"Your guess is good," the Virgin's voice said gently, "I can see some of Murphy Darkholm's thoughts and ideas through the spiritual coordinates."

"This man is the most selfish, arrogant, and despicable soul in the world."

"In his heart, he can't let anyone else go except himself. He doesn't put others, or even the world, in his eyes. He regards this place as his playing field, the stage of his story, and he regards himself as the protagonist. And you, me, all of us, are just supporting characters in his great adventure.”

"I have seen the hearts of countless people, but this man's extreme selfishness and arrogance still shock me."

"Tom Riddle, in your eyes, he seems to be a respectable teacher?"

"But that was just his show."

"He is an excellent actor, a brilliant screenwriter, and an excellent director, but he is also a liar, even a genius among liars."

"What you see is always what he wants you to see. In your eyes, he is a mentor, a prophet, and a great idealist. But in fact, it is all for his own selfish purpose. A veneer of ‘great deeds’.”

"He has no interest in saving the world, and he is indifferent to the fate of mankind. All he wants is endless power, and the endless power that comes from that power!"

"And you, poor Tom. You are now nothing more than a tool, a plaything."

"Look what you have become now. You have lost your ambition. You are like an animal in a cage, being raised by him and becoming a slave at his mercy. You have lost your original great destiny. You were willing to become his vassal, you even abandoned your identity, you even turned into a girl, and became a homeless wretch like a ghost, all because of his lies."

"Tom Riddle, didn't you ever have any doubts?"

"Your destiny is being controlled by him, and you have become his puppet..."

"Are you done?" Suddenly, Lucas interrupted the Virgin, "You'd better say something I don't know. We don't have much time to waste on you. And don't call me Tom Riddle again. , I am Lucas now."

"Stupid, extremely stupid...you have been blinded by lies..."

"Let's go, teacher."

They left the corridor where the Virgin was imprisoned and came to Athena's computer room through another hidden passage.

In the computer room with constant temperature and humidity, hundreds of black cabinets are neatly arranged side by side, with countless signal lights flashing regularly, and a data flow greater than the sum of the nascent Internet networks flowing in the outside world.

"I wrote a set of neural network models on Athena," Murphy said. "There are about a billion parameters. I tried to make it as close to the real neural network structure as possible. This is what we have under the current computer architecture. It's the best brain-like software system that can be made, but it's untrained and certainly not as sophisticated as a real brain."

"However, you can adjust and optimize the parameters yourself after transferring to it. I think it should at least be easier to use than notes."

"Thank you, teacher." Lucas lowered his head and said softly.

Murphy turned around, "Look up Lucas. Look at me."

Lucas slowly raised his head, looked up at Murphy, and met his eyes, but moved away unconsciously the next moment.

"I guess you have something to say to me," Murphy said.

But Lucas did not speak, and remained silent for a long time. After a long time, she said: "We should complete the transfer. Time is running out."

“That’s why we need to address the most pressing issues first.”

"Shouldn't the most important question be to kill the Virgin?"

"It is somewhat of a nuisance, but I have probably guessed its background." Murphy said, "It may be nothing more than a watchdog at best."

Lucas suddenly frowned, "Then, what am I, professor?"

Sure enough, the Virgin Mary's words had a great impact on her.

You have to appease the other person.

"What do you think?"

"No, don't ask me again." Lucas said.


Murphy frowned. He didn't know if it was his imagination. Why did Lucas act like an adolescent girl?

Although - she certainly seems to be.

"You can't push this problem to me. It was you who took me out of the orphanage. It was you who taught me what love is. It was you who brought me here. It was you who revealed the future to me. It was you who gave me My mission. You single-handedly made me what I am now. You can't ask me what I think, because everything I think is given by you, isn't it?"

Lucas raised his head and looked at him from bottom to top. For a moment, Murphy almost thought she had discovered that the story was false.

He was a little panicked, and almost wanted to throw the law order Meiyin over, but something in the other person's eyes made him soften, and he decided to have a good talk with the other person.

"Do you think I cheated on you, Lucas?"

The latter's eyes shrank and he fell silent.

"Okay, then do you think what the Virgin said is right? Are you my slave and puppet?"

Still silent.

"Perhaps, you also agree with what it says, that I am an extremely selfish and conceited fanatic? A liar who deceives himself and others?"

Lucas raised his head, "I didn't say that."

Well, it's good to have a reaction.

Murphy smiled slightly, "But, do you still feel that you are being used as a tool by me?"

Lucas sighed, "I just want to know what you think of me."

Murphy raised an eyebrow.

This is obviously not a normal subordinate's thoughts about his superior, and it even goes beyond the feelings a student has for his teacher. However, it is normal to think about it. To a certain extent, Lucas may regard him as a guardian or elder. Even the existence of relatives.

He suddenly remembered what he saw about Tom's admiration for Dumbledore when he read the memories in the diary a long time ago when he was first creating the story of Lucas.

He probably gets it.

After all, this is a child who lacks love.

As the creator of Lucas, he also has special feelings for Lucas to a certain extent. To him, Lucas is obviously different from other subordinates.

However, he did not want to create a son or daughter for himself, because that would mean responsibilities and obligations, and a heavy emotional burden.

Right now, Murphy almost feels like he's playing a development or romance game, and now there's an important branch of dialogue.

If he makes some promises or more positive feedback, then the relationship between the two will go further and become a close relationship. Otherwise, they will retreat to a suitable distance.

It is true that the former may be easier to manipulate the other person, but it is really despicable to play with other people's emotions.

"Lucas, you are very important to me." Murphy decided to tell the truth, "But to be honest, I don't want to be responsible for your future. Although as your teacher, I will give you guidance, give you some suggestions, and help you." , but, for your own life, I hope you can make your own decisions."

"I am not your creator. Maybe I want to guide you sometimes, but you are not my creation. You may have a lot of my influence in becoming who you are now, but it is still you who determines who you are. The 'spark' within yourself is the essence of your soul."

"Maybe I have deceived you, maybe what I told you is not always true. Sometimes, I may have some intentions." Murphy said, coughing, "Just like what that guy said , I may indeed be born with a performative personality, and I will use some of my words to influence other people's decisions. Maybe I am really a super selfish control freak without knowing it."

"However, no matter what, you can be yourself and don't have to follow the path I set for you. My words are not important, what is important is what you heard. It is not that I taught you what is Love, but you learn to love, not that I reveal your mission to you, but that you choose and accept it yourself.”

"You are not a puppet, Lucas. Believe me, even if the world is lying to you, even if you are living a complete lie, you can still choose to be your own master."

"Don't entrust your destiny to anyone else. Including me. I hope we can be comrades moving forward together, but I don't need a puppet who blindly follows."

"You want to know what I think of you? Well..." Murphy smiled, "You are my student, and I hope you will become my companion. Other than that, I have no presuppositions about you. the opinion of."

Lucas seemed to relax, and she looked at Murphy, "Then...can I be your friend?"

"Friend?" Murphy was a little surprised, "Yeah... that's okay. So as a friend, can you tell me the reason why you were depressed before?"

Lucas' expression darkened again, "I killed someone."

"Later I found out it was Sirius. I knew he was Harry's godfather."

In fact, the protagonist is not in a pua. He may think that he is, but in fact he is not. Of course he is trying to influence the other party, but he still respects and encourages the other party's independent will.

I hope everyone can meet someone who says similar words to you, and I hope everyone can be gentle to the people they love.

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