A few days later, Alkaim Basin.

On a cliff, Azir put on his hood and pointed at a hill-like city in the distance, saying: "That is the holy city of Alkaim. It is about ten kilometers away from here. This land is covered by A very strong magic has been cast, and all flying props cannot be used. You must walk over."

Murphy glanced at the giant city standing on the plain from a distance, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional. After coming to this world for so long, he finally saw a city with a magical flavor.

"There is obviously so much land around, why do people dig out mountains to build cities?" asked a wizard next to Murphy.

In order to complete the whole show, Murphy was accompanied by two Aurors from the British Ministry of Magic, who were assigned by Rasim to follow Murphy on "secret business".

After all, proposing marriage to the Queen of Su was basically considered an international matter. According to Azir, the other suitors were also accompanied by one or two civil servants from the Ministry of Magic of their respective countries.

Therefore, they are basically a small diplomatic mission.

"This city has gathered almost all the wizards in the Soviet Union. In order to protect the safety of the city, countless great wizards set up numerous protective magics for it at the beginning of its construction. The most powerful one is the St. Peter's Palace outside the city. wall."

"It was a spherical barrier, as solid as a rock and indestructible. In order to make it work best, people chose to live inside the wall, and the city naturally became what it is today."

"Okay, let's say goodbye here. I still need to go back to the city to make some preparations."

After Azir left, Murphy summoned an off-road vehicle from the box and spent more than twenty minutes arriving at the foot of the giant city.

Compared to the majestic city walls and equally astonishing barriers, Alkaim's city gate appears to be much smaller.

It was only about ten meters wide. The high-hanging city gate and the old stone road made Murphy think that he was back in Hogwarts for a moment.

The city must have been quite ancient.

They stopped the car and accepted the inspection entering the city. In front of them was a gorgeous carriage convoy. Murphy heard them speaking what seemed to be French. A young man with a white wig on his head stepped out of the carriage and met the person at the door. The two soldiers exchanged a few words and took out something that looked like an invitation. The latter let them in, seemingly very casually.

When it was Murphy's turn, he took out the invitation from the letter that the Queen gave him. Two soldiers opened it and took a look. One of them said in unfamiliar English, "Are you from England?"


The soldier returned the invitation to him and said, "Go to the customs office next door to register."

Murphy frowned, "Why didn't the previous group need it?"

"There are many of them and they will register at the customs hall."

"Okay, where's the customs office?"

The soldier pointed a direction for them, "Go to the right and keep going."

However, after entering the road on the right, they found that it was a small road with what appeared to be some private houses on both sides. It was quite dilapidated and seemed to have been abandoned.

"Something's not right." An Auror said.

Murphy was about to release the crow to investigate the situation. Suddenly, several spells were shot from a nearby house.

Murphy reacted quickly and immediately blocked it with an armor spell, but several spells were shot out from the old house on the other side almost at the same time. An Auror was unable to respond and was hit on the spot. He fell to the ground with a thud, life and death. I don’t know.

Seeing that another Auror was about to be attacked, Murphy raised his wand and the stone slabs on the ground instantly turned into a wall, blocking the opponent's back and helping him stop the attack.

Then he waved his wand, and another stone slab floated up, spinning at high speed. The four corners stretched and became thinner, showing a metallic sheen, and became like blades.

The next moment, it flew out like a four-blade propeller, suddenly smashed into a house, and then came out from the other side. Two of the four machete-like blades were broken, but instead of slowing down, the speed did not decrease. Instead, it was under Murphy's magic power. With the blessing of his body, it became even faster, and it smashed into another house behind him non-stop.

"No, this place is going to collapse!" He heard someone shouting in Russian.

Both houses were left crumbling after support columns were damaged by Murphy's "propellers."

Suddenly, several wizards appeared in front of Murphy. There were six of them, two of them were very young and wore luxurious purple robes with gold trim. The other wizards were all older and looked very capable.

Murphy pounced on them before their apparition was over. With a wave of his wand, he slit the eyes of one of them. Then he grabbed the wizard's neck with his left hand and squeezed it hard, crushing his throat.

Someone reacted quickly and tried to fire a spell at him. Murphy instantly turned into lightning and flashed behind him, punching the other person on the back of the neck. Then he flashed in front of another wizard again and inserted the wand into the other person's neck. Eye.

In just two or three seconds, the two young wizards had just recovered from the dizziness caused by the apparition, and found that their companions were either lying on the ground and wailing, or they were already unconscious.

They were inexplicably frightened, but before their fear turned into the idea of ​​​​escape, Murphy flashed in front of the two of them, grabbed their necks with one hand, and lifted them up.

"who are you?"

"This outfit, let me guess, Frederick?"

The two young wizards were still struggling desperately. They couldn't understand Murphy's question, but the next moment, Murphy used Legilimency on them.

George Frederick, and Alexander Frederick.

The second and third sons of Ivan Frederik.

Good guys, I haven’t bothered your dad yet, so you just delivered it to your door, right?

Her mission is to kill Ivan, but Sophia probably doesn't mind if two more people die.

When Murphy was about to kill people, destroy the bodies and eliminate traces, the Auror behind him shouted: "Nizar, you are still alive!"

He had just used the Spell Stop on his companion, and found that the other party had not been fatally injured. The spell that had just hit him seemed to be just a stun spell or something like that.

Murphy glanced at the other wizards lying on the ground again. The one whose neck was smashed was unconscious, the one whose eyes were scratched might be blind, the one who had his throat crushed was almost out of breath, and the one whose eyes were stabbed The guy is not dead yet.

After a second thought, he pinned the two young wizards to the ground and used the magic voice of the law to make their voices seem irresistible: "Now, tell me, why did you attack me?"

His apparent identity is that of a foreigner proposing marriage and a British envoy.

Even if his identity is different from that of the other suitors, which may arouse suspicion, the Queen has always kept her murderous intention towards Ivan secret, and it is unlikely that Frederick would directly confirm that he was here to assassinate him.

Then why would his two sons target him?

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