Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 269 Pink Witch Arrested

The fire transformed into a monster when it touched the floor, igniting the entire corridor at once. Harry was devoured by the fierce fire, and his position was later covered with a layer of mosaic, but everyone could also imagine that he had been burned to black coals.

Seconds after flames engulfed the corridor, two mosaic figures apparated to Harry's position, drew their wands and extinguished the flames.

The tall Mosaic Man disapparated and disappeared with Harry, and the normal-sized Mosaic Man chased in the direction in which the murderer had escaped.

The scene changed to a smoke-filled infirmary.

The screen shows a sweaty Dumbledore pointing his staff away from the screen, then slumping down in a chair.

In the next scene, the hairless Harry was cut in. He was sleeping quietly on the hospital bed, and you could still see the rise and fall of his chest.

With a single cut of the Spring and Autumn Scissors, Lao Deng became the only hero who saved Harry.

The medical team, like Chen Bin, is used to hiding their merit and fame, but don’t forget to give money!

After the scene was frozen, Chen Bin continued: "In addition, the following evidence indicates that Crabbe and Goyle were ordered by Voldemort to murder Harry."

All the students shuddered when they heard this, but Chen Bin continued to play the video, which showed Crabbe and Goyle standing in the corner of the principal's office after drinking Veritaserum, detailing Voldemort's arrangements to the camera.

The off-screen questioners were not filmed, but the students also recognized that they were Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout.

After the video finished playing, it was frozen again.

At this moment, everyone in the audience knew that they were Death Eaters.

"However, we found their accomplices in the surveillance footage." Chen Bin glanced at the students, scaring them so much that they became suspicious, as if they were worried that the classmates next to them were hidden accomplices.

Chen Bin didn't mean to scare them. He pressed the button of the instrument on the table again, and the film changed the scene again.

This is the corridor at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower, taken from another angle.

The entrance is in the far distance of the screen. Crabbe and Goyle have not yet drank the Polyjuice Potion, standing in the distance waiting for Harry to arrive.

However, the man occupying one-third of the picture was standing at the corner, peeping at Crabbe and Goyle.

The man only had one backside, but the students all turned their attention to Umbridge at the same time!

From the back of the pink witch, anyone present will know who it is at a glance!

"That's not the case..." When the witch on the stage saw this, her expression changed drastically.

However, she had no chance to finish her words. Mag turned the napkin on the table into a moth and blocked her mouth. The chair she was sitting on also stretched out shackles to lock her limbs.

Umbridge was frightened, struggled desperately, and made a nasal sound of "Uh-huh", but was shielded by the curse shot by Snape.

The screen fast-forwarded again, and Filch came up behind Umbridge.

"Professor Umbridge, what are you doing standing here?" Filch asked in confusion, holding an oil lamp.

"Shh! I'm doing something important." Umbridge lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "Also, you don't need to patrol this floor tonight, I have business to do here."

"Isn't this not good?" Filch was obviously dissatisfied, with resentment rising in his eyes.

"It may be troublesome to get rid of a professor, but it's easy to get rid of an administrator." Umbridge threatened with a sinister tone.

Filch rolled his eyes and shrank his eggs.

He left this level, and the screen followed his whereabouts.

He walked to Professor McGonagall's dormitory door, woke her up, and reported Umbridge's abnormality.

Professor McGonagall nodded, closed the door, changed clothes, and walked to Umbridge's floor.

Here Chen Bin used the magic scissors again, ignoring a lot of time differences, mainly to clear the suspicion of McGonagall and Filch, or to increase the suspicion of Umbridge.

The next scene is very simple, it is the process of Crabbe and Goyle tricking Harry into drinking poison, lighting a fire and escaping, but the angle is changed to Umbridge in the close shot and the three of them in the far shot.

What happened was that the shortest escape direction was the stairs near where Umbridge was hiding.

Crabbe and Goyle ran in her direction, but she ran away earlier.

She fled to the classroom on the upper floor and hid, but the Mosaic Man followed the magic wave and handed over the two suspects.

The scene finally ends.

Chen Bin put away the magic projector and pointed out that Umbridge was one of the suspects. He was responsible for keeping an eye on the two men and dispatching the patrolling faculty to ensure that the suspect was not disturbed by the outside world during the murder.

Crabbe and Gower belong to the Civil Security Corps and need to be sent to a military court to await trial.

This reason was not something Chen Bin came up with on the spur of the moment. When he was conceiving the "Civil Security Team" to fight against Umbridge during the summer vacation, he suggested that the team members be included in the trial list of the military court.

At that time, he just thought that there were many students who had become Umbridge's lackeys in the original book, so he wanted to use this method to scare these students.

As for the military courts, as early as the day Dumbledore succeeded in seizing power, all legal armed forces were not subject to the Wizengamot trial. Instead, wizards appointed by Dumbledore conducted trials in military courts. Otherwise, what discipline would the army have? What kind of deterrence does the commander have?

Crabbe and Goyle were shackled and sent to an underground cell in the castle, guarded by two trainee Aurors.

As Umbridge was not a member of the armed forces, she was not under the custody of the Defense Department and could not be court-martialed.

However, Chen Bin did not release her, but locked her in the same underground cell.

