Chapter 335 Master’s Grace

After Park Do-ryeong disappeared, the Four Heavenly Kings stared at the front with a nervous expression. It was the only hallway that could lead to the doctor’s room.

Screams continued to be heard from across the hallway. It was the sound of the allies sent to protect the teacher inside the facility being slaughtered.

Of course, most of them didn’t even know there was a teacher at this facility.

The screams gradually subsided sporadically after about ten minutes, and then gradually became quieter.

“Fahd, Oscar. Focus.”

Isabella muttered like a whisper.

The red light coming from the emergency power generation was terrifying. But even more terrifying was that the screams were no longer heard.

In the silence where even the sound of sweat dripping onto the floor could be heard, a sound broke the silence.

take it

The Four Heavenly Kings were startled by the unexpected sound. Under the red light, a mouse with purple eyes was running around and running around.

“Do mosquitoes and mice still exist in ‘The Best Future’?”

Fahad, who was trying so hard to joke, froze as he tried to raise the corners of her lips.

The red hallway suddenly turned purple.

The Four Heavenly Kings screamed involuntarily at the sight of the giant rats roaring violently and running towards them.

One of the Four Heavenly Kings was instantly engulfed in a swarm of mice. Each one was the size of a child’s torso.

“Where’s the rat!”

Flames erupted from Fahad’s whole body, which was covered in rats. His body was full of traces of being bitten by a swarm of mice, but the swarm of mice became a fireball in an instant.

Fahad grinned at the unusually good ride, but that smile didn’t last long.

The reason the rats rode well was because they were soaked in tar.

And tar is a highly flammable substance.

The fire spread to the mice that covered the hallway, and instead of the mice, a sea of ​​fire covered the entire hallway.

Kwak Kwak.

Isabella and Oscar were thrown away by the explosion that shook the entire facility. Isabella gasped for her breath and looked over her condition.

It looked like a few bones had been broken in the burns all over the body. Even Oscar, who was speechless and silent, was shedding a moan.

But they were on the better side.

Fahad, who used his fire ability while surrounded by rats in the front, had only a few fragments scattered so that only traces of them were recognizable.


The hallway was blazing brightly with a sea of ​​fire. Still, the nightmare swarm was no longer in sight.

But Isabella felt that something even worse was coming to her.

Thump, thump.

It was a giant werewolf that emerged through the flames.

Even those who had dealt with werewolves countless times up to this point could recognize at a glance that it was unusual.


At the same time as a roar resounded, the flames that covered the hallway fluttered in unison like flags in this direction.

Oscar, who was at the forefront, managed to follow the werewolf form.

Unfortunately, the werewolf’s claws had already broken his neck before his fist could even leave his waist.

Isabella, who was left alone in an instant, stared blankly at Oscar, who had her neck broken in front of her and dangling like a doll.

They thought Kang Hyunmoo would be overwhelming, but they didn’t even see Kang Hyunmoo’s face.Did Kang Hyunmoo come in the first place?

Is Kang Hyunmoo the one we are dealing with now?

Instantly, I felt a tingling sensation under my chin. The tip of his scythe, which blew out a chill that cuts through his flesh, digs into his throat and holds it.

The moment Isabella felt her death, for the first time, someone’s voice was heard.

It was a voice I had been waiting for, but at the same time, I did not want to hear.

“Wait, Kirson. Keep one alive.”

sch. Someone appeared in the darkness that I had never felt popular at all.

It was Kang Hyunmoo in a hoodie and jeans.

He didn’t seem to take a hand out of his pocket even once he broke into the stronghold of his allies. Even his feet were coming shuffling three-wire slippers.

“I’m just asking for confirmation, is it true that the teacher is here?”

At that, Isabella chuckled.

“Teacher will be resurrected with your blood. Kang Hyunmoo. I really miss your expression at that time.”

“My blood?”

“Yeah. Now Park Do-ryung is administering all your blood to the teacher. If the teacher regains consciousness and turns back time, you will never be able to approach the teacher. The teacher can defeat you just lying in the hospital room. .”

“That way. Then I’ll do my best to run. You’ll have to learn how to be careful with the mouth.”

Isabella was about to say something about her. But Hyunmoo took her eyes off her because her worth had already run out.

