Murphy raised an eyebrow.

Tsk, it seems that I still haven’t fooled you, and I have made conditions.

And it doesn’t specify what the conditions are. Is this girl going to have a brain?

But it doesn’t matter, no matter what his conditions are, just agree first and then we’ll see if you fulfill them or not. I, Murphy Darkholm, never said that I kept my word, right?

Putting the letter away, Murphy continued to discuss his "special abilities" with Lucas for a while, and finally gave Lucas an assignment to "research whether Horcruxes can be transferred."

He thought that if Lucas' Horcrux could be transferred from the diary to something else, such as a server, would it be able to greatly improve its memory storage and retrieval capabilities?

Of course, there will definitely be many technical steps involved, but it’s still okay to do some preliminary research first.

After Murphy left, Lucas searched through his memory, preparing to find the knowledge related to Horcruxes and then study them carefully.

But after searching, he found those scenes from the past year in his memory, and he couldn't help but read them.

He didn't feel much at all at that time, but now, after leaving Hogwarts, and seeing those scenes in his memory as if on video, he actually felt a little disappointed.

I don’t know how Harry and the others are doing now?

Stoat Mountain.

It was summer vacation now, and Sirius knew that Harry was not in a good mood, so he took him out for a walk and came back not long ago.

As soon as Harry got home, he received a bunch of letters, including letters from Ron and Hermione, and even letters from Cho Chang and Malfoy, but what surprised him the most was the letters from the Dursleys.

Although Uncle Vernon still had a mean tone, he actually knew enough to ask him if he was still alive and if he had been turned into a frog by some wizard.

Harry didn't know if there was something seriously wrong with him, but he actually felt a little concern from it?

He originally wanted to write back a letter to thank Uncle Vernon, but as soon as he picked up the pen, an idea popped out of his mind.

Forget it, there will no longer be any intersections anyway. They are Muggles and I am a wizard. We may never meet again in the future, so why continue to maintain this kind of hypocritical relationship.

Instead of wasting time and energy on this kind of thing, it is better to read two more books and practice more spells.

Thinking of this, he returned to his room.

Harry's room was on the second floor of Sirius's cabin.

There was a desk placed near the window, and a cutout of the Daily Prophet was hanging on the wall next to the desk.

The main picture of the newspaper is of a blond boy with a sad face, and the headline is: "Student suddenly dies suddenly, Dumbledore resigns as principal".

"Tom..." A look of pain flashed in Harry's eyes.

Tom died to protect himself, just like his mother died to protect herself - he had already heard from Sirius the reason why he was able to defeat Voldemort.

Although he knew that it was Quirrell and Voldemort who killed Tom, Harry always had the thought in his mind that he was to blame for Tom's death.

"If I could be stronger, if I could not need the protection of others, maybe such a tragedy would not happen, maybe..."

He looked at his own shadow reflected on the window glass. It was a melancholic boy wearing glasses. He looked weak and helpless. He suddenly hated himself like this.

"I should become stronger, I should have more power. Only in this way can I avoid something like this from happening again..."

A red light flickered dimly in Shadow's eyes, but Harry didn't notice it at all.

But at this moment, suddenly, in an open space outside the hut, as the space distorted, a tall white-haired figure suddenly appeared.

The red color in Harry's eyes suddenly disappeared, and he also saw the man, "Dumbledore? Why is he here?"

The old man seemed to notice Harry's gaze, raised his face, nodded towards Harry, and then knocked on the door downstairs.

Sirius heard the knock on the door and went to open it.

"Professor, what are you doing... please come in quickly." Sirius let Dumbledore into the room and poured him a cup of honey grapefruit tea.

"This is really a cozy place," Dumbledore looked around at Sirius's house. "When you wrote to say that you wanted to adopt Harry, I wanted to come and have a look, but unfortunately I never found the opportunity. Compared to the old house, I think you’d be happier living here?”

"Yes, Professor, everything about that old house makes me feel sick," Sirius said. "Here I found a long-lost peace."

"I believe Harry will be more comfortable around you." Dumbledore said, "Although I am a little worried about the magic, but... I believe you can take good care of him."

"I would give my life for him." Sirius said without hesitation.

This was also the reason why he convinced Dumbledore at that time.

No matter how powerful the magic is, it is dead. Once Voldemort reacts, there will be a way to break it, but Sirius, who is willing to sacrifice for Harry, is a living shield and barrier for Harry, which is more reliable and safer than magic.

The two were silent for a while, and then Sirius spoke, "Professor, how are you doing recently? I heard that you resigned from the position of principal."

Dumbledore nodded, "To be honest, it's not good. I underestimated the other party a little, but in the final analysis, it was my negligence, and this is the price I should pay."

"They said that Murphy Darkholm framed you, is it true?" Sirius finally couldn't help but ask.

Dumbledore shook his head, "It's not a frame-up. He just selectively told some truths and selectively concealed some facts. As I said just now, this was my negligence."

At this point, Dumbledore sighed, "I won't beat around the bush anymore. This has always been a problem of mine, but I think I should learn some lessons from this incident. Sirius, I need your help, I need the Order of the Phoenix. I came here this time to ask you if you can come back and help me?"

"Help you... deal with Murphy Darkholm? Is he an enemy? Or is he really a Dark Lord like others say?"

However, Dumbledore shook his head, "It's different, Murphy... He is not a complete bad guy, he is different from Voldemort. Yes, he is also very ambitious and unscrupulous, but he is not cruel , On the contrary, sometimes I can feel that he is trying to use benevolent means as much as possible."

"But, he is dangerous. More dangerous than Voldemort."

"I don't quite understand, Professor..." Sirius said, "To be honest, I have met Murphy a few times before, and he even brought Lupine to visit me. He also has a house nearby, We were kind of neighbors... He gave me a good feeling and it was hard for me to believe that he was a dangerous person."

"The danger of Murphy does not lie in his character or behavior." Dumbledore said, "As I said just now, he is not a completely bad person. In fact, there are many professors and students in the school They all like him.”

"What's dangerous about him is what he wants to do."

"He wants to break the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. What he does will expose our existence to the Muggle society." Dumbledore said, "And this thing is even more terrifying than Voldemort's reign of terror, even much more terrifying. !”

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