Director Malfoy sent an owl mail on behalf of the school board on the spot. The content was to the effect that all the teachers and students of Hogwarts had caught a suspect under the jurisdiction of the Wizengamot - Senior Investigator Umbridge.

Since she is the "Senior Undersecretary of the Minister of Magic," Minister Fudge must personally pick up the suspect.

After Umbridge was escorted down with her chair, a long trail of urine was left on the ground, but no student dared to laugh.

The atmosphere is so depressing!

Death Eaters committed a murder last night, the Headmaster did not attend the assembly, everyone on stage was dressed in combat attire, and the three suspects were now escorted to the basement.

In addition, some parents sent urgent messages, saying that communications, long-distance floo networks, and transnational portkeys had been cut off among the magical communities in Europe.

What is even more shocking is that Gringotts in the UK is going to defect to Voldemort's side, and it is not yet known whether this is only a rumor coming from Gringotts in the UK, or whether all the goblin banks around the world are also rebelling!

However, almost all parents who sent letters also requested that their children stay at Hogwarts.

In the eyes of British wizards, the safest place in the world is not the Ministry of Magic, nor their own home, but the Magic Castle of Hogwarts, protected by Dumbledore.

Flitwick swiped his wand and the urine stains disappeared immediately, leaving no scent behind.

Chen Bin stood up again and scanned the audience again.

At this time, he knew that he shouldn't blush, but he still blushed unconsciously for a moment.

It wasn't that Katerina beside him did something unspeakable, but that he was going to announce that he would take over Lao Deng's position as director.

In ancient times, those who established themselves as kings had to put on a show of wearing yellow robes, and had to reject the request three times before it seemed to be in line with etiquette.

Chen Bin didn't want to be a warlord in this community with less than 4,000 people, but he couldn't wait to jump out to get this position. Not only was he ugly, but he was also petty.

Unfortunately, the four deans and Malfoy gave him urging looks at the same time. Chen Bin knew that this drama had to be acted or not. He just asked Lao Deng to come back and not scold him for ruining the wizarding world.

"Everyone, after curing Harry Potter, Director Dumbledore went to France to attack Voldemort's lair, using himself as bait to assist the French Ministry of Magic in besieging Voldemort's remaining forces."

Chen Bin changed back to his standard poker face, and while scanning the four tables of students with determined eyes, he said loudly and forcefully: "It's a pity that when he was assisting the French Aurors to encircle and suppress the dark forces, the goblins of the Wizard Bank announced that they would join The Death Eaters have cut off the communication channels of information and personnel in various magical circles, and plan to use their superior forces to capture the Ministry of Magic in various countries."

"At this critical moment, the Department of Defense has initiated the process of acting director. Now I serve as the interim director, leading all the armed forces of the British wizarding community to fight against the coalition of Death Eaters and goblins..."

Chen Bin is stuck.

He saw the students in the audience were first surprised, then turned pale, then some were whispering to each other, some were so scared that they cried, and two students even fainted.

"Quiet!" Chen Bin used a loud curse to stop the students from losing their composure, and quickly issued a series of team orders:

1. Appoint Professor McGonagall as the Boy Scout leader, no, the Civil Security Captain. Professor Lupine and Professor Snape were appointed as deputy captains.

2. Appoint Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout as Deputy Directors of the Defense Department, Deputy Director of the Auror Office, Deputy Commander of Hit-Wizards, and Deputy Captain of the Magical Law Enforcement Reconnaissance Team. Vice-captain of the Witch Watch Force, etc. Instead of each having one deputy position, the four of them have six or seven deputy positions at the same time. In addition to the highest-ranking deputy director, they have also assigned deputy positions to all departments that legally use attack spells. Even if the memory cancellers of the Reversal of Incident Events team are also under their supervision, who said that the "forgetfulness" cast on Muggles can be regarded as an attack spell?

3. Appoint Bill, Percy and Sirius as deputy commanders of the "Authorized Royal Legion", deputy director of the Auror Office and deputy striker commanders.

4. Appoint yourself as the authorized temporary commander of the Royal Legion.

5. Before receiving formal orders from the director, any deputy position can only monitor the performance of official duties by the commander and prohibit the commander from performing tasks. He has no actual command authority.

6. Appoint Katerina Naama as Chen Bin’s personal secretary. He even thought of a name, and it was called Personal Undersecretary to Minister Aaron Naamah (Personal Undersecretary to Minister Aaron Naamah). This funny position is not part of the Ministry of Magic's establishment. It is just Chen Bin's secretary, but he is qualified to participate in meetings of the Department of Defense.

7. If any official directly under the Department of Defense dies in the line of duty, his immediate subordinates will temporarily assume all the duties and powers of the official without further notice.

8. Officials at all levels must arrange the ranks of their subordinates from the moment their appointment takes effect, so that subordinates can take over their positions immediately after they "die in the line of duty."

Well, from the moment this decree was signed, most students couldn't understand what it meant, but everyone on the stage also knew that this was Chen Bin's disgusting work - unless the entire Auror Corps and the people in the Auror Office also died. Even Fudge couldn't hope to gain military power.

Even if everyone is really dead, military power will still fall into the hands of the chief and deputy scout leader in the end.

This refers to the rogue tactics of medieval secular alliances - whoever dies has relatives or subordinates on top, preventing assassinations and kidnapping of family members from decapitation battles that paralyze command.

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