Buckingham Palace.

President William of the United States adjusted his collar and turned to face a statue of the Virgin Mary.

He looked at the portrait for a long time, then whispered a few prayers.

William is a Southern Baptist who is familiar with the Bible and various rhetorics of Christian theology, but he was not a devout believer in the past, and he knew this. His understanding of religion was ultimately just a tool to serve his political career.

But all this changed more than half a month ago.

At that time, he was praying with his mother at her request, but suddenly, he saw a miracle.

The radiance, hymn and inspiration, he clearly felt the power, as if his spirit had been lifted to another realm, allowing him to see the truth that did not belong to this world.

The solemnity and holiness I felt in the church when I was a child, in the face of real miracles, is like a farce of clay puppets.

That was a miracle that only appeared to him, so he knew that he indeed had a mission to fulfill, an extraordinary mission that was far more important than worldly status and power, and far more important than human pleasures.

That is, to bring glory to one’s God.

"Mr. President." A waiter opened the door, "Prime Minister John is waiting for you outside."

"Okay," William buttoned up his suit, "don't keep our friends waiting, there are a lot of things to talk about today."

The day after the meeting between the two heads of state, Boris received a message from No. 10 Downing Street requesting that Murphy Annon attend a hearing.

That afternoon, Boris came to the Palace of Westminster, where Parliament is located.

In a room, there were more than ten serious men in suits and ties sitting on the podium opposite, including several people in military uniforms.

Boris sat across from them.

"Mr. Morpheus, we know that your time is valuable, and thank you for taking the time to attend the hearing. I believe that the previous contact person has informed you of the purpose of this hearing."

"The Prime Minister and Parliament are very concerned about the impact of Umbrella's products on people's health and national security. Therefore, we have some questions to ask you and hope you can answer them truthfully."

Boris glanced behind him. Various long guns and cannons were set up in the press box. It was obvious that this hearing was for the public.

His response at the hearing may affect the reputation of the entire umbrella company, and he must be very cautious.

After taking an oath, the hearing committee first asked some basic questions, such as the safety test of Baiyao and the approval process of various Baiyao products.

But soon, things began to develop in a not so good direction.

"Regarding the 'anti-cancer drug' launched by your company not long ago, we received reports that your company developed this anti-cancer drug after less than a year of R\u0026D and experiments, and its principle is to use The cell-killing effect of a certain mutated virus group?"

Boris immediately became vigilant, "Although it sounds like a virus, I must emphasize that this anti-cancer agent has also withstood the same number of tests on normal cells as on cancer cells, and has shown no harm."

The other party was noncommittal, "Our virology experts have read your company's research report. They said it is difficult to believe that your company uses screening methods to cultivate virus groups. In one year, the speed of virus mutation is not enough to support today's anti- The effect of the cancer potion...did Umbrella lie about the mechanism of the potion?”

"No, we have adopted a brand-new screening method, which is also a very large-scale and simultaneous screening of countless samples, so we can achieve the current results. But the specific steps and screening methods used are related to the company. I cannot reveal the technical secrets,” Boris said.

"Then do we have reason to suspect that your company used a virus with an extremely fast mutation rate for screening? In this case, has your company considered the possibility of the virus mutating again and causing harm to the human body?"

"I need to emphasize again that I cannot disclose the screening steps and methods, which involve the company's core technical secrets. But we have gone through a lot of testing to ensure the safety of the anti-cancer drugs. In several of our public reports, It demonstrates that the effectiveness and safety of the drug under double-blind testing far exceed industry standards."

"But this is a virus, a living thing, and it is different from ordinary drugs." One of the committee members said.

"Dear members, drugs may have side effects or toxic effects. Anti-cancer drugs, as prescription drugs, will be used to treat specific diseases. Their harm to the human body and the choice of cure plan will ultimately be weighed by the attending physician. We It just provides a new treatment method that can meet safety standards."

Several committee members looked at each other and said, "Let's talk about anti-aging medicine again."

"In March this year, your company launched an anti-aging agent, which is undergoing clinical trials. Umbrella claims that it will be sold globally and that it can effectively improve the aging state of the human body. Is this true?"

"Yes, the anti-aging agent will be the most important product of this year's umbrella." Boris said, "After testing, the agent can work on the vast majority of people, resulting in a significant improvement in various aging indicators, with an improvement rate of 10 Between %-19%.”

"Is the main component of anti-aging drugs an adenovirus?" Suddenly, a hearing committee member asked.

Boris frowned, "This involves product confidential information, I can't answer it."

"You don't have to answer. A staff member from the R\u0026D department has confirmed this."

Boris was stunned, "I object! Members, all employees related to anti-aging drugs have signed confidentiality agreements. If someone violates the agreement and discloses information to the outside world, he will face huge fines and continued accountability from the umbrella company. .At the same time, it is extremely unethical to ask Umbrella employees to provide inside information!"

"Unless your confidentiality agreement itself violates the law." A woman on the committee said, "I have read your confidentiality agreement. It is too harsh and is suspected of violating the labor law. Some of the clauses even clearly restrict personal freedom. , elements of freedom of speech, and does not fully respect workers’ human rights.”

"I object!" Boris said, "The committee's statement is tendentious and misleading!"

"This is not a court, Mr. Boris," a male official said.

"But we are facing the camera! And I believe that every word in this hearing will be leaked to the outside world. If the committee includes such tendentious and misleading statements during the hearing, it will cause great damage to the umbrella! I The committee is asked to pay attention to the wording.”

"Okay." A silver-haired woman in the center of the committee table nodded in agreement.

"I need to explain." Boris said, "Umbrella Company is a high-tech enterprise. Behind each of our epoch-making products, there is the hard work and sweat of countless R\u0026D personnel, as well as massive financial investment."

"In order to protect our research results, we must strictly enforce confidentiality agreements. Because any leakage will cause losses to the umbrella of at least millions of pounds."

"We must ensure that our achievements are not stolen by competitors." Boris said.

"But you sold your technology to the Soviet Union." A man with the rank of major general said, "In the eyes of the umbrella, who is your ally and who is your enemy?"

"Or, to change the question, do the competitors you speak of refer to allies like the United States or enemies like the Soviet Union?"

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