"Snape..." Voldemort snorted, "Of course he knows, I taught him the recipe."

"As for the resurrection potion," Voldemort said proudly, "it's not very difficult. As long as you have read "The Mystery of Death and Life", you should have an idea. I can demonstrate it to you now."

"Qi Luo, go capture that boy and use his blood to make medicine."

"The Mystery of Death and Life".

Tom wrote down the name of the book.

Seeing that Quirrell was about to catch Harry, he took a step forward and said, "Dear Master, Professor Quirrell seems to be harmed by Harry's protective magic, so let me do it."

Voldemort still doesn't know why Quirrell gets hurt when he touches Harry, but Tom doesn't seem to be affected by this. This request is reasonable, "Okay."

Tom came to Harry's side, and with the help of helping him stand up, he took out the wand from his waist and suddenly turned around and pointed.


The cauldron in which the resurrection potion was boiled exploded, and the boiling potion splashed onto Quirrell's body, causing the latter to scream in agony.

Tom took the opportunity to grab the Philosopher's Stone on the table, hugged Harry, and was about to disapparate.

But Voldemort suddenly let out an extremely angry roar. Tom felt as if his head had been hit hard, and he couldn't even pronounce the spell at his mouth.

Quirrell took the opportunity to raise his wand, "Everything is petrified!"

Tom blocked the spell, and then, "Disapparate!"

However, Quirrell's next attack arrived almost simultaneously, "Avada Kedavra!"


The spell hit Tom's body, but at the same time, the two of them turned into a vortex and disappeared in place.

In the Forbidden Forest, Tom and Harry suddenly appeared, but fell to the ground as soon as they appeared.

Harry was still unconscious but not injured, but a big hole appeared in Tom's abdomen.

Moreover, one of his arms seemed to be torn off by a huge force, with only half of it left, and a translucent forearm emerged from it, replacing the original position of flesh and blood.

Like when he was injured before, Tom didn't feel any particular pain.

But being disturbed by Quirrell's spell, something went wrong with the Apparition. He had a split phenomenon, and the wand was lost somewhere.

He sat up and observed the surrounding environment. It was indeed the Forbidden Forest. Fortunately, he didn't stray too far.

Then he looked at his broken upper arm and the big hole in his abdomen, and the strange feeling in his heart flashed away.

The wounds on his body were slowly bleeding, and he was indeed very weak, but Tom felt that there was a high probability that this would not lead to death.

"After all, I've already died, how could I be killed again?"

Even the killing curse can't be used against him.

He took out the diary from his chest, "Maybe this thing is my true body."

While he was thinking, a voice suddenly came from a distance, "Find him! He is nearby!"


Tom was shocked. They were actually chasing him?

Must hide.

But he lost his wand, and he couldn't carry Harry in his current condition.

what to do?

He hurriedly checked his pockets. Apart from the goblin gold coins, there was only a bottle of the wolf-changing potion that Qiu Zhang had given him before. However, the action range of the goblin gold coins was too short, so there must be no signal here, and the wolf-changing potion seemed to be useless at this time. Useless.

Wait, the wolf-changing potion?

The name sounds familiar.

Tom suddenly recalled the memory of Lucas he saw in the diary.

When Lucas was searching for the ruins of Hogwarts in the future, he also took the wolf-changing potion. It is said that the wolf-changing potion was left by the prophet.


That prophecy also seems to say, "The prophet left the key to him in a secret chamber."

Tom thought for a moment, then suddenly reached out and rummaged through Harry's pocket and found a gold coin.

The gold coin, which was larger than the usual galleons, had a raven engraved on it.

Crow gold coins!

This is Teacher Murphy’s reward!

Harry and the others got this gold coin from Murphy's trap. They kept it secret without knowing its purpose until now, when Tom got it.

"Could this be the key to him?"

"Master, look here, there is blood!" Quirrell's voice sounded not far away, "They are here!"

There was no time to hesitate, he had to try.

Tom grabbed hold of Harry and held the gold coin in his other hand.

He didn't know what this gold coin did, so he could only try to inject magic power into it.

Suddenly, there was a huge suction force from the gold coin.

Then the two people suddenly disappeared on the spot.

Door key! This turned out to be a door key!

After a while, Harry and Tom suddenly appeared in a private room of the Three Broomsticks.

At this time, Murphy was tasting honey beer alone in the private room.

Tom grabbed him and said, "Teacher! It's you, it's really you."

"What am I?"

"You are... a prophet..."

After saying that, Tom lost consciousness.

Murphy drank all the beer in the glass, came to Tom, turned him over, and opened his other hand.

A red stone is lying there quietly.

Magic stone.

After so much effort, I finally got it.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief.

The magic stone can not only be used to refine the elixir of life, it can also turn stones into gold and turn stones into gold... This even involves atomic-level changes. Murphy wants to know how it does it. .

In Muggle society, humans can only change matter at the atomic level through fusion and fission reactions.

If the magic stone can really turn stone into gold, then where does the energy in the transformation of matter go? Is it possible that they can be recovered and used?

Can it be used to transform other elements?

If possible, this thing might be able to create a fusion engine for the wandering earth.

Murphy picked up the magic stone and looked at it in his hand. Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, this thing should be an extremely powerful magical creation. Why can't I feel a little bit of magic?

He thought for a while and closed his eyes. In his magic vision, the magic stone was just like an ordinary stone, and did not emit stronger magic fluctuations than tables, chairs, benches and the like.

He frowned and injected a bit of magic power into the stone. Gradually, the color of the red magic stone became lighter and seemed to turn into some kind of orange.

Magic color changing effect...

What a crystal!

An ordinary piece of red crystal!

This is not the magic stone!

So, what about the real magic stone?

Murphy has been observing Tom through the mind seed, making sure that he did not drop the package, and Harry did not drop the package, and Voldemort did not, otherwise he would not need to chase Tom.

The next moment, Murphy understood.


This old boy never put the real magic stone into the Mirror of Erised!

Behind the trap door was just a test to test Harry.

The most important question is whether Harry can obtain the Sorcerer's Stone from the Mirror of Erised without any selfish motives.

Since this is just a test, and there is no need to use the magic stone to refine potions, then why do we have to put the real magic stone in the mirror?

Just make Harry believe that what is in the mirror is the real Sorcerer's Stone, right?

In this way, whether it is Voldemort, Murphy, or anyone else who wants to snatch the Sorcerer's Stone, they will only fall into this false trap and get a fake Sorcerer's Stone.

The real Sorcerer's Stone may have always been in Dumbledore's possession.

After all, it’s such a fist-sized thing that it’s easy to carry around with you.

That's why he left the school without any scruples, and that's why he turned a blind eye to Quirrell's little actions... Maybe even without his own interference, that's what he did in the original work, otherwise his inconsistent behavior cannot be explained.


An uncontrollable anger arose in Murphy's heart, and he clenched his right hand tightly, crushing the "Magic Stone" into pieces.

Okay, principal, this is how you play, right?

With a thought in his mind, his consciousness connected with a crow thousands of kilometers away.

"Rasim, I asked you to monitor Dumbledore's owl. What was the result? Did you find the location of Nicolas Flamel?"

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