As Kirson’s hand moved, the Four Heavenly Kings, whose head and body were separated, fell to the floor.

“By the way, my blood. Hmm. Does that really help?”

Hyunmoo moved his steps slowly without showing any signs of rush for saying he was running.


“I need to contact Kang Hyunmoo right now!”

“Calm down. Red Butterfly.”

Yu-min got up from her seat and calmly soothed the red butterfly. But the Red Butterfly couldn’t calm down.

The fact that Kang Hyunmoo had already invaded the teacher’s secret hideout was much faster than expected.

I thought he would at least have time to convince him, but he’d move fast enough to cross paths.

‘Who is it? Who told you?’

The location of the secret hideout was completely hidden.

The low-level managers were so strict in security that the location and the site were obscured by a person with the ability to handle memories. Few knew the location of the secret hideout among the highest ranks.

‘Albert Cromford? The former president’s son turned around, right?’

But it can’t be. Regardless of whether Albert has really turned around, he doesn’t know the location of his secret hideout.

No, he can’t even jump to that conclusion.

Albert, who has easy access to other branch and base locations, might be able to locate the secret hideout quickly.

“Mr. Yoomin, please stop Kang Hyunmoo. The alliance wants peace.”

As the naked butterfly hurriedly approached Yu-min, Song Yeo-woon grabbed her arm and grabbed Yu-min’s arm.

Song Yeo-Woon immediately twisted her enemy Butterfly’s arm and knocked her down on the floor. The enemy butterfly cried out desperately even when she was down.

“I have something to deliver to Kang Hyunmoo. This is a token of friendship sent by the alliance. Mr. Yumin. The teacher is already like a dead body. Please…”

“Song Yeo-Woon, let me go.”

Song Yeo-Woon meekly let Yu-Min do what she said.

Red Butterfly handed out the gift package she had prepared in haste to Yu-min. But it was Song Yeo-Woon who accepted it.

“Can I open it for you? Chief?”

“Do that.”

Red Butterfly also nodded.

It didn’t matter who opened it. I didn’t even think that I would be able to kill Kang Hyunmoo with a terrorist attack, and the most important thing is the teacher’s safety.

Song Yeo-Woon began to carefully unpack her gift. The enemy butterfly was upset because she was in a hurry, but she had no choice but to watch.

Moments later, she opened the gift box, and the look on Song Yeo-Woon’s expression showed embarrassment.


Yu-min also approached and looked into the gift box. Her expression became similar to that of Song Yeo-Woon.

She looked at the gift and the red butterfly, with a look of bewilderment, neither joy nor anger.

The enemy butterfly saw that look and felt that something was going wrong.

“Honestly, the enemy butterfly, I don’t know what we’re talking about,” she said.


“Can you come and explain to me what this means?”

Naked Butterfly dragged her trembling legs and approached Yumin’s desk. And in the thick wrapping paper, I caught the true nature of the gift that Park Do-ryung had told me to keep secret from anyone and deliver it to Kang Hyunmoo.

The red butterfly’s jaw opened slowly.

Soon, her screaming scream erupted from her.

Inside the gift box was Kang Hyunmoo’s blood pack.

No one else present understood what the gift was, but she could understand what it meant as much as the enemy butterfly.

Park Do-ryeong gifted Kang Hyunmoo with his teacher’s life.


Someone appeared in front of Hyunmoo facing a huge glass wall.

A geek who wears an improved hanbok in a mask he can’t get acquainted with.

And now it was Park Do-ryeong, the de facto leader of the alliance.

As soon as Hyunmoo saw Doryung Park, he wanted to start slamming him one by one, but he didn’t.

Because he knew it meant nothing.

“The body ran away.”

“Because there is no need to risk your life to remain?”

In front of Hyunmoo’s eyes was Park Do-ryung’s alter ego.

It seemed that Park Do-ryung’s skill in handling her alter ego was much improved than in her past.

Hyunmoo passed Park Do-ryung’s clone, approached the glass wall, and touched her hand. Behind the glass wall, I saw a teacher who looked like a corpse.

“When you first told me where the teacher was, I thought it must be a trap.”

“But you’re welcome.”

“I came here because I thought it was a trap. I can tell you that no matter how thoroughly you prepare or how long you are preparing for a long battle, it is useless.”

