An ocean-going cargo ship had just docked in the Port of London when several figures suddenly appeared on the roof of a port warehouse.

As soon as the blond woman in a long trench coat appeared, she weakly held on to the railing and took a while to catch her breath.

Behind her, a man wearing a suit and funny clown pants came over and asked, "Mary, are you okay?"

American Auror Captain Mary Thompson waved her hand, and the man took another small bottle and handed it over, "A refreshing agent, useful for seasickness. Just take a small sip, otherwise your ears will smoke."

Mary took the bottle and took a sip. Her pale face soon recovered, "Thank you, Conrad."

"We should really listen to Kingsley and come here with the portkey." Conrad sighed, "Unfortunately, others don't seem to trust him very much."

There were several people on the roof, all dressed in various fancy clothes and with different appearances, and they seemed to be from different countries.

"The Federation is too cautious," Mary looked at those people. "If the other party cooperates, such a team can be fair and just, but they have refused five times! Obviously it is impossible to cooperate well, the personnel are too fragmented, this investigation, I’m afraid we’re going to end up in vain.”

Conrad also sighed, "They don't quite believe what President Dumbledore said. After all, it's a bit too sensational."

"But we all know that's true." Mary frowned, "I met that Murphy Duckholm more than two years ago, and he was still a wanted criminal at that time... However, he left me A deep impression..."

Mary thought of the scene she saw in the Grand Canyon, and it still felt a little unreal when she thought about it.

But if Murphy really is a demon, it all makes sense.

"There are only a few people who have the ability to discern the truth." Conrad said, and then asked: "Has Kingsley contacted you?"

"He said he'd be there in a minute."

As soon as Mary finished speaking, the space around them distorted, and suddenly a strong black man and a short guy appeared on the roof at the same time.

"Kingsley." Conrad stepped forward, shook hands with the other person, and then extended his hand to the goblin next to him, "Goodbye, Mr. Breen."

"Don't call me sir!" The goblin opened his hand and said, "Call President Brin! Don't you have goblins in France?"

"Which idiot insisted on coming here by boat? It was delayed for ten days! Ten days! My compatriots are suffering in the mines! In ten days, many goblins will die because of your stupidity!"

"Sorry, Brynn, we understand how you feel," Mary said, "but the British Ministry of Magic has blocked the international floo network with other countries, and these wizards are not used to flying - I mean the Muggle ones. Iron Bird..."

"Can't we just use the portkey? Don't you wizards have nice-looking wands?" The goblin still refused to give up.

"Okay," Kingsley said in a low voice, "Don't waste time talking. I brought the president's instructions and tried my best to help President Breen save his companions. Especially the remaining Breen. family members."

"What do you mean by investigation mission?" Conrad asked.

Kingsley shook his head, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to investigate anything. Murphy Darkholm is extremely cunning. And even if there is evidence, it will be difficult to have any real effect. Give up your illusions and do your best. Practical matters. However, the identity of our investigators is still helpful. At least they should assist us in the investigation in name. We can use this to collect intelligence and find the location where the goblins are being held."

“If possible, connect with people who are willing to resist.”

"Will you come with us?" Conrad asked.

"Sorry, my identity is still a wanted criminal here." Shacklebolt Kingsley sighed. A former Auror has become a wanted criminal. He can't even show his face normally in his own country. This is really sad and sad. ridiculous.

"Brin will be left to you," Kingsley said. "He is also a special investigator and his status is legal. However, the situation here is complicated. You should protect him."

Mary frowned and called Kingsley aside, "Why would the president help these goblins?"

"The Breen family is very powerful among the goblins. If we can rescue a few members of the Breen family, it will help us fight against Murphy in the future." Kingsley said, "And this is also what your chairman of the Magical Congress of the United States means. After all, They are the largest donor to MACUSA."

"I don't like them," said Mary.

"I don't like it either," Kingsley said, "but now they are our allies."

The Wizards' Federation Special Investigation Team came to the British Ministry of Magic through the visitor's passage.

Soon, they received a warm reception. Minister of Magic Barty Crouch personally received them and said that they would fully cooperate with the investigation team and ordered all departments and all wizards in the British wizarding community not to confront them for any reason. investigation.

This surprised Mary and the others. They thought they would get a few rejections right from the start.

Could it be that Mr. Barty Crouch really didn’t know anything about Murphy?

No, it's unlikely. President Dumbledore's materials clearly mention Murphy's infiltration of the Ministry of Magic. Mr. Barty may be Murphy's accomplice to some extent.

Mary and Conrad gave each other a look to remind each other, "Don't be careless."

But apart from them, the other members of the investigation team seemed not to be aware of anything unusual.

Even the goblin who said "all the British compatriots are locked up" was so flattered that he couldn't find any reason to do so.

It seems that this guy doesn't really care about his own kind. What he cares about is probably Gringotts Bank, right?

Barty Crouch took the investigation team to visit the Ministry of Magic, introduced them to various departments, and then prepared a sumptuous dinner.

At the banquet, almost all the senior officials of the British Ministry of Magic were present, showing their high support for the International Federation of Wizards, and even expressed it without blushing or heartbeat. They still respected President Dumbledore as always.

"I feel heartbroken when I think that his old man left Hogwarts due to some different philosophical reasons, so that the next generation of Britain cannot receive the teachings of a great wizard like him." Auror Command Office Director Rashim He said sadly.

"Yes, we are all students who grew up under the watch of Principal Dumbledore, and we are really full of affection for him." Watcher Commander Winston also said.

"In the final analysis, it's all because we didn't do a good enough job." Rashim sighed, "That's why the president is so disappointed in us."

"Hmm...ahem...hmm..." After all, Barty Crouch was not as shameless as the two loyal henchmen of Murphy, so he couldn't make it up.

However, this statement still had a very good effect. All the investigators breathed a sigh of relief. It turns out that the British Ministry of Magic is not as arrogant as the rumors outside. Isn't this quite enlightened?

After dinner, several senior officials from the Ministry of Magic, including Rashim and Winston, accompanied the investigators back to the residence specially prepared for them.

Right in Diagon Alley, there was once a nobleman's mansion, which was very luxurious.

When they arrived at the place, Rasim sent several Aurors as bodyguards to guard the door to protect the safety of several people. At the same time, he told them that special magical defense measures had been taken at the entrance door, and their wands needed to be registered, and only they could do so in the future. Use your own wand to enter the mansion and prevent intruders.

Several investigators did not doubt that he was there and handed over their wands. Mary and Conrad saw that Rasim was tapping the wands of the previous people at the gate, and it seemed that he was indeed casting spells, so they hesitated to hand it over. Wand.

Rashim finished registering one person's wands, handed the remaining wands to another Auror to continue registering, and then led them into the mansion, said several words, said good night, and turned around and walked out. .

Several people waited in the courtyard for a while, but no Auror returned the wand. After waiting for a while, no one came. Mary finally felt something was wrong and prepared to go out and call for help. However, the door was closed and no one came to open it no matter how hard they beat.

A house elf suddenly appeared in the yard, "The master said, please eat well, drink well, and have a good rest. He will come to see you again."

After saying that, he left, leaving a group of people looking at each other.

It took a while for them to come back to their senses.

Damn, under house arrest.

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