Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 303 The Appearance of Original Essence

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

This place has completely changed its appearance.

All of Dumbledore's collection of exquisite trinkets were gone, as were the Pensieve, Fawkes, and almost all of Dumbledore's personal belongings.

Obviously, the former principal had returned here and packed away all his belongings before disappearing completely.

After all, both the pensieve and the personal letters contained a lot of information and secrets, and the old man seemed not so generous to leave them to Murphy.

In fact, because he left suddenly without handing over to the current principal, Snape could not even enter the room for a time.

After Murphy heard about it, he immediately sent a team of Aurors to act as a demolition team. They first blew up the gryphon spiral staircase, and then blasted it all the way to the eighth floor. The portrait blocking the door was torn apart, completely by force. He blasted open the principal's office door.

People are all gone, and public facilities are locked?

I'm used to you.

This move not only won Snape a lot of favor, but also gave the other professors a profound Murphy-like shock, revealing to them the fact that the master of this school is no longer the one who leaves no room for anything. The old man with a white beard has become a maniac who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and is willing to demolish his home just to get in.

At this moment, Snape was doing some experiments in a room that had been transformed into a potion room in half of the space.

Murphy gave him a copy of the alchemy information he received from Flamel. As part of the deal, he needed to research the magic stone and elixir for Murphy.

Of course, Murphy did not completely count on himself. There were also some Muggle scientists at the Institute of Magic who were engaged in this research.

Suddenly, a crow flew to his window sill and pecked the window with its beak, attracting Snape's attention.

The latter frowned and opened the window, and the crow flew into the room unceremoniously.

The next moment, several bolts of lightning burst out, and Murphy's figure suddenly appeared in the principal's office with a huge thunderbolt. The overflowing electric fire burned a pile of drafts around him to ashes, and he placed Snape on the cauldron. The pot of potion was evaporated.

Snape quickly used his hands to hold up several test tube racks and potions that were almost knocked down by the shock wave. When the light on Murphy subsided, he couldn't help but complain, "Do you have to make such a big noise to appear?" ?!”

"Sorry," Murphy stamped his feet, extinguishing a handful of flames on the soles of his shoes, "I just learned this way of moving, so I'm not yet familiar with it."

After seeing Dumbledore use the Phoenix to teleport, Murphy has always been very coveted by this method of movement that can penetrate the space barrier.

After trying several times, he found that this kind of teleportation was not difficult for him to achieve. The main condition was that a creature with a special connection with the wizard was needed as the coordinate, and this creature had better have a strong elemental nature. .

As it happens, Lightning Crow fully meets these two conditions.

Dumbledore was able to teleport in flames with the help of the Phoenix, and he could naturally apparate in the form of lightning through the Lightning Crow.

"Then, dear school governor, what brings you here?" Snape was not angry. "Because of your interruption just now, all the potion I made was ruined."

Murphy ignored him, "Is there any progress in the research?"

Snape muttered for a long time, until Murphy knocked on the table impatiently, "Okay, okay, I'll pay double the damage to the potion that was destroyed. You can go back and make a loss list, and I'll reimburse you."

Snape finally stopped, "There's been some progress, but not much."

"Tell me about it." Murphy came to the largest chair in the principal's office and sat down casually, as if he was the owner here.

Snape frowned, feeling a little unhappy, but in the end he did not have an attack. "The elixir has been tested and confirmed to have no toxicity or side effects... There seems to be some. I verified it with two magical animals. It seems to reduce the magical abilities of magical animals, and I don't know why yet."

On this point, the Magic Research Institute, which is also testing the elixir, also gave a similar report.

With two-way confirmation, the elixir does seem to have the side effect of suppressing the level of magic power.

This reminded Murphy of what Mrs. Yaga said: "Magic and life cannot have both." This also explains why Flamel, who has lived for six hundred years, does not look very strong.

He chose life—and thus sacrificed his magic.

There is also some discussion on this in Flamel's notes. He believed that the elixir used magic to replace part of the biological mechanism of the body, and used magic to maintain the survival of the body.

More and more of its magic power is used to maintain the body, and naturally less and less is left for free use.

This effect made Murphy postpone the use of the elixir again. He would not use it for the time being until he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Where's the Philosopher's Stone?"

Snape shook his head, "I already have a basic understanding of the refining process of the Sorcerer's Stone. Most of it is not particularly difficult. But one thing is the most critical. Refining the Sorcerer's Stone requires an extremely rich magic power. Material. Nicoléme calls it the 'fifth element', 'golden blood salt', and 'plasma'. It is the source of the magic stone's ability. The remaining ingredients are just to ensure that the 'plasma' will not It’s just lost through use.”

"Therefore, unless we find this 'primordial substance', we cannot refine the magic stone at all."

"Nicholas Flamel said in his notes that he was able to refine the Philosopher's Stone. In fact, it was just a coincidence, because he happened to discover the existence of a primeval substance."

Murphy frowned, thinking of the only conversation he had with Flamel, "So that's why he said it was a miracle that's hard to replicate, a God-given opportunity."

"During the six hundred years of his immortality, Nicoléme has been trying to find the existence of another primeval substance. He has a deep understanding of the primeval substance. He described that substance as having extremely powerful magical energy. He even invented He created a spell that could detect the existence of Prime within a range of nearly a hundred meters. He had visited many places in the world in his life, but he had never been able to find another Prime again," Snape said.

Nicoléme searched for six hundred years but found nothing, which shows how rare the so-called "primordial substance" is.

However, just because Nicoléme could not find it did not mean that he could not find it.

"Bring me that spell and see."

Snape searched for a while on the table and handed a page of copy paper to Murphy. "This spell is not complicated and can be learned and mastered by third-year students at Hogwarts. However, its search range and magical power Depending on the level, ordinary students can only search within a range of forty feet, while skilled wizards can search around three to four hundred feet."

"However, this range is still too small compared to the entire planet. If you want to find the original substance, you have to use wizards from all over the world to dig over every inch of the planet."

Murphy read the spell on the page several times. As Snape said, the spell was very simple and he learned it quickly.

He pulled out his wand and uttered the incantation, "Plasma manifested!"

Immediately, a wave similar to when using "Prototype Ripe Appearance" spread, but it rapidly attenuated after leaving the body. Although the target of its search was more single, the wave attenuation speed was much better than that of Prototype Ripe Appearance, but it still remained. It is already extremely thin at a distance of a hundred meters. Beyond two hundred meters, it is almost impossible to get effective feedback.

Moreover, this spell consumes a lot of magic power. If you want to search within the extreme range, you basically need Murphy to perform it with all his strength, which is difficult to carry out continuously.

Murphy calculated that a search could cover up to three or four hectares, and one London has more than 16,000 hectares. If you want to rely on this spell to search London, you would need to release four to five thousand hectares under the best circumstances. Judging from Murphy's current experience of using the spell, it will take at least half a year.

If you want to search the entire UK, it will take hundreds of years. As for the whole world... unless you can live for tens of thousands of years.

However, this is an omnidirectional search spell.

In other words, the range of its spell search is a three-dimensional sphere, so its magic power fluctuations decay so quickly.

What if the search range of the spell is compressed into a two-dimensional plane?

Or, how about compressing it into a scanning line?

Coupled with the magic amplification array antenna, it is not too much to scan thousands of kilometers through the magic scanning radar, right?

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