated Voldemort as a baby, defeated the dark wizard Quirrell in the first grade, killed the basilisk in the second grade, and cleared the hero Sirius in the third grade. After being wronged, he became a champion warrior in the fourth grade and participated in the plan to defeat Voldemort. He became a reserve Auror in the fifth grade and participated in the magical battle of Godric's Hollow. Finally, Voldemort sent someone to assassinate him, but miraculously The earth survived.

With such a perfect resume, most adult wizards will never be able to achieve it in their lifetime.

Therefore, after he replied, the current president of the Boys' Student Union took the initiative to ask Vice Principal McGonagall that Harry should take over his position.

Although Chen Bin believed that the male chairman might have wanted to prepare for the N.E.W.T.s before relinquishing his position, but in the eyes of the students, this was due to Harry's reputation.

[Note: Head Boy and Head Girl are at most the heads of Prefect, that is, School Caption. A normal student union should also have a bunch of students holding different positions, but Head Boy does not mean the president of the student union. It can be seen as another translation error, just like Prefect is translated as prefect, but in the translation of Harry Potter It has become a conventional name. 】

Therefore, although Harry trains every day and has no time to perform his duties as Head Boy, his status in the eyes of the students can no longer be shaken, and the young master of the Malfoy family (Draco) who can shake him has also become innocent. So now Harry can be said to be second only to the professors in terms of authority.

Yesterday, a notice of the massacre was posted on the bulletin board, which suddenly caused panic among the students. Non-pure bloods were afraid of becoming victims, and pure bloods were afraid of being regarded as Death Eaters by their classmates.

After Harry learned about this with Ron and Hermione at night, he got inspiration from the four-person action advocated by Chen Bin and asked Hermione to ask the prefects to implement a system of mutual supervision.

As long as there are students who object, they will become the main target of suspicion. Even if this method cannot find the real culprit, it will at least make the students feel that they have mastered the means of self-protection - nailing people and hunting down the culprits, thus creating a false sense of security.

Chen Bin was noncommittal about this. These measures could indeed scare the Death Eater students away from misbehaving, but the students in the entire school were also made nervous and stressed, especially now that there was only one month left before the final exams. .

The four-person trip and the all-sleep alarm spell had already made the students panic. These measures were just measures he came up with because he couldn't spare any time to investigate the students at the time.

"Don't worry, these problems will be solved tomorrow." Chen Bin's promise caused the students to cheer in surprise, and then he rushed them back to unfinished practice.

After lunch the next day, all practical classes were stopped. The four deans confiscated the wands of all students and asked them to sit in their original positions and not move rashly.

Hundreds of fully armed Aurors were guarding four long tables. Hagrid and several professors stood at the gate. Even near the stained glass windows on the wall, there were "Astronomy" Professor Sinistra and "Flying Lessons" Professor Mrs. Huo Qi, Professor Victor of "Arithmetic Divination", Professor Babuling of "Research on Ancient Runes" and Professor Furong of "Protection from Dark Arts" were patrolling on broomsticks.

[Note: The staff at Hogwarts are quite mixed. 】

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