Hyunmoo looked at Park Do-ryeong calmly.

Even as Park Do-ryung was looking at Hyunmoo through her alter ego, she felt her goosebumps lightly. Hyunmoo was still standing in the line of battle with the teacher.

Three years ago, in a Leviathan mission, Kang Hyunmoo died and the teacher survived, thinking that Kang Hyunmoo had been defeated.

But the reality was different. Kang Hyunmoo survived and still continued the fight at that time and came here to see his teacher fight.

He went to give him defeat.

Doryung Park swallowed her saliva and told Hyunmoo.

“I did my best. Manipulate information, contaminate drugs, and take you from the hands of your helpers so that the alliance doesn’t really resurrect you.”

“Thank you. But why? Is the alliance’s assets so sweet?”Park Do-ryung said with a smirk.

“It’s a pity that I look like someone who will be swayed by such things. I admit it was sweet. I’ve never had this much fortune. But, why do you think Lee Ji-tae hates me?”

“You said you were trying to kill the president?”

“It was because it was the best goal I could do.”

Park Do-ryeong turned her head and looked down at her teacher.

“I hate all ruling powers in the world. I’ve always believed that there must be a secret organization that rules the world. Whether it’s Freemasonry, Illuminati, or International Jewish Capital. go?”

“I’m not going. I’m not interested. Can you get out of the way?”

“To be honest, it felt like I was in an amusement park. It felt like the truth of the conspiracy that was only in my head was revealed. And being a teacher who manipulates the truth by turning back time. It’s amazing. It felt like my blood as an anarchist was boiling.”

Unfortunately, Park Do-ryung continued her speech.

Whether Hyunmoo was interested or not, it was okay to be angry.

It’s an alter ego anyway, so what do you do when you get angry?

It was a story that neither Park Do-ryeong nor she had been able to tell for a long time.

No, I once told a similar story to Lee Ji-tae. Thanks to her, of course, she was treated like a madman by Lee Ji-tae and the clan was split.

“And over the past three years, I’ve been playing the best game a conspiracy theorist can play in a secret organization that dominates the world. Well, if I could, I’ve wanted to do it for the rest of my life, but I’ve done enough to satisfy me. I’m too old to retire.”

“The best board?”

“Reducing the gap between the rich and the poor, which was promoted for the smooth exploitation of the ruling class, planting trees in a desert where resource efficiency was neglected as a problem, and inducing conflict for resource monopoly and frequent killing of civilians in areas of peace. It’s made of, or something like that.”

“…it certainly doesn’t look like fun.”

“It’s really not fun.”

After saying that, Park Do-ryung was silent for a moment.


Park Do-ryung quietly stared at Hyunmoo.

His eyes were filled with complex emotions.

It felt strange to Hyunmoo that he could put so many emotions in his alter ego and control it.

” Kang Hyunmoo, over the past three years, I’ve been able to plunge the world into anarchy as much as I want. But, well, I’m not willing to do it. That’s when I found out. What I hate is government power, but what I like is the destruction of government power. more.”

“Um… congratulations on getting to know your taste?”

“Thank you. Anyway, I’ve done enough of what I wanted to do, and I’ve turned over the teacher, so I’m leaving now. Probably, we’ll never see each other again. But if the day comes when we meet again…”

Park Do-ryung quietly clasped her hands and smiled.

“Perhaps the day you will become the absolute power in this world.”

After leaving these words, Park Do-ryeong stabbed himself in the head of the clone.

For a moment, I wondered if the form of the alter ego would be disturbed, and then disappeared like a mist.

Hyunmoo looked down at the place where Park Do-ryung had disappeared.

I don’t know if he was telling the truth, joking, or really crazy.

Hyunmoo turned his gaze to the glass wall again.

He took a deep breath and placed his hand against the glass wall.

With a brief impact sound, the entire glass wall suddenly turned white.

The glass wall, which had been filled with white cracks, quickly collapsed like a sand castle.

Amid the resounding roar, Hyunmoo stepped onto a piece of glass and stepped into his hospital room.

“A teacher’s grace is like heaven.”

As the hum continued to hum, the distance between the two gradually decreased.

“The more I look up, the higher it gets.”

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