It took more than a week for Murphy to complete the modeling of the wand core antenna array, and also made the model of the wand body - this assignment was given to the two little ones just to familiarize them with the use of mathematical tools. , he didn’t really expect them to make a good model.

However, the rod core antenna array model has hundreds of parameters. If refined, it can even have as many as tens of thousands of parameters. Optimizing the model requires a lot of tedious and repetitive calculations.

He needed a mainframe.

The computer could not operate at all in a magic-rich environment like Hogwarts, so Murphy returned to the Institute of Magic.

"The institute's supercomputing project has not yet been completed, but as far as I know, the Umbrella Group currently has more than 40,000 computers connected to the network, and more than half of the computing power is idle. We can use them to do calculations first."

Brisey Mason, head of the Supercomputing Center of the Magic Research Institute.

"Distributed Computing?"


"Okay." Murphy thought for a while, "Find a few people who understand genetic algorithms. This model is more suitable for iteration using genetic algorithms. Contact me anytime when you have results."

"Okay, but how should I get the results to you?"

Murphy was about to say that he stayed at the Research Institute with Two Crows, but then he thought about it. For a task of this complexity, he would have to continuously communicate with the Research Institute.

But it is true that he can obtain signals through the senses of the two crows, but the institute can only get his feedback through the crows' messages. This method is fine for some simple commands. If it involves formulas, It is too difficult for a crow to express things clearly such as terminology.

But Hogwarts doesn't have access to phones...

Murphy thought for a while and took out a fairy coin.

This thing can transmit sound, but there is a distance limit. Generally speaking, one or two hundred meters is the limit.

The communication between the crow and him has no distance limit, but the transmission content is relatively limited.

Can you combine the two?

If the goblin gold coins are used as walkie-talkies, the crow is an ultra-long-distance satellite line, or even quantum communication. Maybe the signal of the goblin gold coins is relayed through the crow?

This shouldn't be difficult.

He summoned a crow, placed the gold coin next to the crow, and drove his own magic power to flow through the crow to the gold coin.

Then he took out the second gold coin and knocked it. The gold coin next to the crow immediately made a knocking sound.


In this form, Murphy and Crow are equivalent to two signal towers. The two gold coins connect Crow and Murphy respectively, and are connected to each other through the passage between them.

The specific function of gold coins can be studied later, but at this moment, it can be used.

Murphy handed the gold coin to Brisey Mason and said, "Call me with this."

By the way, you can see the picture through crows, and then you can talk with gold coins. Is this a magical version of video phone?

Although it is one-way visible.

Before returning to school, Murphy asked Leprechaun Locke for instructions on how to make leprechaun gold coins.

In terms of the forging method, Elf Gold Coins are the same as ordinary Galleons. They are only slightly different in shape for the convenience of differentiation.

The reason why it can make long-distance calls is because of a ritual called "Greedy Whispers".

It can connect several or even hundreds of gold coins, and the gold coins can transmit the surrounding vibrations and sounds to each other. In this way, even if the gold coins are stolen, the thief's movements can still be heard, and when the gold coins are stacked Together, any disturbance will cause the feedback sounds to superimpose crazily, emitting a sharp and terrifying howl, thus forming an alarm.

This is a magical ritual developed by goblins in ancient times to prevent their treasures from being stolen.

The ritual is a bit complicated. The gold coins to be processed must first be soaked in a magic potion called "Blood of Thieves" and then stacked in a goblin magic circle. The magic circle consists of several nested concentric circles and two It consists of a quadrilateral, then recites a long incantation, and finally lets it sit for a long time, and the gold coins will turn into goblin gold coins.

Fortunately, the "Blood of Thief" potion is relatively simple to prepare, and the materials are very cheap. The biggest difficulty in making this fairy gold coin is actually that this ritual can only be applied to gold, and non-rich people cannot afford it.

But fortunately, Murphy is now the biggest wizard in the British wizarding world.

On the last Friday of October, Murphy shared the method of making elf gold coins with all the students in the practical class, and awarded gold coins equal to the number of people in the group to the three best performing groups in the past two months.

"You can use these galleons to make fairy gold coins to facilitate communication among your group members within the school."

At present, Murphy's plan to "open up the lounges of various colleges" cannot be implemented, so this can be regarded as an alternative method.

The three groups: Hero Group, Qiu Zhang Group and Dean Group are all very happy. This thing can be used for real-time calls even though it is far away. Putting aside its practicality, it is very awesome!

Think about taking out the goblin gold coins in public and saying: "Hey, shall we have dinner at the Ravenclaw table or the Gryffindor table?"

When everyone looked at it in surprise, it turned out to be a fairy gold coin!

There are only a few rare magic items in the school!

Is the force coming up immediately?

Then, enjoying everyone's envious and jealous looks, he said again, "Oh, what a gold coin. The signal is not good after only a few hundred meters."

More Versailles, more Versailles.

"Professor, I heard that you have a method for measuring magic value, right?" During the break, Dean's team found him, "Can we borrow it? The broomstick branches seem to have very precise magic requirements. , we never find the trick.”

There are several other groups who have the same request as them.

Aiuchang's team: "Professor, we want to know how to control the distribution of magic power when transforming."

Team Hero: "If we use your magic testing equipment, maybe we can test whether the ghosts have magic power."

Even the Malfoy team came: "The concentration of magic power in the blood of pure-blood descendants should be higher than that of Muggle-born wizards. Using that set of things, we might be able to prove this..."

Murphy is very pleased that after at least two months of training, they all have at least the mindset of "verifying opinions through practice."

He generously provided each group with ten magic detectors to support their projects.

This incident also gave Murphy a wake-up call.

Observation methods of magic are undoubtedly very important for the study of any magic. Perhaps a large part of the reason why many magics are elusive is that wizards lack methods to directly observe magic.

Assuming that the wizard can directly "see" the magic power, it will be easier to guide the magic power and cause it to undergo specific changes or effects.

This is also a way to "enhance the wizard's cognitive abilities" in the conjuration path.

Although the magic detector is accurate, it is not intuitive enough after all.

Is there any way that a wizard can directly observe the magic power of various properties just like seeing various colors?

The principle of the magic detector is the magic glow effect of gems... So, gem glasses?

It probably won't work. The magic radiation from the outside is not enough to significantly change the light color of the gem. Otherwise, there would be no need for a magic tester.

If we start with vision... How many types of cones should we increase?

But there is still too little research on magical animals, and no animals with similar abilities have been found for reference. And even if there are such creatures, he probably won't be able to solve the problem of controllability of multiple Animagus transformations. The method is simple and crude to graft this ability over.

Or, a magic antenna?

The flow and changes of magic power will radiate magic signals, which can be received by magic antennas such as wands. If an ultra-high-resolution ultra-short wave receiving array is built, it may be possible to receive high-frequency signals just like visual cells receive light signals. Magic signal.

Then using different gems to distinguish the nature of magic, it is equivalent to having 6 colors of magic, which can theoretically produce very good images.

It's just that... in order to achieve a resolution similar to that of the human eye, the size of those magic antennas used as magic visual cells needs to be reduced to the micron level. Such a small scale may require the use of chip processing technology.

However, now the wand design needs to wait for the calculation results anyway, so let’s study it first.

It coincides with the topic of "How to use fusion potion to guide the core of the wand to generate a specific form."

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